Why do STEMfags get triggered so hard by humanities, specially philosophy?

Why do STEMfags get triggered so hard by humanities, specially philosophy?

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As much as Sup Forums likes to meme about STEM, STEM is all calculations and shit and that can be done by computers. STEM majors are increasingly becoming obsolete. On the other hand, you can't exactly automate the jobs of a sociologist, rights activist, or artist. The incredible irony here is the STEM autists are the ones jobless and raging on Sup Forums. While humanities majors are easily employable inna wide range of fields due to their well rounded nature.

Because we know deep down that their fields are a lot harder than ours. We just use calculator/some computer program to solve our exercises, or just copy the answers from a friend. Humanists have to actually be innovative to complete their homework.

t. STEM guy

In what world do you live in cuckanadian?

Because STEM is a meme. Its not any more likely to get you a job than a theater degree. Because degrees themselves are worthless, actual skills are what people want.

wow 5 posts until a real country

decent bait

Well, take women's studies for example. Women’s Studies graduates have many career path opportunities to choose from. The following list is only a sample of possible career opportunities.

>Child Life Specialist
>Community Worker
>Border Service Agent
>Community Health Promoter
>Religious Worker
>Social Worker
>Human Resources Diversity Specialist
>Support Worker
>Volunteer Coordinator
>Family Support Worker
>Settlement & Youth Worker
>Corporate Communications Coordinator
>Community Service Agency Director
>Executive Director of a Non-Profit Organization
>Child and Youth Worker
>Market Researcher
>Event Planner
>Advertising Account Executive
>School Counsellor
>Special Education Teacher
>Union Organizer
>Project Manager
>Policy Analyst
>Foreign Service Officer
>Public Relations Specialist
>Legislative Aide
>Educational Administrator
>Elementary School Teacher
>ESL Teacher
>High School Teacher

Who employs women and gender studies graduates?

>Government and Community Organizations
>Universities and Colleges
>Non-profit agencies
>Religious Organizations
>Mental Health Facilities
>Community Centres
>Behavioral Health Clinics
>Residential Care Facilities
>Corporate Human Resources Offices

Skills developed by women & gender studies majors:

Communication skills:

>Ability to formulate and defend positions
>Ability to write detailed research papers and summarize concepts and ideas
>Use vocabulary to suit a wide variety of audiences
>Read and understand both primary and secondary sources
>Explain concepts and strategies well enough in research papers to influence and persuade the reader

Research skills:

>Evaluate ideas and research
>Gather information and data
>Literature reviews using libraries and internet
>Interpret research and data

Critical thinking/problem solving:

>Critical thinking skills
>Ability to analyze and synthesize
>Ability to recognize assumptions and make inferences
>Ability to create research designs

Interpersonal skills:

>Tolerance of different people and their views
>Ability to understand difference and discover the intersections between racism, homophobia, sexism, classicism, and other forms of oppression
>Knowledge about power relationships and injustice
>Ability to accept intellectual and personal challenges, take a stand and support it with evidence
>Ability to assess needs

Writing/editing skills:

>Reading and thinking critically; using unfamiliar materials and generating new ideas
>Reading and analyzing a text
>Perform a close reading of the text and provide an analysis of the passage
>Able to argue or defend a position
>Correct usage of grammar
>Able to write clearly

source: utm.utoronto.ca/careers/careers-by-major-women-gender-studies

>rights activist

An effort was made

t. artist

I'm studying the classics, and I want to teach the classics, just like every classicist before me, dating back to the neo-platonist monks who laid the foundations for universities in the first place. Keeping it medieval.

Tradesmen pls leave.

When will Americans learn to count/speak?

Every last one of those is a low-paying job, thereby continuing the "wage gap" they always complain about.

A self-fulfilling prophesy. Like pottery.

when they major in stem

You do know that "PhD" stands for Doctorate in Philosophy no matter who does it even STEM.

They're autistic. Their degree is the only thing that gives them some sense of self worth.

>Skills developed by women
>Ability to formulate and defend positions
Holy shit you are a God.

2 posts for this. obscured by shilling, lost in the thread. Fucking incredible. 10/10. I honestly believe Australia cannot compete, but I suspect you're a proxy.

Genius, anyway.

STEM is a bad meme that autists fell for and they don't like to be reminded of that.

Also any philosopher with a philosophy major is a fucking joke. by default. I think it's inherent truth. If you seek a humanities degree, you are not a philosopher.

They're just having an episode because things outside their narrow field of knowledge are scary.

>STEM is all calculations and shit and that can be done by computers
deep down you guys know hes right.

lets be honest user only a autist could ever succeed at stem.

Because philosophy has no meaningful value. Universe does not know what philosophy is. That's just how people labeled their futile and stupid attempts to understand the universe. And they call the results of those attempts a science. It's as if a turnip pondered over the causes and consequences of their existence. And decided to call the result the age-long dispute between tuber, leaves and rain.
Actual science creates actual, substantial values.

>Underwater Feminist Dance Theory which has no practical applications.

Humanities has turned to shit because of leftists, get rid of that cancer before yelling about how humanities are shat upon, they are for good reason OP.

Philosophy died with Hume.

Because you keep trying to enslave us and force us to pay for your shitty life decisions.

>not working in STEM and having humanities as a hobby
fucking plebeians


Someone has to make the calculators

Have you guys figured out how to count yourselves yet?

may you die screaming in a fire for repeatedly posting the same damn thread

Do you 20th century much?

Because my philosophy class was taught by a SJW dyke cunt that wanted everyone to have the same thought process as her. It was infuriating.

>Useless parasitic Real Estate """""jobs"""""

I studied chemical physics and philosophy. Bow down to me plebs

Google AI artists. The human brain likes certain things and those things can be "learned" by an adapting AI.

I have a humanities degree and get triggered by STEMfags, engineers and comp sci majors especially. They have it much easier in terms of getting steady jobs that allow them to save up enough money to move into self employment.

Thats a cute list and all, but simply compare the employment rate of a gender studies grad to stem and you will see that youre retarded

How do I filter Canada?

This. I am a philosophy graduate and it's a USELESS DEGREE - NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER DO IT

I wish to God I had kept doing STEM (which I was really fucking good at, and which I thoroughly enjoyed)

Do you want to know the greatest irony? I dropped STEM because I felt GUILTY - I felt some sort of moral compulsion to study philosophy and history and english, I wanted to know HOW TO BE A MORAL - translation: I FELT GUILTY FOR DOING MALE SUBJECTS AND FELT GYNOCENTRIC PRESSURE FROM MY MOTHER (AND SOCIETY) TO BECOME MORE FEMALE. Also apart from that, I also felt like doing sciences made me a "nerd" and I wouldn't be able to get women. Literally, my decision to change to humanities was PURELY about getting girls to like me. Which sounds like a masculine thing in a way, but then I realise, I wasn't proud of doing masculine subjects... I felt compelled to do feminine subjects for women to like me.

Christ I just want to fucking kill myself.

Anyway yeah, when I was a kid I always dreamed of doing Physics or Medicine at uni and I really wish I had done one of them. But in recent years I've also thought Mech. Eng. (or any Eng.) would have been awesome too.

Jesus christ, the west sure is fucked up.

>Why do STEMfags get triggered so hard by humanities, specially philosophy?
Does anyone sincerely do this? I have never seen this argument taken seriously by anyone. You'll never hear an experienced philosopher or engineer diss the other profession, because both recognize that both make use of and are necessary to preserve a large body of specialized knowledge that spans hundreds of generations.

True, engineers, physicists, and mathematicians might memorize formulas and methods, but these things are merely tools; just as a talented philosopher will make use of previous ideas, a talented engineer will make use of these formulas to find a solution to a problem.

Humans remain employable not because of their ability to perform calculations, but for our innate ability to observe a situation both large and small, identify the patterns, and apply linked webs of categorized learned information to perform a specific task. This is why computers have not taken over entirely, because so long as they can't look at a picture and tell the difference between a cat and a potted plant, all they'll be is glorified calculators.

>you can't exactly automate the jobs of a sociologist, rights activist, or artist.
A sophisticated computer can observe trends in a population, a twitterbot can reach more people than a protestor, and there are programs that can recreate art with an inhuman level of technical skill. What a computer can't do (yet) is reflect on the universe like a philosopher or invent a unique solution to a technical problem like an engineer can.

Prove me wrong. I dare you to invent a program that can design a bridge that is structurally stable, easy to maintain, considerate of the bitch architect's "vision", while also leaving room for further expansion in case the local housing market suddenly booms and they need additional lanes, all while not exceeding the allotted budget.

I know.

I was so fucking good at STEM. At GCSE (16 yo) I did triple sciences (most people only did double), and I got A*, A*, A (biology), and A* in maths

Thus I was going to do Physics, Chem., Bio. and Maths for A Level. But then I had an identity crisis and thought science made me a nerd. So I changed to English, History, Philosophy, and Music AS (half an A level)

I wasn't thinking about jobs, I just wanted people to fucking like me. I thought if I did humanities then people would think I'm a "good" person and they'd like me.

Also, those A level classes were all MAJORITY female. My English class was ALL FEMALE apart from me and my friend - the only two blokes with 13 or so girls.

I so fucking wish I had done those sciences.

I think they get triggered because you have to work hard and be intelligent to get a STEM degree and you just have to be present to get a humanities degree. Then once you have either degree you can claim to be college educated, and will probably both struggle to find a decent job.

I can count to "FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL" ya fakin shitcunt.

crikey well good luck with that census

computers are only as smart as we make them
we have to tell them an a is an a and a b is a b.
and besides, someone's going to need to work on quantum computers and making new games for the millennials to waste their life on

Fuck off shill

Perhaps that is true for S,T, and M, but in engineering ,unless your doing basic courses, a degree of ingenuity is actually required, whereas in the humanities you can get by simply parroting your professors.

you can start calling people fags when you control the falklands

I'm going to have to call bullshit on this. Perhaps this is true for S,T, and M, but Engineering only has calculations as a base, to be a decent engineer a degree of creativity is required.

Should also note, compare the starting salary as well, most gender studies majors will work minimum wage jobs.

Part of it is because STEM fields are chronically boring, leading to unappiness and a sense of being unfulfilled.

>gender studies
>critical thinking skills
You had me for a second but this was just too obvious.
8/10 made me rage a little

They used to be exciting until they were feminised.

Don't respond to the Canadian liberal trolls, I see them literally every day (or maybe it's just one guy). Don't encourage them (or him).

4th year chemical engineering fag here. I could let give less of a fuck about anyone not in STEM. The first time I thought about any philosophy fags was when I saw this post and remembered they existed. If you're the top 2% of the people in humanity degrees good for you, as you'll get to be a professor, other than that your job prospects suck.

The universe doesn't know what math is either. It's just a tool to describe what we otherwise couldn't imagine. Just like for example psychology is a tool to describe human behaviour.

>get triggered so hard by humanities, specially philosophy?
Because STEM think they're the try-hard college degree, while humanities are less about making a country run and more about making a culture prosper.

The real reason is STEM majors think art and culture are things that don't require effort or study.

We hate to see you throw away all that tuition money to work at Starbucks :^)

>Because STEM think they're the try-hard college degree
STEM is harder if that's what you mean

>while humanities are less about making a country run and more about making a culture prosper.
No, humanities care about criticising instead of creating

>The real reason is STEM majors think art and culture are things that don't require effort or study.
Yes I guess, or they just think that the fruits of that study are pointless, which they are.