is it happening?
Is it happening?
Seems to me those Georgia Cubes were right after all
They really want in the EU so they can put Islamists everywhere.
I saw this earlier, but I don't know if it is real or not, and there was that article about the nukes being moved to romania
Why would Russia agree to that after Turkey shot down their jet in order to directly help ISIS, an enemy to both NATO and Russia?
Turkey is/was basically a hostage to America
>yfw this is so Turkey leaves NATO and is no longer protected by the alliance.
>Putin attacks and eradicates Cockroaches and reclaims Constantinople and hands it to Greece in exchange for Russian forces in Greece.
>NATO cannot do shit except write strongly worded letters
Daily reminder: Putin and members of the Greek government held secret talks on Mount Athos an holy mountain in Greece where women haven't set foot for over 1000 years. Even female animals aren't allowed.
Do Turks really think the Russians won't backstab and nuked them the moment they bite back like they do with the EU non stop ?
Erdogan is going for a power play.
He wants into the EU and he wants it now. Either Merkel gives him what he wants or else he will quit NATO and totally fuck up America's mideast policy. If Turkey is with Russia, then Assad will never ever fall as Erdogan will be able to cut a deal between him and the Kurds. There's not much the US can do at this point as they gave Turkey the authority of confronting ISIS (where the FSA failed). The CIA's coup totally failed and that was the last straw. Also, Erdogan himself is sitting on about three million refugees in Turkey, six million in Iraq and nine million in Syria. Being pro-Russian means opening up the door to the EU.
All of this has one goal: Turkey joining the EU which would thus cement Erodgan's position for life as well as ensure that Turkey never collapses like Yugoslavia did. He's holding a gun to both the US and EU.