U.S. unemployment benefit claims fall to 262k

The claims have been below 300k for 76 straight weeks, the best string of awesome employment news in a row since 1973.


Ok, folks, let's be honest, there is no way Republicans can win in this environment of a strong economy. Just no way.

Other urls found in this thread:


What about changes in U6 and labor force participation rate? Full vs part time? Job quality?

Is unemployment a lagging indicator? And if so, by how much?

nice try, Ahmed

The problem with measuring unemployment claims is that you can only claim unemployment for a short time. Usually till your slotted money runs out, around 6 months. After that you are on your own and the government has no way of tracking you.

T. Someone who was unemployed for 9 months.

>if you're not claiming unemployment you're employed

Fuck you and fuck Obama.

That's what happens when you cut recipient benefits, kraut. "Go get a jerb or lose your food stampsies", plus part time employment is on the rise in order to reduce medical benefit costs.

This is not the economy in recovery, it's simply restricting access to those not doing something to earn it, plus businesses evolving their models to reduce costs.



>What about changes in U6 and labor force participation rate? Full vs part time? Job quality?

It doesn't matter. The point is that unemployment claims are very low - which means there is little in terms of firing. People don't like to be fired. And if nobody gets fired, people think the economy does well.

It's all about psychology.

>strong economy


>>if you're not claiming unemployment you're employed
>Fuck you and fuck Obama.

That is not the point. The point is that people aren't being fired. The unemployment rate could be 8% or 10%, if you have such unemployment claim numbers, people would be content, as their jobs are not being cut. The voters are those who HAVE employment - they care about continuing to have employment. The number of people who do NOT have employment, are a lot less important in numbers for the vote.

I haven't had a job since 2010.
I don't qualify for unemployment or count as unemployed, because the US Federal government is a fraud perpetuating fraud


a lot of people no longer qualify for social services, thanks Obama

You're not going to get anywhere with these right wing retards. They're all completetely uneducated, useless NEETS who will never be able to get a job no matter how low the unemployment rate gets.

But just to let you know, you used the wrong chart. Your information is correct. JOBLESS CLAIMS are at their lowest since 1973. That is an incredible achievement by President Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Good luck trying to get these complete fucking morons to understand the difference between the unemployment rate and jobless claims.


>it doesnt matter if we loss 100 middle class job as long as we make 120 mcdonalds jobs
yea ok

also the numbers of unemployment claims ALWAYS fluctuates because you can only claim unemployment for a set period of time

one more thing. niggers love to get fired. personally seen 4 work for a few days and get fired intentionally for unemployment


Why doesn't anyone talk about the labor engagement rate? That's the metric that matters. All that the "unemployment" metric shows is who is collecting unemployment.

>PROTIP: Labor participation in the US is currently 62.6 %

What is propaganda?

Do you not realize that the democrats pretty much rely entirely on non working voters for their voter base?

>I haven't had a job since 2010.
Lazy slob. Why don't you just get a job? Why don't you move somewhere were there are a shitton of jobs?

>>it doesnt matter if we loss 100 middle class job as long as we make 120 mcdonalds jobs
McD is cutting jobs - it is sophisticated jobs which are growing.

>the great recession

are you trolling me?

You didn't read the thread.

>Do you not realize that the democrats pretty much rely entirely on non working voters for their voter base?

You don't even believe this shit yourself, do you?

you want 2016?


Time to learn krout

The reason US unemployment has gobe down is becsuse people are no longer eligible to apply for benefits, due to having been unemployed for so long. Just about every president has taken advantage of this system. The numbers go down and they claim a victory, despite more people being unemployed than ever (they're just uncrackable) and what's worse is theyre no longer getting welfarebux. Which is the reason why you may have heard of the homeless epidemic that's been happening during this presidency... b-but look at the chart, unemployment is going down!!!

>go on welfare
>don't qualify for unemployment anymore

First of all I find it hilarious that Sup Forums is complaining that a few Republican red states are cutting your food stamps.

Secondly, wtf does that have to do with jobless claims?

>plus part time employment is on the rise

No it isn't. You right wing retards are complete fucking morons. Have you ever even looked at a fulltime/parttime graph?

Jobs are disappearing each day. Governments just need to make sure they are creating the same everyday, which doesn't happen

Since we see all these threads about how Obama saved the economy and all that, how come labour force participation dropped massively when he entered office?

>inb4 muh economy

But you said the president saved the economy.

Check mate, niggers.

other countries need to shut the fuck up. I can't get a job and can't get unemployment, the number are government propaganda and mean shit.

>>plus part time employment is on the rise
>No it isn't.

Don't confuse them. They actually believe what Trump is saying. They truly think that 40% of Americans are out of work or on part time work.

>freelance, short-term tech jobs are a viable path to a stable future, especially in a world where technology changes faster than people can change their skillset.

Kek, I thought you were smarter than that Germany.

Just stopping in to correct the record,

Those people no longer receiving benefits are called discouraged workers and are not employed or getting unemployment benefits. Unemployment is at an all time high.

Red line is when Obama enters office.

Yeah they're full blown retards that deserve to be obliterated by Hillary.

And yeah they think my 80 year old grandma should be counted as unemployed.

They're just retarded children who have no clue what a labor force is because they've never been in one.

Go fuck yourself leaf, if you think what you say means anything. No one gives a fuck about jobless claims, unemployment is what matters along with most people having to settle for part time jobs now thanks to hussein's obama care.

Oh shit, it's the stupid fucking leaf again.

KEK do you sit on Sup Forums all day waiting for these threads to show up?

educate yourself

>Since we see all these threads about how Obama saved the economy and all that, how come labour force participation dropped massively when he entered office?
Started dropping in 2000... coinciding with predicted demographic patterns... but the 2009 entry into office by Obama changed everything.

And there I thought Vikings are smart.


>strong economy

So basically you're giving obama credit for the tides coming in and the sun rising in the east. Leftists really are this stupid.

If the presidency and congress were replaced with dogs and cats, the economy would have recovered faster. That's how business cycles work. Something happens in the economy that makes it contract, people get laid off, close businesses, etc. When the problem gets sorted out, people go back to building their businesses, hiring people, selling things and growing. The economy would have recovered anyways, but leftists are not mentally capable of considering that economic growth is a natural economic phenomenon and no president can take credit for it.

While it's partly demographics, it's also people who've given up searching for a job, who aren't included.

You'd know this if you weren't a full blown retard.


With this so-called good news about jobless claims going down...it only means that many more have dropped onto the abyss of no benefits and no gainful employment.

The US has well over 96million not participating in the workforce...more than the whole population of Germany.

OP is being an intellectually, dishonest POS.

Actually I've taken a break from your right wing retards lately but I've still been lurking. The election is over already. You retards just dont know it yet. Hillary is basically running up the score at this point.

Burgers have truly no idea. America has the strongest and most sophisticated economy in the world with a highly dynamic and robust labor market.

Go to Greece or Ukraine or fucking France in a while to see what socialism and fucked up politics really does to a country.

Hahaha. unemployment has gone down because of how they measure it. If you stop looking for a job after a year you are no longer 'unemployed' to the government

>Red line is when Obama enters office.
Actually, that is when the Bush recession hit America.

>, it's also people who've given up searching for a job,

You mean discouraged right wing retards who are incompetent?

The U4 rate includes discouraged workers. It's 5.2%.

Now admit you're a fucking retard and gtfo here.

I admire your persistence, actually. I tip my hat.

Frankly I don't care what happens in the US, since my own backyard is on fire.

>fell for the 5% unemployment meme

It's not all burgers. You have to understand that right wingers, conservatives and Trumptards have been conditioned to hate America. They literally hate their own country and root for it to fail. They cannot accept any good news about their country because they hate it so much. They love Russia.

Lol the explanations by the charts actually strengthened the charts points lmfao

please don't bring up, Prez. Obama

He's on vacation right now.

They're too young to know that Bush crashed the economy in the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression.

>discouraged workers
are not fucking working you dumb shit.

Posting lies on the internet for free, day in and day out.

What a sad existence. BRB, going back to programming satellites.

To bad we're still voting Trump and buying as many guns as we can.

All your demoralization and propaganda has no effect.

Your graph doesn't account for all the people denied unemployment, who went to food stamps instead because of a technicality.

When you take that, and the fact that America is receiving more food assistance then ever before.

We can see the unemployment rate and loss of middle class is much more deeper then your fudged cherry picked numbers.

Do you know Victoria Flamel? She's hot. Denmark is a beautiful country tbqh.

recent college grad here. I'm currently "employed" by a bar yet I get ZERO (count 'em) ZERO shifts. I'm just kept on the books in case someone goes on vacation because they know i'm broke and desperate for money.

>I'm a deluded neo-con, the post
Why are krauts always 10 years behind the political curve? Germany has no leg to stand on when talking about economic issues, since you guys use the EU to forcibly corner the market for your exports.

America needs to follow your example and heavily subsidize labor intensive manufacturing sectors.

>German fag telling American he doesn't understand his own economy

The U4 rate includes discouraged workers. It's 5.2%. So what are you bitching about right wing retard.

66m adult americans that are under the age of retirement could join the work force.

Could you learn how to reply properly? Christ you right wing retards give me so much easy ammunition.


Same here, and I was denied unemployment after working at the same place for 6 years, then going to school.

Currently looking for work, and after the elections will finish my bachelors in STEM.

The economy is not good, this Leaf is a liar.

Government created jobs =/= market viability

our economy is doing so great that people are dropping out of the job market and not even trying to look for employment anymore

Because unemployment runs out retard this is bullshit statistics now people just Have no job and zero money

no it doesn't be cause I'm not in it I haven't gone to them to make me a statistic. and hundreds of thousands haven't either.

Yeah. Retirees.


>recent college grad here.
What was your major? Did you graduate from a great university? What internships have you completed during your college years? What do your grades look like?

>I'm currently "employed" by a bar yet I get ZERO (count 'em) ZERO shifts.
Then why do you not look for a real job?

> I'm just kept on the books in case someone goes on vacation because they know i'm broke and desperate for money.
So? Are you trying to get a job? Are you willing to move? Have you looked to get a job elsewhere in the country?

Most young people do not have jobs, because they are inflexible.

this is patently false, though. can you tell me the number of retirees in america vs the amount of children under 18 and the amount of americans between 18 and 65 that are either in the labor force or aren't?


All those McDonald's jobs, what a great time to be alive.

the funny thing is that i am STEM. I'm not some psych major. My GPA is pretty good too. There just simply aren't jobs. Sure, there are job openings, but every interview I go to some 40 year old with 15 years of experience in the oil industry comes walking out of the office right before I go in.

>It's all about psychology.
You're right. A lot of the negative feelings towards "the economy" are actually inspired by other things, such as the political climate and polarization of the people when in reality things aren't too shabby.

So total unemployment in the US is 5.2% including those who have given up searching for a job? Seems a little low, especially when you consider the millions (after a google, apparently tens of millions) of people on """"disability"""", which to me should be included in the chart, but I guess that's what the labour force participation is for anyway.

But that's beside the point , I just wanted to show a picture that showed labour force participation dropping and stir shit.

We all know that POTUS has very little influence on the economy. I frankly don't understand why people seem to think American presidents are responsible for upturns and downturns, and since you seem to think so, I'd like do know why.

No, but I will check her out later. Now I must go to dinner and if the thread isn't 404'd when I get back I'll have a look, also at your response to the above.

>mfw trying to discuss economics on Sup Forums is like trying to talk biology with a creationist

i retired at 22 then


>sorry you lost your job making Boeings for $73,000 a year
>at least you found employment at Barnes and Noble for 30 hours a week at $9.18/hr

There's no such thing as 22 year old baby boomers. You're fucking retarded.

Shills btfo

>What was your major? Did you graduate from a great university? What internships have you completed during your college years? What do your grades look

Chemical Engineering. A decent 4 year university. Not Ivy League. Two internships giving me a wide range of skills during school. 3.3 GPA.

>Then why do you not look for a real job?

Because there are no jobs. See my other post So? Are you trying to get a job? Are you willing to move? Have you looked to get a job elsewhere in the country?

yes, yes, and yes. I've driven 7 hours for a job interview before. one time I drove 4 hours only to find out it was cancelled during my drive. Guess what? I went back for the next interview even after getting fucked over. That's how desperate I am.

I know your next post is going to be about how I should have worked hard in high school so I could have went to an Ivy League School, but that completely undermines your point. If only the elite can get jobs than how is the economy in any way shape or form GOOD?

>66m adult americans that are under the age of retirement could join the work force.

There are 250 million non-instituionalized civilians aged 16+. There are 50 million aged 65+. So you got 200 million people non-instituionalized civilians aged 16 to 65 right now and you got 160 million people in the labor force and 151 million who are employed.

That looks to me to be a maximum of 40 million people who could actually be in the labor force and are not in retirement age... but there are students, mothers with small kids, disabled etc. out there who do not work. But nowhere do I see 66m people who could join the labor force.

Jokes on you minimum wage here is 9.60!

It's patently false that 10,000 baby boomers are retiring everyday? Or it's patently false that when baby boomers retire THEY LEAVE THE LABOR FORCE.

I'm trying to understand exactly how retarded are you.

>didn't post a single time in the thread before this post
>unwarranted sense of arrogance


oh, canada.

>Chemical Engineering.
Apply for a job in Germany then. We got a shortfall of 800k people with skills, mostly in engineering, including chemical engineering. Not even kidding.

You're wasting your time. These retards don't even know what a labor force is.

I can't live without my guns, or I would. I have a feeling Killary is going to sink this ship, but nonetheless I'm going to see it through to the end and not cut and run. I love this country too much to leave.

is it true that if you're unemployed for less than a year, you're not actually considered unemployed, at least unemployment-figure wise?

Shut up you fucking faggot marxist bitch. Enjoy watching your lgbtq female nigger trans loving decadent multicultural society fall apart. Watching you squirm and project over meaningless graphs is fucking hilarious.

>Labor force participation
>what is a demographic change
There are more millennials than boomers dumbass
Labor force participation does not include people who have 'given up' looking for work.

>Median family income (should be household since no one has families except spics) declines since 2000
>where's the 2016 data?
nigga please

>health insurance costs increasing after Obamacare
>related to the economy
Looks like inflation is rampant eh?

>worker's share of economy
>blaming the president from 8 years ago
I mean there's lag, and then there's shilling

>US deficit spending
>how is printing money bad
ok, you should have never even attempted to address these charts

>home ownership
Are there no homes in the city? Why dont people buy homes anymore? Could it be they can't get a mortgage or don't have a down payment or possibly, maybe, can't afford one now that they work at Barnes and Noble instead of Boeing?

>Federal Debt
oh boy, no wonder why my can of soda costs $150. oh wait, nope still 20 cents at Costco.

yes, and also if you are unemployed for more than like a year and a half or two years

very small window to be considered actually unemployed


>I can't live without my guns, or I would.
Look to Switzerland then or Austria or Finland. Especially Switzerland has a very strong chemical engineering sector, an unemployment rate somewhere in the 3% range, very high wages and liberal immigration laws. And guns are 18+, no license required... except for handguns. I lived in Switzerland and lots of Swiss guys had guns.

bit of a meme figure then for the US.