Five reasons to wear a burkini – and not just to annoy the French

Wow, I never thought of it that way. What the actual fuck, I hate Secularism now.

> 1. Launch a media frenzy
> 2. Save on suncream and waxing
> 3. Diversify women’s lib
> 4. Highlight the ridiculous
> 5. Celebrate freedom

Some of the cucks in the comment section are out of control too.

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Bump. This is hilarious.

I don't understand why these things are banned. All of Europe is bending over backwards to please Muslims. Why ban a garment that only Muslims are going to wear?

wtf I love burkinis now

you arent very clever brah
if you let them wear the amphibious burqua they'll ask for the land burqua after that

Forgot "rob a bank" and "conceal your identity in beheading videos".

this is fucking priceless!!! ahahahaha
how ludicrous are these people?

what a find m8

Muslims need to fuck off.
We already banned the burqa and the muslim veil in schools and for public servants.

They're starting to get the message.

> 6. Smuggle explosives

Apparently France is very anti religious and goes to great extremes to not allow anything religious in public.

>conceal your identity in beheading videos

its funny because its true

>Being this new

>Forgot "rob a bank" and "conceal your identity in beheading videos".

Muh discriminashuns !

Yes, we're heartless extremists.

Because it's an easy law for the state to pass and not having to do anything about it. Germany for example already has laws against full-face veil in public but doesn't enforce them against those fully covered Moslems. If the state would enforce those laws against Moslems then what excuse would it have not to enforce the same laws against the protesters of the Antifa? None!

>tailor made binbag

>anti terrorists

now cry us a river

>The guardian

>Why ban a garment that only Muslims are going to wear?

Because it's not about a piece of apparel but the ideology that comes with it.

>allahu akbawwwww

>wtf I love burkinis now

Fun fact : the hijab is literally a protection against rape, women that wear it are invisible to their attacker that only rape the unbelieving kuffar whores. Skip to 3m 8s :



And here you are wrong. The staate dose act against full face cover. If its musslim or left terrorists.

Keep on shitposting.

>Celebrate freedom by submitting to the will of a sand nigger pedophile who died 1300 years ago after convincing a bunch of other warlords that he was a prophet

these hijabis really have the most dislikeable passive-aggressive way of conducting themselves, especially the author of that "article"

it's as if a horrible attitude and a hijab are the first two items in the "insufferable attention-seeking munafiq muslima" starter kit

>The staate dose act against full face cover.

Nope. The police even secures the marches of those covering themselves up and there are no arrests or cases made against fully covered Moslems.

>6. die of heatstroke

Here in Tel Aviv there are separate segregated beaches for Men, Women, Gays, and sane people.

>The Guardian

Is there a bigger piece of retarded trash outside of the Gawker Conglomerate?

Israel has buttsecks beaches

>why am i not surprised

Missed that part in the Old testament. Degenerates.

I thought our msm is cucked as fuck but that tops everything. Feminist crap paired with asscreeping for muslims. You surely don't disappoint Britbongs

Tel Aviv isn't Israel.

The difference is that The Guardian is a more insane outlier, while the German, and Swedish, MSM are on its level normally.

accord to the cancerous logic of modern leftism, wouldn't wearing a burkha for non-religious reasons be cultural appropriation

fucking retards have no consistency

I hate Islam as much as anyone, but this banning of swimwear is just way too much government intrusion in my life. It's just dumb reverse virtue signalling by the government, where they want to look like their doing something about the Islam problem, when in reality they are still importing millions of rapefugees.

Wtf omg

how has noone noticed this yet?

the funny thing is that they probably have sprayed pork lard all over the fucking plate the second they saw a taking trash bag

But I thought everything was Israel.

There is no one Leftist Agenda.

If left to their own devices, they'd tear themselves apart in an instant, and be under the Hard Right Islamic Thumb in an instant.

They're held together by a thin trapping of disdain for the Right, Moderates, of both leanings, and the apathetic.

Still, they attack one another quite frequently, anyway

Such a disgusting people. Can't wait for racial war.

Unreal. It's like some weird fetish thing.

That's basically the problem of Europe.
>import millions of sandniggers
>complain sandniggers act like sandniggers
>don't stop the importing

pol help, im half jokeingly half serious trying to red pill people, or just tell them about my political view but im being called fascist
what to do

My theory is that feminist are too dumb to read English and therefore don't adopt all those crazy ideas from American college campuses. It's mostly right leaning blogs that cover such crazy stunts and people posting videos about this because it's even too ridiculous and scary for Der Spiegel or whatever else we got. I guess with the German Huffingtonpost you see a lot of idiots getting a platform.

Come back with a assault truck

>diversity women's lib

This does not have anything to do with culture.

We're through the looking glass. One for one, I guarantee you this author would condemn any traditional gender norm that is not Muslim.

Wouldn't this fly in the face for the concept of slut shaming

You need to press them and say "what is progressive about sharia culture?"

Ask them how you are a fascist. Then show them this video


what did you think they were using free speech?
too hateful. must delete.