Based Ben Carson would be winning the election right now

I hope you fucking cucks are happy. Ben Carson was a good decent man who would have been an excellent president just as he was an excellent Surgeon and businessman. And UNLIKE DRUMPF he was decent and good natured and his African American roots would have delivered a portion of the African American electorate. AND UNLIKE DRUMPF he wasn't born with a silver spoon up his ass and was entirely self made who succeeded through hard work and struggle.

But no the chronically retarded members of the republican party had to go for a literal idiot truther birther orange conspiracy reality tv man on Putin's payroll to deliver the supreme court to Hillary Clinton. Good job faggots.

I like him but he's too much of a nice guy and Hillary would use that against him just like Obama vs Romney in 2012. It's why Trump is the best for the job since he knows how to fight a monster like Hillary.

Also fuck of Leaf, you don't even get a vote in our election.

>le magic negro meme
Fuck off cuck


I get hating niggers, but how the fuck can you dislike guys like Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell? Your acting like the fucking sjws talking shit about cis males and shit

fuck off syrup nigger

Hes talking about that being a nigger will automatically gets you votes into the white house like Obama.

I war pro Carson for the most part. His flat tax was dumb, but I'd have voted for him.
I'm satisfied with Trump though.

Ben Carson is a holier-than-thou, batshit crazy, Talented Tenth asshole with the charisma of an egg salad sandwich. He's living proof that just because you're smart in one field doesn't mean you're automatically qualified in another. The only smart thing he did was quietly push his platforms and not step on any toes during the later months of the primary.

Well apparently that did not happen with Ben Carson so that's not true.

Ben is one of the nicest and most genuine dudes i have ever met. i shared a much needed clove with him after one of his rallies.

But he is very smart in multiple fields, like memetics

Do you enjoy making the same threads user?


>see post
>"le DRUMPF Xddddd
>check flag
every. fucking. time.
When did leafposters become so fucking shit ?

I keked.

No. I love Ben, but he doesn't have what it takes to win an election in current year. He's just too nice. Say what you want about Trump, the man goes for his opponent's throat. Just like the left have been doing for the past 50 years, just like the right have been refusing to do out of some twisted sense of "honour"

Only if he didn't fall asleep all of sudden

>alien pyramids


I wish he was VP.

Like if Trump really got tired of how rigged the election was and threw the greatest 12D chess move by handing the nomination over to Carson like 1 month before the election.

Trump ran a scorched earth leftist ad hominem style primary. He alienated a portion of his own base because he refuses to offer any kind of olive branch. The media will continue to inundate the normies / uninformed public with smears and lies about Trump.

I fucking hate Hillary so fucking much. Bernie is commie scum. The Democrats are a radical party of leftists that should have no ideological traction in this country.

If Trump stays on message and goes all in on attacking Hillarys faggot ass through November he stands a good chance of winning. If he gets distracted by stupid niggers like kinkylick and wants to rub salt in the wounds of people he tore down during the primary season then he will lose. Simple as that.