one year ago today, Dr. Duke absolutely BTFO Alex Jones. Alex most likely still gets triggered over it
Jonestown Massacre anniversary thread
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I love Dr Duke, hes really smart.
>that photo
Kek, says it all. Sad that most of the newfags here would relate more with the guy on the left than the right nowadays.
What do these two even debate about? Aren't they on the same side?
This was like a two hour interview that Alex olny showed a few minute segment of on his channel. All other interviews are shown as whole.
ironically it was Alex who invited Duke on the show and thought he would be able to take him on, only to have his ass handed to him
He was forced by his Israeli handlers to take it off his channel entirely.
they aren't. Go to 1:39:30 and Alex's (producer) starts "shutting it down"
he scrubbed it from his channel because he got owned
yeah, hahahahaha. I think alex jones is okay. The thing is, hes not aware of zionism and that is really bad. but his meltdowns are hilarious
I'd be a racist faggot, too if I looked like (((David))) "Duke".
What an ugly dude.
I like Alex too but my opinion of him changed after this interview. He claims to be the one against censorship and for freedom but he pulls the video from his channel just because he handled the interview terribly. And he also tried to ridicule Duke for his KKK past, like every other douche in the MSM has before
>one year ago today
It felt fake as shit. "Oh, look, he got so btfo by Duke that we had to take the video down!" but it's available everywhere anyway. Fishy. Controlled opposition programs were initiated to counter the rising tide of white nationalism ushered in by Trump's candidacy for PUSA.
>not aware
I think you mean willfully ignorant.
Here come the kikes.
inb4 "he is le democrat plant FBI informer don't listen to anything he says goyim"
Funny how people ridicule duke for his kkk past, because its been 40 years and he regrets it.. And lets be honest, KKK were never that bad
Dr. Duke is more handsome than (((you)))
he invited Duke on the show not knowing what he was getting into. None of Alex's other interviews are like this one. He even got along with Louis "Kill the white man" Farrakhan
Hey, we both watch Alex jones.
KKK aren't the ones waging a literal Kristallnacht right now. That would be BLM
This entire debacle got me listening to Dr. Duke's radio show. Not really a huge fan of Alex Jones outside of him being a walking meme.
He looks fine.
The beard is kinda cool.
And btw, kristallnacht were literally watcha doin rabbi tier.
>one year ago today I was still employed
hope you were buying silver
Who else would know this date in history but D. Duke?
my point is that Black lives matter is burning down buildings and police vehicles, and calling for dead cops. There isn't any reprisal for this. Any "White" oriented group is deemed a hate group by the SPLC, even if they're nonviolent
Duke is a faggot. Go back to stormfront
I was just watching it the other day and noticed that it was posted almost a year ago
Dr. Duke lives in my parish. I'm voting for the wiley son of a bitch.
Alex "Kosher" Jones
bite me, Lorenzo
can he win?
blm is disgusting
>I like Alex too but my opinion of him changed after this interview. He claims to be the one against censorship and for freedom but he pulls the video from his channel just because he handled the interview terribly. And he also tried to ridicule Duke for his KKK past, like every other douche in the MSM has before
To be fair, Alex was taking a big risk even having him on. I like Dr. Duke, but the mere mention of his name in mainstream media ignites the accusations of racism and bigotry. The only thing most people know about him is he is a former KKK leader. If Alex hadn't brought those things up he probably would have been heavily criticized and labeled a racist.
If you actually know anything about the man you realize Duke wants what is best for all people
I think Alex knows what the truth about (((them))) is. I've heard him even use the term 'Jewish Mafia' lately when referring to the (((globalists))).
David Duke is great, he hates niggers and kikes. What more do you need?
He wouldn't have won 5 years ago, but who knows anymore? But it would be funny as fuck if we have Duke representing us in the senate. He's actually a pretty smart guy, and would btfo most dems easily.
Remember that the polling numbers are showing that he could very well win in november, letting us have a literal jew-naming white nationalist in the Senate.
Donate for the DuKKKe campaign here:
They are also trying to get him out of the debates even if he polls as high as he is doing, if he doesn't get enough donations, so it's important.
i really hope alex jones decides to have a meltdown on the kikes one day.
We all hate them deep inside
I respect the guy but I'm definitely not giving him any money lmao
>I've heard him even use the term 'Jewish Mafia' lately
he probably has a better chance of getting assassinated than trump does
its possible. The last presidential pro tempore (3rd in line for president) was a klansman
He doesn't. He loves his own people (White European-Americans).
there a highlight of Jones getting BTFO? Dunno about watching the whole thing
is there's one 2 hour video worth watching, its this. I listened to it during a road trip
Why did Alex even wan't him on his show in first place?
I think a caller requested it. So Alex decided to invite Duke on and he agreed. Big mistake
>the jews did 9/11
With a better haircut, he could easily look like David Bowie.
It was hard watching this. Alex would pause every few minutes and explain to the audience why what duke was saying was bad.
He also slandered him quite a bit
David Icke...
Alex had Duke on. He had to label him as a loon unless he wanted to be labeled a Klansman.
Just a theory.
Duke took it, then tore Alex apart with facts and nothing else. Notice how Alex brought up the "Bush funded the Nazis" meme. Duke says there's no evidence for it then he just drops it
then he should disavow this man or be labeled a black supremacist
Lucky for Jones Duke didn't get into the details of that, yes Prescott Bush worked for Brown Brothers Harriman and Fritz Thyssen and Henry Ford were profiting from the deaths of jews, but so were Rothschild and company
these zionists have no problems murdering jews, they're not elite enough for them
Please, oh please, cite me a reference that refers to BLM burning down building and calling for dead cops. I triple dog dare ya
"herp derp read this breitbart article, shit is legit lul"
Aight checked out the posts. Couldn't watch any videos because I don't have audio atm. Couldn't find anything pointing to BLM calling or violence of any kind. If it was in the videos, they didn't mention it in the articles. What am I missing?
rt and are breitbart now?
also black people pls go
>also black people pls go
you would ask them to stay if they were talking about this
Love this goy