/slav/ come at me

I'm unironically proud of being a slav, even if some people regard us of being non-white, AMA

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slavs aren't white. slavs are slavs. be proud of being slav

all slavs should stick together

add this one to your collection

Rusyn reporting in

Fist bump.


Events like OG are a gentle reminder how great we would have been if we have stayed together.

Being proud of your people is a virtue.
I don't like slavs, but I respect them.

make a list

not pure though, my grandma on my father's side is italian

- sense of national identity
- sense of heritage
- not cucked by islam

more like occupation ;) I'm here to take back our women from the leefs :D

Hey there


- not cucked by islam

what is russia

Slavs are subhuman

No, Anglos are not white, they're lizards.

In unity lies our strength, only united we are a force.

I'm proud to be a Croat

Ruthenia is not slavic. Ruled by the vikings, then by german officers since Peter I and russian tsars were either german or germanophiles

You mean Francophiles

I like slavs. I think we do have the same mindset when it comes to drinking and dancing even if we are all doomed to spend our lives in a shithole

seems like people who knows how to have fun regardless of the situation

>tfw literally as white as one can possible be

Masterrace, it's real. You are not part of it.

We have Pan-Slavic colors
Can we be Honorary Slavs

That too but Germans helped in reforms and Peter 3rd saved Prussia for free in 1762 which was about to get rekt


ost of this thread

Slavs are very beautiful people, mostly the women

I like target shooting and skeet shooting. Can you own guns (legally) in Croatia?

Wtf is this. Of course you should be pround. We're fucking awesome. Some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Some of the toughest, most inventive and intelligent people in history were slavs. Slav master race ftw.
Only a dumb nigger or a jewish shill would say slavs arent white. Or a butthurt Scandinavian.


Filthy slovak here and i'm proud as fuck.
>Our people were rekt by communism more recently than most and still remember its evils
>national pride
>hate immigrants
>Majority catholic
>a poor proud drunk people that no one bothers with their globalist agenda.

Does that makes you an Ustase? What do you think of Ustase?

Post more glorious Slav history

If dumb ass Anglos can literally copy mainland Europe and claim they have a heritage (they don't), Slavs should be 100x more pompous and prissy

Slavaboo here

Please keep doing what you do

You are wonderful people and I love you

The coronation of emperor Dusan

Only religious institutions Anglos had at the time of pic related is pig wrestling

Jesteś moim przyjacielem :^)

I'm half slav

Gopnik party
Track suit required

>Saving Europe's ass for centuries
>Islanders say you're not European

dis iz uh goo thred

>a burger

>literally as white as one can possible be

>Glorious history


>Russian Empire
>Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
>Great Moravia


Which coincided with Russians dying in the millions and muh breadlines. And most of it was achieved with stolen knowledge from the Yanks.

>Russian empire

They fucked around with the Swedes abit and then the Turkroaches. Not a whole lot of glory in that, my man.

>Muh commonwealth

It was by all historical accounts a complete and utter failure, both militarily and most importantly, economically. Nothing redeemable about it, what-so-ever.

>Great Moravia

Literally who?

Go be irrelevant somewhere else, Monaco.

I unironically agree with this.
Slavs will rule the world

You want to make an omelette? You need to break a few eggs.

Don't talk shit about the based Tsars.

This should be our universal language when we etablish great slavic state.
We are the biggest ethnolinguistic group in Europe, never forget it.

>irrelevant proxy country explains how poor everyone's history is
come on, it wouldn't be not totally absurd to hear from britain or germany, but you should stay away

>but muh vikings

No one outside of Sup Forums or Sup Forums considers Slavs to be non-white.

It's an artificial language which all slavic speakers can inherently understand by just knowing their own language.

Pls. As soon as those based tsars showed weakness Russians slaughtered them along with the bolsheviks. 3,5 mln Reds vs 800 t. Whites. Nobody likes fucking tsars anywhere, including Russia

>both militarily and most importantly, economically
It was at least as wealthy as Scandinavia and German states, this is why it was able to destroy powerful enemies numerous times. You're just lucky to be situated in the periphery of politics where no major wars and power shifts have taken place. In Sweden for instance they didn't have war for about 200 yrs

>People who killed the Tsar and his family were Hungarian and Jewish Marxists
Fuck off Poland.

holy shit i had no idea this exsisted
this is gold

Yugoslavia when

With rule that if you say you are not Yugoslav, you get crucified and the language is called Yugoslav too

>- not cucked by islam


Why isn't FYROM with us? :D
>slavic (((allies)))
top kek

You conveniently overlooked that disproportion 3,5 mln to 800 000. Russians supported the killing of the tsars and the Orthodox Church, this is why Russia now is filled so hard with degenerates and scum of all sorts. Russians like that more than tsars and fake church

>Polish education

also perfect Europe

>I'm unironically proud of being a slav
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Good thread.

>Why isn't FYROM with us?
>Wants islamic albanian, gypsy and turk parasites in the glorious Slavic Federation
Don't do this to me senpai


No the shouldn't

Ruthenians/rusyns are slavs and have been around since the 12th century what kind of messed revisionist history do they teach in poland.

Poland doesn't recognize rusyn/ruthenians because they want carpathian clay.

I was wrong. In 1919 the proportion according to a leading polish historian is:

3,5 mln Reds
800 000 Poles
650 000 Whites

Anyway it's the Russians who contributed most to the bolshevik revolution, because deep inside Russians hate Moscow and elites. Who wouldn't if we were in their shoes

Genetically they are slavic, but culturally they have been very strongly dominated by Germanics and the history of Russia proves that

>Anyway it's the Russians who contributed most to the bolshevik revolution
So why did the Bolsheviks have to recruit very disproportionately from non-Russians? The forces who took over St Petersburg and Moscow were Baltic and Hungarian, the Commanders were mainly Jews, Poles and Caucasus people.

Are people raised as proud slavs from the polish Diaspora welcome back into Poland if they are willing to learn the language and integrate? Apparently I can get a permanent residence permit and get citizenship in only two years since two of my great grand parents were Polish citizens.

>In the military
>Can't shoot people

The Soviet army consisted almost entirely of conscripts, you fucking leaf

Afaik the only group that was disproportionate were the Jews. Anyway, 90% of the movement consisted of Russians, like this aristocrat en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy_Chicherin. Even Sołżenicyn admitted that the triumph of the bolshevism is mostly russian doing. Ordinary people in Russia have always hated military and political elites. It's the same now with Putin, so he shouldn't better show any weakness

Bring money if you do, then you will like a king.

A least she killed, at least she had some fucking pride and balls, leaf.

>Afaik the only group that was disproportionate were the Jews
Not true, almost all minorities were over-represented, especially in the party membership and commissars.

I'm going to major in banking and finance and go into investment banking, I shall be king.

Woah. Hue need to calm down. Even slavs won't identify with monkeys whi have learnt to use a computer

goli otok 2.0 when

>cultural dominated

Thats why they still have there own unique customs and language.

More suppressed then anything else. When you are literally the border between eastern and western of course people will try and exert there influence.

To quote a ruthenian old man about national pride, i've been a czech,slovak,soviet and now ukrainian but i will always remain a ruthenia/rusyn.

But you're taking it to the extreme. Of course the ruthenian culture wasn't wiped out entirely but it's indeniable that Germanics and later the Germans have been occupying top offices in Ruthenia and Russia. Katherine II, Peter III - Germans. Ever heard about Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov house?

i think you have the flag upside down

The eternal anglos, kikes, moors, spaghettiniggers and Aryans are afraid of us. They want us to be weak and divided.
There's almost 300 million of us. We are by far the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe and the eternal (((western))) European knows this. They have tried time and time again to conquer and subvert us and they have failed every single time.

We must stand strong and resist the self-destructive western Europeans and their cuckold ways.

We must put our differences aside and do what the cuckolds to the west have been afraid of all this time. We must work together and put our ethnic, religious and phenotypical differences aside.

We are alone in this world and the western cuckolds have proven to be weak and delusional. We can't rely on them, we never could. We defended them from mudslimes so many times in the past and what have they done for us? They genocided, dehumanized and rejected us.

We are not (((white))) not because we don't have white skin, but because we're not cuckolds.

But by your definition poland is also not slav and part of russia isnt either. Being that large parts of poland were prussia and germanic rule.

Your really grasping at straws saying that.

>But by your definition poland is also not slav

Polish elites were not from foreign groups. Piast dynasty was our very own dynasty. Nobles who had the biggest influence on the political system were polish. There were only 2 kings from Saxony which under polish influence returned to catholicism btw

Most irrelevant slavic country is...

>balkan non-muslim countries
>they dont realise they are just christian turks
Wew lad.

And yet leaders of prussia being german and born in germany. Just because at one point prussia had polish leaders doesnt mean it wasn't influenced with germanic rule.

y does this exist?
y dont they just admit they are bulgarian already?

>austrians invading his badass castle inside a cave mouth
>he knows the caves
>cunts try to starve him out
>he gets food by going trough the caves to the other side of the mountain and buying a shit ton of it
>the invading army is starving
>he throws them a roasted bull and cherries
>gets betrayed and is killed by a catapult
>austrians so buttmad that they make up a story that he was sitting on the toilet when they killed him

but we arent conquerors, we are survivors, we might be ruled over by high and mighty shits but their empires fall, we are still here

Also slav castles are best castles

high 5!