Will there ever be a western cartoon with the production value and quality of something like inuyasha or cowboy bebop?

Will there ever be a western cartoon with the production value and quality of something like inuyasha or cowboy bebop?

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>production value and quality of something like inuyasha

leave now

Space Dandy

What, its a good show?

That's not what production value means.

Also, Inuyasha is very mediocre.

Thats japanesse senpai

>Production value and quality of sometime like Inuyasha.

You shitting me? Its fucking great. And the animation productions godtier on it. Whats a good anime to you then user?

>And the animation productions godtier on it
Ok OP. I'll give you a chance to explain yourself. How are the production values gotier? In what way does Inuyasha shine in production. Use examples as needed.

Its called Steven Universe. :^)

Ping Pong The Animation, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, FMA:B.

I'm probably forgetting some, I watch very little anime.

We did have cartoons be at that level at one point, they're called Tiny Toons & Animaniacs.

The backgrounds, the scenery, even the lighting is damn near fucking beautiful

>the production value and quality of something like inuyasha

That's art style, not animation.

It's both

Wow, alot of people are shitting on one of the first animes on adult swim.

they're shitting on the production, not on the anime itself.

The fight scenes are really good, and the effects they used are great in it.

You only listed things that are considered production values. You didn't actually say what was good about any of them. How are they good?

>Will there ever be a western cartoon with the production value and quality of something like inuyasha
I think it was called "Brickleberry"

You kids looking for a good anime?

There just good. Like beautiful in there asthetics and such. I mean i guess i shouldve rephrased my original post to include something with a good story, rather then an emphasis on production values.

No, thats Korra.

>There just good.
First off, it's they're.
But mainly, I asked why they are good and your answer is because they are good. You deserve all the people making fun of you. I gave you a chance to hear you out and you blew it.

But korea was fucking shit

The way the look and the quality of said effects you dope. Fuck you asshole!

So was Inuyasha, but who's counting.

OP i loved inuyasha but it had pretty shitty animation
90% of it was still characters with mouth flaps, reused fighting animation and energy swipes clashing

i will say though there was about 5 mins of fucking solid animation where the characters actually moved while talking and followed through when getting hit and it was wasted on the boring part of this fight scene
its a shame, if the whole series moved that much inuyasha might not be shit on as much

You're just rephrasing your claim with synonyms and trying to pass it off as support for your claim.
The production values are of good quality cause it has high quality? Oh Please. Learn what you are talking about.

Fun fact, some of the early episodes and movies were done by TMS (under their Telecom banner/unit), Sunrise fired them because they were too expensive and replaced then with KyoAni.


Yeah well eat dick cuntflap

I bet you're German.

No, and I say that because people forgot Bebop. I cite that image Sup Forums hates as proof. You know the one.

You mean steven we blew all our budget on a guest star for a semi recuring character universe

not in your life bucko

Inuyasha is filler: the anime

not until season 4
first 3 seasons are great, then its literally an entire season of filler while the show waited for more manga to be made
it never quite recovered

>off model tumblr suzy
>production value of inuyasha
Please leave, and never come back.

The Max Fleischer Superman cartoons from like 70 years ago

Will there ever be a mainstream western comic with the insanity and artistic value of JoJo?


>production value... of something like inuyasha

You two guys need to be SHOT


I love Inuyasha, too, but the anime (1) messed up a of the linear character growth in the manga, and (2) the art style in the second half of the series is so annoying.

With that said, there are some genuinely beautifully done parts of Inuyasha, but coincidentally those coincide with Rumiko's art.

pic related, my eternal wife.

Don't let nostalgia for your teen weeaboo years drive you to such rage, aniki!

posting relevant bait image

use a simpsons episode, not the simpsons movie