Serbia is doing it's part, supporting Trump. What's your country doing to better the world?

Serbia is doing it's part, supporting Trump. What's your country doing to better the world?

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Bumping with questions on how other Euro countries actually view The Don?



Word on the street is it was the criminal Hillary that goaded Billyboy into bombing Sebia. She was calling the shots as first lady while Slick Willie got him willie slick.

Why do you give a shit about Trump? You can't even vote in American elections.

Everyone over here says he's crazy and will destroy the world. At least the people I've spoken to.


why do they look like turks?

I'm assuming The Clinton's and their foundation have wronged Serbia in some way?

Half of them look like beaners

Cause he'll be the president of a superpower who has the potential of breaking ties with allies and causing mayhem for the world. Hillary could do the same. Both are evil.

They bombed them to hell in '99. About 20 billion $ of damage.

America could do with a hard reset of its diplomatic ties

Because they're super white ubermensch aryans with no turkish admixture what so ever, you racist.

Half of them look like gypsies.

Remember when Joe Biden stumped for Hillary this week and said he had to go to Europe to calm them down about Trump?

Omg hes insane how can people vote for him, I hope he doesn't get elected

Bill Clinton be a good boy who dindu nothing wrong, so Hillary should be good too.

Our media is soooo biased it's funny. They dig up and highlight all Trumps flaws and mistakes, cut quotes to make him look bad and journalists are saying he's a fascists and blablabla (you know the usual deal).
My countrymen don't really know his positions because of the media's disinformation, so most people think he's a nutjob who wants to start WW3. He did get some praise for his comments on muslims though..

You noticed that too?
Never read anything decent on any MSM about him.

Also checked.

Shout out to Enrique on the right.

>Why do you give a shit about Trump?
This was done to trigger Biden, who supported bombing us in 1999.
On the other hand Trump said this:
That's why they're supporting him. It has nothing to do with them being able to vote or not, they want to inspire Serbs in America to vote for Trump.

top KEK

This right here. Also, Seselj is notoriously Islamophobic and an Anti-Globalist.

Ofcourse man. If you just follow Trumps FB posts you can already see that they are deliberately spewing disinformation

Bjorn Soenens is a fucking faggot

>notoriously Islamophobic
Hmm, I don't actually think this is true. I think he tolerates Muslims because they're social conservatives like him but he hates terrorists (for obvious reasons). He had a friendship with Saddam Husein, actually.

Thank you based Serbs. Just know that there is no exit strategy with Trump support and that Serbian cities have a tendency to explode when a Clinton is president

I've seen quite a bit of people defending him on social media. When they tried to slader Melania for that speech everyone was upset and told them to make real news and that she's alright.
But not much news on him lately

Why do you even care, aren't you supposed to suck up to Russia? The US is donating military equipment to us, not you. I doubt the Don would change that policy.

I'm an American Citizen living in Serbia, I just thought it was interesting to see Seselj or anyone else giving a shit about American politics here.

>He will destroy old centers of power in the United States and he is a supporter of Russia.

He describes Trump as a Russian spy.

Eh, Seselj thinks the Don would change American policy towards Serbia and he's probably supporting his announcements that the US will stop shouldering the load in NATO. From the Serbian perspective, the US has never been their friend, even though they can thank the US that Serbs remained in northern Bosnia.

Well, The Don did condemn the bombing of Belgrade and Novi Sad.
Also, I'm pretty sure a majority of countries on the planet have never seen the US as an Ally.
Then again, who gives a fuck about the Balkans, we're irrelevant in the world till it's time to remove kebab again.

Over here he has 10 times more coverage than Hillary (which isn't much to begin with), and most of it is negative. People I talk with don't seem able to tell "immigrants" from "illegal immigrants" either, but most are open to listen to the difference because BLM/feminist-like movements are still very weak and don't have a much influence over people's opinions (yet). In an unrelated not we are seeing a media rise on microagressions as such for the first time since I remember.

I've got MAGA hat from friend that got back from muuurricca. And here media spews what western media feeds them besides some fringe channels.