Why did America support the muslims against the christians in the yugoslav wars?
Why did America support the muslims against the christians in the yugoslav wars?
in English, we say "Yugoslavian". you're not a native Australian
>Americans in control of the English language
Nope, yugoslav wars is the right term
i'm glad you recognize your second-class status in the anglosphere
Because Clinton is a nigger.
Literally nobody ever says "yugoslavian" you dumbfuck hick
go eat another burger and jerk yourself off to trump and caitlyn jenner
Because usa is fucking cucked they even want to ban the american flag since its offending and they voted in a islamic president
no wonder they help their islamic brothers
Because Jews despise Christians even more than Muslims.
dafuq are you talking about?
they did jack shit except bomb serbia a little
"they were just keeping the peace"
watch blue helmets the movie if you wanna talk about NATO
Because Milosovic was committing war crimes.
Should I refer to you as "Austral" instead of Australian as per your silly made-up grammar?
>George H.W. Bush
Bombs Iraq, kills hajis
>Bill Clinton
Bombs Europeans, supports hajis
>George W. Bush
Bombs Afghanistan, bombs Iraq, kills hajis
>Barack Obama
Destroys stable Middle Eastern countries, replaces with Islamist dictatorships. Supports refugee invasion. Supports hajis.
>Hillary Clinton
Wants to keep bringing in refugees, wants to support hajis, wants to destroy more stable governments and replace with Islamists
>Donald Trump
Wants to bomb ISIS to hell, wants to ban refugees, wants to tell Saudis to fuck off, wants to save Europe, wants to ally with Russia
There's a pattern here. Democrats hate whites, Christians, freedom and Democracy.
But if that is the reason, and a valid reason, why haven't you nuked your own capital yet?
>American education
thats strange it isnt called blue helmets
i could have sworn it was
well anyway it was about soldiers "keeping peace" watching chetniks rape croats and the other way around and they couldnt do shit because it didnt fall under their jurisdiction
hell they were the ones who let serbs into srebrenica and watched them slaughter the muslims
As a burger, I appreciate you relieving us of the burden of starting the daily hurr durr we-bombed-Serbia thread.
Also, Croatches are Serbs with a faggy accent, amirite?
Oh gee I wonder why...
But it was against Muslims so it was ok. Not bring sarcastic here
hope this is some bait
No, I know you're just pretending to be retarded (but you're American, so you might just be displaying average American IQ), but here goes.
Austral means "southern". Australia comes from the word Austral. Australian is derived from Australia, not the other way around.
The term Yugoslavia is derived from Yugoslav (meaning "South Slav"), not the other way around. Do you call Slavs "Slavs" or "Slavians"?
Think about it, you dumbfuck inbred imbecile.
The jews don't side with sunni islam because they like it, they side with it because it's an excellent vector for white genocide.
Srebrenica was a wonderful PR tool, muslims very own little mini holocaust to whip guilt into white Europeans. It took a lot of happenings to erase the value of that PR tool.
its just a meme
go visit Sup Forumss ex yu
dont speak english btw the only replies you will get is "dudl dudl"
>Australian is derived from Australia
and Yugoslavian is derived from Yugoslavia
You are a stubborn yank aren't you?
I'm going to Dubrovnik next month with a Serbian grille. Think she'll have any hassle there? She's a little worried about it, but then she's worried bout me getting attacked in Belgrade. I don't go to bars or try to pick up on women, so I think I'll be OK.
Iraq was a secular country with different religions. Wans just muslims. And they were pro American during the Iran-Iraq wars in the 80s.
The Saudis have a dominant strangle hold on middle eastern oil. Saddam was actually doing us a favor by attacking Saudi Arabia.
What have the saudis done for us.
Binladen and 9 hijackers
thats true but the muslims in Bosnia are the only muslims who are sort of kind of okay
they dont follow shariah they eat pork and have the best humor in the balkans oly they dont go to churches but mosques, also they dont stop in them middle of the street to pray
Because Saudi Arabia told us to.
Nigga pls.
The people are Yugoslavian. The war was the Yugoslav war. You're quite clearly at an internet-connected device, use that fucking privilege to prove yourself wrong.
Dubrovnik is the most expensive town for tourists you could have picked
also the situation with serbs changed
the only serbs and croats who still hate each other live in the back ass end of the countries and dont even have internet
people are sort of cool with serbs but its better for her not to show any signs she actually is a serbian as their are groups of nationalists in every town
btw srsly 1 scoop of icecream in dubrovnik costs 1 dollar
its fucked
Because the Clintons fucking love muslims. 9/11 (and everything that happened because of that) was bill's fault for not getting OBL when he had the chance.
actually its jugoslavija :^)
literal translation is a big pimple
you can use both yugoslavian war or yugoslav war
Thanks, user. That's what I heard, that young people weren't as uptight as previous generations. We have an apartment for $300 US for the month so it's no big but yeah, it would be a few thousand at least if I had to rent a place on airbnb.
it's outrageously expensive compared to belgrade, that's for damn sure.
I'll tell her not to wear her Kosovo is Serbia! pin :^)
You idiots are so cucked by NATO you'll say anything.
Your Soros-backed axis has been destroying Serbia for decades now. Fuck you.
It's called the Yugoslav wars because it relates to the Yugoslavs (as peoples) warring amongst each other
Yugoslavian does not relate to ethnic peoples, but to the sociocultural characteristics of those peoples
It's not like they let's us vote on these things.
>let me tell you about your country
fuck off you know nothing of what is actually happening here
We're America, senpai. It's only a war crime when someone else does it.
Don't need to be a pedestrian to know your shitty "I'm a developed EU country, please accept us!!" shit.
>1 scoop 1 dollar
>most expensive ice cream in the country
Eastern Europe is hilariously cheap
>The people are Yugoslavian
>Yugoslavian does not relate to ethnic peoples
>implying these presidents were not puppets, and they were actually deciding who will be bombed.
Ok, maybe G. H. W. Bush did some deciding, he was CIA stooge, rest of them are just teleprompter readers, it is all planned out in Pentagon and CIA, presidents are just coming and going..
It's because they barely have any money to spend
Serb bros, I'm very disappoint in the Zastava AKs we've been importing from there. They are very meh-tier, unlike the Croatian Springfield XD pistols we get, which are actually quite well liked.
Jews call the shots in the states.
Jews will *never* turn down an opportunity to team up with Muslims to fuck with Christians.
Yugoslavian (adj) = culture and social characteristics of Yugoslavs (noun)
>thinks he's red pilled
>believes that memes = real life
>actually sucking serbian dick
whew lad, why not pick all
ps. kys
they wanted to weaken nationalism in the region and establish a NATO base.
Eat shit fatso
Because Clinton
I don't think at the time most Americans realized there were Muslims in that area of the world.
nobody talks like that
the country is and always was spilt into 50%
one sidep icks HDZ one SDP
one side is Ustaska one side is Partisan
one side was for europe one side was against
well the avarage pay here is 4000-5000 kunas
7.5 kunas is 1 dollar
60 dollars is 450 kunas
so yeah its expensive for us
>hibrid joins the frame
>I actually triggered a Bosnoshit
>jews side with muslims
Funny you mentioned it, Milosevic was recently exonerated of "war crimes" in the Hague tribunal. Posthumously, of course.
I'm done with your idiocy lad.
War Crimes are bad, mmkay children.
>haha lol im losing an argument
>xD did i trigger you lol haha
why is everyone on Sup Forums such a sore loser?
ITT: Only Americans know proper English.
Seriously, the fuck happened to the rest of the English speaking world?
i thought that everyone hated that fucking safety
I'm glad someone is seeing the truth.
They are jewed up so much, trying to reason with them is just waste of time..
Show us what it says when you do it. You have a chance to win.
This is the truth right here
>westerner starts ex yugoslavia thread
>it slowly turns into /ex yu/
>initiate the eternal flame war
pls stop
>United Statesian
what, the grip safety? Nah familam people eat those things up, especially now that we have new models like the XDM and the single stack 9 and everything. Honestly, I prefer my Glock for the lower bore axis and better feeding, but honestly for conceal carry I'd be lying if I said it doesn't worry me not having any safety on the Glawk.
Except Bill Clinton bombed Iraq, Obama bombed ISIS, and you're full of shit.
Quit cherry picking.
Jews don't like Muslims, but they absolutely despise Christians and solely blame them for getting "evicted" from Israel in the first place.
History is rife with example of Jews and Muslims ganging up on Christians. But you probably knew that, Shekelstein.
Preach it, viva Serbia!
u wot mate
i knew you were serbian diaspora
We fucked up believing the nigger NWO. We fucked up.
Ah you should've asked something harder.
Ok you see, bosnian army was supported by Al Qaeda which was created by CIA (u really have to be bluepilled to death not to know that), basicly helping rise the mujaheed army to fight christianity in Serbia and Croatia too, meanwhile they wanted Kosovo for it's mineral resources (coal, zinc, lead, silver etc. heck even gold), so they make rebellion on Kosovo, create KLA, train them and equip them, harras civilians there and terorize people, Yugoslavia deploys army, starts bashing KLA terrorists, US sees that it's not going by plan, bomb Serbian troops on Kosovo (basicly bombed equippment models, so they only destroyed 5% of 95% of equippment that was there), Serbs have to retreat cuz of bombing (dropped more bombs on Kosovo than in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria combined), retreat to save fucking civilians from getting killed by bombs. Now Kosovo is sattelite country with one of the biggest NATO bases, literally resources exploited. Oy vey
Are we just going to ignore the fact that obama is a muslim?
It has got to mean something
>t.14 year old
oh boy gotta put my tinfoil hat on
hibrid je kralj i ono sranje od konca je barem malo zanimljivije kad baci vocaroo
Your shilling makes it quite obvious that you're not even interested in the truth but only propagating the lies you'd like to be true.
>serbia declares war on 4 countries
>commits genocide all across bosnia
>gets pummeled into dust by NATO
>hurr the Croats started it
we kind of did
we were the ones who wanted to leave and be independent.
we were butt mad because we could sing nationalist songs and proudly put our hand on our chest and yell RVATSKA
Don't display US retardation here and just walk away
>It's a meme
Your OWN ustasha leader faggot said that 1/3 of Serbs should be converted you denying faggot
Maybe because they are converted idiots left behind by ottoman rule, still they build mosques, have jihad crap in their head and breed like roaches
A strong Yugoslavia would be bad to american interests.
Only failed states act based on feelings.
This time the jews did nothing wrong. Israel supported the Yugoslavia
>ustasha leader faggot
are you implying im not a partisan?
Yugoslavia was doomed to fail the moment tito died
nobody could replace him
>people are sort of cool with serbs but its better for her not to show any signs she actually is a serbian
That's some ukraine-tier cool
Come back when you can speak an actual American language instead of a European one.
American politics in a nutshell: whatever interest group lines the pockets of politicians faster gets what they want. We have two major contributors, Israel and Saudi Arabia. In this case the Saudis probably flipped and started up their lobbies spreading rumors that only the Christians were responsible for genocide. The Jews stayed out because not much for them to care about, the Christians don't really have much power other than a few Midwestern politicians with no money to shill Congress with. In this case Islam won out, we came up with the justifications we needed and went to war.
Commie cuck faggot
It's not your wish of independence but your shitty leadership and Western backing that disgusted me.
>we kind of did
>we were the ones who wanted to leave and be independent.
And had the Serbs acknowledged our sovereignty, imagine the world we'd be living in today.
They get Kosovo and Montenegro. We cleanse Bosnia of mudslimes and split it in half.
No war, no hatred. We could have been the best of friends.
Instead, we ended up with thousands dead, whole towns demolished, and the industrial power of the entire region entirely destroyed and bought off by foreigners. The decision was on them, which means they are also responsible for the consequences - ie. the fucked up balkans that we have today.
the kikes supported the sanctions despite everything we did for them
>Crofag triggered
Sad much?
serbs somehow allways forget who started the whole "balvan revolution", the dream about BIG CPBIA, Karlovac Karlobag and "serbian" Virovitica,
100k croats banished from north bosnia, starting shit all over croatia , genocide in srebrenica , plan z4, and after all the shit you got ur ass kicked, and saved by nato... croatian and army bih combined forces came to Banja Luka, and they had to give all the territory back
but whatever lets cry about those 200k traktor drivers who came home safely with all their belongings
>Have a bloody history
>Have foreign intervention (USA, Germanistan)
>Crots want independence, so they ignore Serbs who don't want independence
>Serbs put barricades, then both side go full on war
True, people who still say "hurr durr dem serbs/croats did dis" don't know or want to know all factors here, hence why yugo wars are a fucked up scenario
I do not care what side you want to be in, im saying here that no Croat can deny that there are converted Serbs within their people.
>burger or diaspora retard. Classic.
>no Croat can deny that there are converted Serbs within their people.
As there are converted Croats in Serbia, mainly vojvodina.
And that's of course completely ignoring Bosnia, which is a giant ethnic clusterfuck.