Why is race mixing bad again?

Daily Reminder that Marina Diamandis (The most attractive 30 year old) is half welsh and half Greek, so why is race mixing bad if it produces such beautifull people?

>ind4 greek gyro niggers: WE'RE WHITE!!! ARYAN

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I sense some butthurt in this thread
What's the matter, Ambrus?

If race mixing is so great why do I need to walk 50 miles to find a single beautiful race mixed girl just to realize it's actually a tranny?

>most attractive 30 year old

That is only slightly subjective.

That's just because you live in Brazil.

she isnt that attractive

Wales and Greece are both European you absolute fucktard, it isn't at all comparable to a European mixing with an African or Middle Eastern sub 85 IQ savage.

Video related: m.youtube.com/watch?v=JWzjn0N9g4g

European + European =/= European + Asian

are you massivly retarded or just a faggot?

It's not really about the race mixing itself, but the culture mixing.

Since when was greek not caucasian?

Race mixing is great. If anything, it should be encouraged more often.

Hi there (((burger)))

>"Greeks are white lmao XDDDD"
just because it's in europe doesn't mean people are white there, you can tell that her father wasn't white by her spic tint. Morroco is also in europe and people are niggers there too

She could pass for 40

>If race mixing is so great why do I need to walk 50 miles to find a single beautiful race mixed girl just to realize it's actually a tranny?
just wow! & lol

because Sup Forums lost their girlfriend to a big nig nog alpha male

Morocco is in Northwest Africa..

It's in Africa you dipshit

btw who the fuck said this?
>The most attractive 30 year old

try to keep your fetish in your pant

Race mixing is the ultimate weapon of destruction against non-white races.

you expect a barbarian hun to know basic european geography?

it's literally on every europe map, please go back to geology class

Most attractive to who? You? She's average at best... I've seen hotter waking down the street.

Of course she looks like a typical lasagna eater so I see why your Mussolini loving ass thinks this way.

>dysgenic to the extreme
>will result in the regression of humanity to an ape-like state
The chick in your pic is 7/10 and nothing special. I see more attractive chicks on the way to the supermarket.

All races don't mix equally


Man I really like Marina but her live performances sound fucking horrible

You almost had me Hungary.
On a side-note, how do Hungarians generally feel about white flight to Hungary my man?

Here's a question for you.

If you were magically incapable of impregnating any race except your own, would you hump other races all the time?

Bumping with some actually attractive girls


yes, the huns are pure white aryan race. keep believing that if it makes you happy.

she is, it's a objective fact. You have a shit taste when it comes to women.
that's because she ruined her voice with smoking, she sounds fine in older performances.




I give her a 6.5

I see better looking girls walking down the street every day

30 years old? Damn it must be tough to live outside the US. This bitch looks 50


Hello Daquan

scandis and germans who arrived and settled down seem to be 'good guys' but hey! you screwing up well the property prices for us.

She's disgusting. Fuck off. That's not racemixing either, idiot.

Latinas... Well I already do, but if we're going to make it official. But... Only the South American types... Chilians, Columbians, Brazilians.... Not those round short Central American Indians.

whatever you say spains ass tumor, Spain isn't white so why would you be white?


Adding quality to a shit thread

Especially that body. Bah.

Not many blacks here, should have used Mahmoud or Ahmed.

I see, so we're not extremely appreciated. Cheers man.

>she is, it's a objective fact. You have a shit taste when it comes to women.
.t guy with a boner for sick looking negresses

lol greeks dont count there gypsies

Nice body but her face isn't up to my standards

>she is, it's a objective fact. You have a shit taste when it comes to women.
oh lol. how old are you? 11?
fuck your edgy shit and this /b tier thread

She's really only 30? Fuck.

It's abnormal, it's a rebellion against social mores.

Racemixing, gays, trannies ... it's a degenerate undercurrent I'm willing to tolerate in the name of freedom. But it will never be normal.

Classical liberalism celebrated freedom, modern liberalism celebrates the destruction of the concept of normalcy.

are you posting """"Greek""" girls in the hope that people will think greeks are white?

>blue clown makeup on wrinkled face

WTF, even sarah (((silverman))) is more attractive than this bitch, and she's like forty something.

Butt ugly children that come out, that's why

She's not even a 6.5, more like a 5.5

She does not look especially attractive.

her body is gone though
i know the truth hurts
she didn't age badly


The problem with your pic OP, is that you chose someone with a mongoloid face.

>Marina Diamandis
Just another fake zombie regurgitating BLM tripe.

she looks like shit compared to Marina

Remember, anyone who isnt greek is a barbarian.


how is it that welsh+greek=mexican?

You should be BANNED out of existence, underage autist edgelord OP.

Nope, I'm just showing why I wouldn't trade summer in Greece for anytime in Hungary

Marina is not plastic you fucking autist, she has wrinkles
you replied to yourself you fucking gypsy

Your sister doesn't count, even if she is a southern belle.

Because hungarians are true retards

Fucking children like you think 30 is 'aged'. No, you're still supposed to look attractive at that age, unless you had kids. She looks like crap.

this is a test

Got you senpai. 18 and smoking
Girl posted here is 17 though
>Is this banable by chinamoot's standards?

Jesus Christ, women in red shoelace string bikinis are my fetish.

>half welsh half greek
Wales and greee aren't races szorzorzszszsdigadszsz


Hungary is better than your gypsy gyro nigger country

really? shit happen, im on mobile but you are still just an autist underage edgelord who is shilling with his weird boner.

less healthy children physically
less healthy children mentally due to no clear identity of culture or race
loss of culture as a whole and language
most mixes are less attractive than pures to either parents' ethnicity


picture of 14 year old Marina

atleast i can leave the house without getting beaten up by muslim

> Attractive
> 30 Years old

Pick one famalam

Don't forget that science recently proved that people are naturally disgusted by mixed race couples and people on a genetic level.


DNA mixing is always very good.

since you autists have a shit taste in women. This is charli XCX and she's HALF INDIAN and she's still one of the most attractive women out there Sup Forums BTFO LAMO

oh shit, link?

This is what Greek men actually look like. You couldn't distinguish them from an extra in a Mexican soap opera.

so its nigger x nigger, where do u see racemixing here?

Whatever you say, Anasztaz.
Do get a chance to visit the island of Naxos.
You 'll come across pic related.

>Participants responded faster to images of same-race couples and selected them more often for inclusion in the study. More significantly, Skinner said, participants showed higher levels of activation in the insula—an area of the brain routinely implicated in the perception and experience of disgust—while viewing images of interracial couples.

"That indicates that viewing images of interracial couples and individuals invokes disgust at a neural, that is biological, level," Skinner said.

>During the implicit association test, the two groups were tasked with categorizing photographs of same-race and interracial couples and silhouettes of humans and animals. They were first instructed to press one computer key if the image showed an animal silhouette or a mixed-race couple, and another key if it was a human silhouette or a same-race couple. Then the combinations were switched—participants were told to hit one key if the image was an animal silhouette or a same-race couple, and the other key if it was a human silhouette or mixed-race couple.

Participants were quicker to associate interracial couples with non-human animals and same-race couples with humans.


>that flag
>calling anyone a nigger

...Not you again, Fyrom
Did you have a good night's sleep?

>racemixing is good
>calls greeks niggers


how has she not been honor killed yet

>people I disagree with on the internet have to be Albanian/FYROM/Turkroach, there's no other logical explanation for it!

I slept well, my shitskin Greek friend Kosta. Americans always do.

who said were not niggers? Were the most potato as potato niggers can get.


here's a gif of Marina from 2010, you can't tell she isn't atleast a 10/10

terrible figure tbf

Holy fuck, the shitposter from /wsg/ changed boards. What up, had to sell your pc for more salami and palatshinta so you can't make more shitty webms?

Greek and welsh is hardly race mixing. Regardless she has ruined her looks, she used to be a 10, now a 6.

i pay your drink if you kill the OP