As President of The League of the South, I am calling on all our members and supporters to arm and train with open warfare in mind. This war is not something we have started. In fact, whites have shown too much restraint heretofore while an epidemic of violent crime has been loosed against them. From police officers to octogenarian grandmothers, no white person is safe from being a target.
Race War - Whites Prepairing
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You'd think they'd focus on learning math or something. Silly goblins
Fuck of shill. We are starting to see the beginnings of what the turn over of the Rhodesian government. That is the model for the world. It is White-Genocide. There are no other terms for it.
I want to own an FAL but those range in the 2.5K-6K range.
I own a jericho 951 semi compact but I really want an FAL. Maybe my gf will let me have one next tax season.
You don't need a FAL, you can build an AR15 with decent optics now for under 1k. 5.56 will get the job done and ammo is half the price of a 7.62.
There are those of us who understand and will act. There are many though, who are still asleep. Keep spreading the word.
Not to mention FALs actually can be had for just over 1k also.
The picture looks like its an evolving gun at different stages.
If your premise is that the white race is superior, or if you have any pride in your race at all, you ought to learn correct grammar and spelling.
7.62x39 is as low as $5 per box. 5.56 is more expensive.
t. Guy who owns ak47 and mini14 (fuck AR15's)
oh no, it's retarded
>you can build an AR15 with decent optics now for under 1k. 5.56 will get the job done and ammo is half the price of a 7.62.
This man speaks the truth.
I have a boat load of AK's and they are great guns and chew through garbage ammo likes its nothing. mini-14 on the other hand, is garbage. If u ca find a mag that works its ok but i wouldn't bet my life on a mini or any ruger for that matter.
For the price though, u can't beat an AR. AK's are more expensive than cheaper ar's and even the cheaper ars are still more accurate etc since 556 is typically made with better tolerances than any ak ammo save for maybe hornady brass cased hunting rounds. True most of the time though ak ammo can be had for less and typically more powerful round but, hard to beat supporting american when you can. Just my two cents tho.
Mini14 is memegun.
t.Former mini14 owner
I kept the AR and the M1A. The mini had shit accuracy, not unlike the AK.
>depending on steel case slav ammo
Yeah, nah.
>doesn't own an AR15
Nigger what the fuck
>mini14 is memegun
worked well enough for Breivik
>186 rounds fired
>69 kills
Yeah, sure did a good job.
Aren't you guys busy cooking meth in your trailer park.
Stay paranoid because you are being watched.
>loosed against them
Gtfo, you suck at uprisings
Didn't he also hane grenades?
Because it is...
he does hold the top score, i'll give you that. Not great stats though.
paid shill spotted.
paid shill spotted.
Hand* fuk saekz
I live in a cuck state so AR-15s look like this.
That being said, I don't care for rifles. I want to move to a non cuck state and get a .38 special revolver.
So when are you going to revolt ahainst the elites who led into this mess? Who have divided you?
That is blasphemous.
Nothing wrong with a 38 revolver, but there are better options for sure. Definitely get out of those commie states. They're a total loss and you could be more useful in a swing state.
>be me
>live in a communist, no guns city with whites being a minority
>am fucked
I have a 38 and I'm in cuckifornia
There are no cities in the USA that can prevent you from owning a gun completely, try harder. You might need to buy from a private party to get what you want, but don't let them piss on your rights.
And what have you accomplished so far? Talk? Yell at black people on the internet?I would love to join an organization, but show me one that is actually DOING something.
If I wanted to sit around a bunch of like minded individuals and just bitch about all the problems we face today I'd stay on Sup Forums. I dont. I want to get shit done.
You know what OP? After seeing
>1 post by this ID
Itt- keyboard warriors waiting for a race war they are already losing.
I always see role playing whites around here, and beta blacks sucking up. It time to hear from a real nigga.
You pussy bitches waiting on a race war that already started the moment you brought us here. All wars aren't fought with bullets, it's fought in the hearts and minds of men.
Protip yall are losing. While you sitting around waiting for a nigger to come get you, holed up in your house with stockpiles of guns and ammo, we are corrupting your sons and daughters. While you praise kek and roll for doubles, we're playing 4d chess running rough shot over you politically and criminally. Pretty good for such a low iq. While you wait for the day of the rope, afraid to do what needs to be done because you are afraid of jail/death, we are willing to die for this. You can't compete.
You once were savages, with a firm boot on everyone's neck. Now you're pussies. Every last one of you. You so scared of your own kind, that you hide behind user, and hide your ((power) ) levels, while your people take the BBC. You sit in your basements dreaming of a day when the race war starts, while we're in the streets making moves politically and criminally.
It used to be a time where we were scared to walk in your neighborhood after dark. Now we catch you in ours, weak and ready to piss yourself, and you give up your belongings, manhood, and self respect. You go back home broke(if we let you), and I go home with your wallet, your dignity, to a home paid for with your taxes.
Continue waiting for a war, that you are already losing. Reply and comment about your once great history, and the imaginary awakening your waiting for. I'll continue to fuck and flee your bitches, collect your tax money(even though I don't need it), and knock you bitches out anytime I feel like it. All while convincing more your idiot people to take my side.
>Tfw white people are the new Jews
Feels good man. Clearly we're rekking scrub asses a lot these days and they're jelly.
>worked well enough for Breivik
To kill a bunch of unarmed kids.
>poor accuracy
>proprietary mags
Sure thing Lamar. Don't you have some riots to participate in? I hear some nigglet got shot for trying to steal a police officers gun.
>nigger owning or knowing how to use a computer.
Funny stuff.
we need American versions of all IRA rebel songs before we start lads
nice pasta, you pencil necked cracker fagget
That's right Jeb, I do. By tomorrow morning your swj sisters/daughters/mothers will be here promptly defending me on the news. By the afternoon she will be taking the pipe. Three years later you'll be taking care of my seed.
While I'm out rioting. Your here rolling for dubs. While I'm out rioting. You're here role playing, dreaming of a day, when your nuts are big enough to do something about it. Pussies get fuck, and all I see is wet slits here.
Tired meme posting. Terrible bantz. Mobile posting allows me the ability to fuck you from every corner on the block.
it's the crazy rich bankers, corporations and corrupt politicians you need to worry about, they're the ones importing muslims, making BLM happen and generall keeping black people living in shit conditions, you're not seeing the real enemy
>1 post by this ID
>President of The League of the South
Thanks you role playing Internet samurai. You come here a lot don't you. It's that really something to be proud of.
>1post by this idea.
Fuck off shill.
>not allying to kill all Muslims
Burn yourselves fucking idiots, blacks and whites are more valuable then mudshits they are trying to enforce Islam, which will destroy the world, we need a revolution and a genoicde of Muslims, as neutral as I am of all races killing blacks and blacks killing us is not an option.
>The OP pic
Si vis pacem, para bellum
>buying from atlantic
Fuck you, you're the shill
Can I join?
>doesn't even correct fuk
I've lost faith in you
What can be broken, must be broken.