Is German greatness undisputed?
Is German greatness undisputed?
Germans designed the space shuttle?
You guys gonna ever visit the moon?
what german greatness? that's not Germany's space shuttle program. when people immigrate to the US, they're americans
You're literally meming, the only insignificant kind of Spaceship your country built was a fucking Ariane V Rocket WHICH BLEW UP IN THE ATMOSPHERE. What's worse, it took funds from almost the whole fucking EU to build this thing, and somehow Germany fucked it up. You're a cuck m8
Let's compare German achievements...
For what purpose?
...with American achievements.
You forgot human made soap
No Hans, your country is as good as dead thanks to your love for Turkish and mudslime cock.
It's time to pass torch to other people.
>You forgot human made soap
Misnomer. Jews aren't human.
I wonder how much longer Germany will exist before it's renamed to some goat-fucking Islamic name. I'm gonna be generous and say 20 years. Germany will no longer exist by 2036.
t. Jamalistan
Apparently, the 7:1 still stings.
Germans were the first into space bro
It would be more impressive if Germans weren't obsessed with over-engineering to the point what they've created can't be used for what it was built for.
As a neutral observer Germany is way more cucked than USA at the current moment.
Don't get mad at us because your own government hates you.
Goddamn it's good to be free. Think I'll go shoot my AR-15 later.
>Goddamn it's good to be free
The World Trade Center was designed by a Japanese...
>le 7x1 meme
That's all you can come up with (along with zika and favelas) against the fact that you are one of the most cucked countries on Earth?
You are really on a all-time low. It's time to accept your slow death and let Asia and South America take your place as world powers.
That image looks lame so I'm not gonna click on it.
If you think your government doesn't hate you you must be a nigger or something.
America will become a white minority country during Hillary's second term.
lmao the zikanigger has spoken, enjoy your favela :^)
>America will become a white minority
"will"? :^)
with that nazi technology ? kind of
>getting elected
This kind of thinking is why your country will never be great. Enjoy Merkel's reign of terror while you're bred out of your own country.
I've screenshotted this post.
ok so all mexicans are us citizen now. Thanks for clarification
>this triggers the trumpcuck
He probably just meant he has more freedom than you will ever have krautnigger. Its all relative of course.
I can see him posting here now... 5 years from now after Germany becomes Turkmany.
>we waz kangs n shieeeet.
>we invented the world n shieeet
Americans are nothing but thieves.
>I've screenshotted this post.
Are you amassing a giant trumpcuck collection to turn into a massive montage for election day too?
It's gonna be even better than the Romney Landslide Victory massacre :^)
I'd rather have zika and 3 types of dengue than your shitty multiculturalism and globalism degeneracy.
At least I can shit on muslims and leftists 24/7 without being arrested.
ITT: two krauts desperately giving each other a pity jack
Alright, I'll leave you two to put lipstick on each other and shop for women's clothing.
I got better shit to do than sit here humoring you two cucks.
November 9th best day of my life.
>Kidnap German scientists after war
>"build those fancy rockets you were making for Hitler, Klaus or we'll put you on the Nuremberg trials"
>Build Amerikans rocket
>"Hahaha! America has built a rocket! We're geniuses!"
>"but wir sind Deutscher.."
>"Hey! No problem pal! All people who immigrate to USA are Americans! Your welcome!"
>shop for women's clothing.
Enjoy. You're probably a size 20 :^)
Germans being proud of space shuttles is like Africans being proud of cotton plantations.
You really belive that fairytale?
They never found any evidence. Same with the skin made lampshades.
Triggered? :^)
Can't wait :^)
Germans are literally the nogs of Europe. Cucked nogs at that.
Most Americans have cuck fantasies. Is this because they are surrounded by blacks all the time?
Have they conditioned themselves into worshipping BBC?
Jetu fuel cannotu meltu grorious Nippon steel.
"Germany" ... Africa's long lost little brother.
>gypo is mad because Germany prefers shitskins to gypos
The fuck is that shit?
I mean germans did a great job designing the V2 and von braun was an undisputed genius.
But the shuttle was designed by americans.
>Africa's long lost little brother.
Indeed :^)
Pity jack engaged.
not an argument
>Pity jack
lmao he has named his flesh light
Do Americans really think that though?
Most prominent figures in early computing:
>Wynn-Williams (Welsh)
>Claude Shannon (American)
>Alan Turing (British)
>John van Neumann (Hungarian)
First actual programmable computer (Z3) built by:
>Konrad Zuse (German)
funded by Nazi Germany.
For shits and giggles
>Ben Shapiro looks a bit like Wynn-Williams
I thought krauts knew how to math. Must be hard to count on your fingers with a Syrian cock in each hand.
Are these your wife's sons?
no. they are americans
>Are these your wife's sons?
They are black, so they're related to you :^)
>For what purpose
How old are you?
No, that's why you should clean your country up so we can have more of it.
But I'm white
Old enough to know that if there were a good reason to go to the moon the free market would already be there.
>But I'm white
>being uniroinically proud of the rotary motor
>Free market solves everything
>Being this deluded
I liked the first season.
Daily reminder that Americans get their dicks jew'd and as a result are so desensitized that they can't cum from a mere bj
>cucked to the max
>putting your sex organ in a hole ment for tearing up meat
No thank you hans
>You guys gonna ever visit the moon?
the real question is: will you?
Yes. Von Braun was in charge of Saturn V
If they're legal yeah
Chip cards aren't french ?
French too. See soap of Cholet during french terror.