
Is India the only country that is more hated by reddit than Sup Forums?

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I will fuck your mom you bich basterd


Taro ba bich besterd

Shutup Denmark. No one gives a fuck about you.

बहन कमीने

Why hating India? Great country, great culture, great accomplishments, shitty food.
I like India and I like to make fun of Indians.
I only hate the indians who emigrate in EU, they need to be shoot.

Apparently reddit can't handle Indian bantz.

I hate India because the people have the potential and intellect of the Chinese, but the discipline of Africans

>Great country, great culture, great accomplishments
Italy has great accomplishments
Italy has great culture
India can't even poo in loo and they live in their own trash

>shut up denmark, nobody cares about you

The only mark indians see as unnoteworthy are skidmarks

I went to India this summer and it's not as bad as I expected it to be although I will admit I had my standards severely low due to Sup Forums memes. Arriving in Mumbai everything seemed so advanced until you get out of the Airport. The cities are so dense that you almost HAVE to get a native Indian to drive for you everytime. And I'm thankful that many of the people that do not live in the streets actually do wear deodorant.

One very interesting thing is the difference in toilets. In India they have 2 kinds, a western toilet and an Indian toilet (pic). At first I thought it was hilarious that they still had to squat down like that to take a shit, but I ended up doing it multiple times in order to avoid the germs of a foreign country.

Rarely seen actual hate from /pol or plebbit.

Should visit Leh-Ladakh, Goa, Kerala, Delhi-Gurgaon and Udaipur. These are few good places.

>it's Denmark fantasizing about getting into Den full of Pajeet thread.

Nobody hate Indian more than themselves, no matter how much plebbit and Sup Forums tries.

>b..but much super in 2030 vid.
It's self deprecating humor. Only commonwealth nation have it.

that's not an indian toilet. a lot of countries have those.

I like India, the guys seem kinda creepy though. Who really gives a fuck what nu males on Reddit think

India, have you ever thought that maybe everyone's always giving you shit because they want you to feel at home on the internet?

And none of those countries are India.

thats very generous of them, but thats like going up to willy wonka and giving him a box of chocolates

>That feel when the Sorting Hat puts you in Out House.

My robes are pay-par because deh eez no spell to remove liquid poo from cloth robes. My robes are disposable. Thank you very much, please come again.

don't talk just do it...
poo in loo

Green Turkey is right.

Just Poo It

not so bad. I'm an American, been living in India for a year. Sometimes I get super frustrated with the way things are, but it's a developing nation, and it's developing quickly.

I've travelled around a bit, and here's how I sum up India:

They went straight from the 19th century into the 21st, and skipped the 20th century.

So everything is a big mess, but it's getting organized - and there are some beautiful spots.

However there are things that piss me off:
>the trash. my god the fucking trash everywhere.
>absurd amount of corruption.
>suppressed sexuality which leads to really immature behavior of adults.
>people are nosey as fuck
>people try to scam me daily because I am white.
>the traffic is so fucking dangerous. They drive like a heard of wildebeasts.
>public urination - all over
>open sewage - fucking disgusting
>way too many fucking muslims. Hindu's are alright.
>almost every white person I meet is a liberal hippy fuckface
>NO forethought. They don't think ahead when they are building or creating anything. They half ass so much shit
>many are lazy as fuck.
>every time I have a problem with, say, the internet and I call to get it fixed, I have to threaten to cancel the service, or contract, or whatever, in order to get them to actually fix it
>did I mention they constantly try and scam white people? Well it's a fucking regular thing


what beef does reddit have with india?

how was the smell?
details, if you please.

you forgot the USA lad

India is a shithole, that said at least Indian people are more polite than any mudslime and over here theyre probably the last ones to force their culture down your throat unlike any other group that isnt east asian

Bitch last time I heard about forcing culture it was you stupid Europoors who were too poor came to loot India, installing Christianity in already fucked up Hindu-Muslim, Hindu caste divide.

Yea well it's not like you were strong enough to stop them so.....

Funny thing is there is no India.
Britfags basically saw some brown people and said y'all are one country.
It's like if someone made Europe into one country cause y'all white.
India has like 20+ regional languages.


We were not one kingdom.

>it's a developing nation, and it's developing quickly
Superpower by 2017?

Cant believe people are not getting the reference

Sure, if you send your funds to us instead of Israel, who are basically your masters.

Oy vey

20+ fellow Pajeet? There are a lot more than that. Only that many are recognized officially

India is okay.

Could need some social reforms, good military to fuck up the Chinese, and if it allows medical experimentation on its population to advance medicine it could be pretty based country.

Also lots of street cleaners

it's estimated they'll become a superpower by 2030 thanks to their space programs
they will finally get rid of all the shit on their streets and send it to space
>intergalactic designated shitting planets

>allows medical experimentation on its population to advance medicine

We need Indian Hitler

>At first I thought it was hilarious that they still had to squat down like that to take a shit, but I ended up doing it multiple times

I bet those were some of the best poos of your life


If Canada is America's hat are you America's condom

Reddit hates india?

Not hated its a meme

You mom needs an Indian Hitler. Keep your caste shit to yourself bitch.

wtf i thought they were progressive loving people.

And do you actually think a Hitler like person is going to get elected in India?
What would he say about low casted people and muslims? Do you still think Indians would vote for him? Also keep in mind upper casted people are a minority in every state in some states as low as 15%.

No Rakesh please be civil on this respected international forum

I am sorry if offended you.
Please don't tell my mommy

> a a lot of third world countries have those.


better than being the unwiped anus of the world

>I will fuck your mom you bich basterd
My mom may well be too fat for a little hindu pecker to reach past the flap


I hate India about as much as I hate blow jobs. Which is not at all.

Why India is awesome

1. Entertaining
2. Accidental shit (kek) posting
3. Makes us forget that Pakistan exists (sometmes)
4. Drive me home when I am drunk
5. Not Chinese
6. Despite their protest saying otherwise, they are literally not a threat to anyone. Including themselves. (but apparently not teenage girls on buses)


> india

kek, doubt that was imntentional but I laughed.


It was a pretty crappy reference, fàm. It was a shit joke to begin with. I hope you feel like poo now.

Daily reminder that if you hate based India you are literally le ddit and need go back


no, only the top 2-3% have potential. Most of those emigrate to the west anyhows.

this thread is getting infested with so many pajeets, it's not even funny anymore!

30% of poo in the loo is mudslime. Let that poo sink into the mud.


>the trash. my god the fucking trash everywhere.
>absurd amount of corruption.
>suppressed sexuality which leads to really immature behavior of adults.
>people are nosey as fuck
>people try to scam me daily because I am white.
>the traffic is so fucking dangerous. They drive like a heard of wildebeasts.
>public urination - all over
>open sewage - fucking disgusting
>way too many fucking muslims. Hindu's are alright.
>almost every white person I meet is a liberal hippy fuckface
>NO forethought. They don't think ahead when they are building or creating anything. They half ass so much shit
>many are lazy as fuck.
>did I mention they constantly try and scam white people? Well it's a fucking regular thing

After hearing your ordeal, can confirm you actually lived in India.

>every time I have a problem with, say, the internet and I call to get it fixed, I have to threaten to cancel the service, or contract, or whatever, in order to get them to actually fix it

Maybe I can help you with the this. Don't know what part of the country you are in but get Airtel broadband if you can. It has the best after service and after you report a problem the technician visits you within 24 hrs guaranteed. You rarely get any problem with their internet connection. Source: Been using the connection from last 14 years.


>Skipped the 20th century
Yeah, because we catapulted you cunts to be ahead of most people. You retards just ended up destroying most of it.


Fun fact: Pajeet is actually a Sikh name. Other such names are Sujeet, Karamjeet, Paramjeet etc.


>tfw cant help but read india posts with and india accent

Fuck those poo slinging monkeys

Fucking faggots got Butthurt cuz "muh salt"

Kyu faltu bol bol ke dhulwata rehta hai. Nahi bola ata to kya jaruti hai


>being so butthurt that your food tastes shit that you invade india because "muh spices should fix it" but then le stick man btfos you and you are forced to import pakis to make your kebabs



Well, you still running with that medieval caste shit? Explain yourself? I wont even bring up any other meme



More like buried after burning down

only because shitting your pants doesnt count as ppoing outside

Bring up what you want sandnigger, i dont have any fuck that i can give

>Why hating India? Great country, great culture, great accomplishments, shitty food.

I agree, they also have the cleanest toilets in the world, there's no need to hate on them.

WTF mang, so low

india isn't that bad, there just an easy target, i mean, the could be pakis or sand niggers sor a start

Nope it Aint hate.
Its just are Sup Forums's pastime

Indians can't handle the bantz. Always uptight and stingy like their asshole after a huge curry glazed poo in the designated shitting street.

Man we have broken India. Completely disillusioned. tfw i feel bad now.

Yeah. Right
While Pakis are habitual of sucking cocks, tjey can handle anything that goes in.

We're just not habitual of getting fucked in the ass

Yeah, no. Being grateful to us that we didn't kill and spread ruin to your pathetic, inferior nation.

>S-superpooper by 2030, g-guys.
Pathetic. Petty. Poor.

I like to joke about India's poo problem but honestly I find them endearing.

english joke:
after every thing i say, you say; so did the paki.
I when to the shop
I bought an icecream
The icecream melted
pakis are the worst

>didnt kill

More like couldn't bitch

fukin saved
This desu

Don't be mad, we are the same people. Except we mastered sanitation since 1947 and you guys can't seem to stop shitting everywhere.

UK = Pakistan 2.0
Kebab is the future

sure... what do you call a paki what lost the race?



>mastered sanitation

By eating it outright?

Porkis are only people who remind me the limits to which someone can bury their head deep into own asses. Ignorance is bliss goatfkr

And no. We aren't same you pathetic inbred allahufuckbar swine

just cuz you shit in your pants doesn't make you any better than them, if anything it makes you worse

based hindu

This would be more menacing if you told him you'll shit all over his mom, just saying. Better yet, next time try to use something like you'll shit up his whole house and family, even any pets they may have.