How do we eliminate the nu-male problem?
How do we eliminate the nu-male problem?
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Nuke america
you don't, it's a problem that will solve itself
he better have shaved his little boiclitty too
first post best post
Mandatory weight lifting to build testosterone.
When I want to hear the opinion of an irrelevant muppet whose most recent ancestor who wasn't an irrelevant potato farmer was Genghis Khan, I'll ask an Estonian.
Keep pumping estrogen into the water, pretty soon everyone will be a woman
-No single-moms gets to raise the child on their own
-Military service
-And reversal of gynocentrist society
I hope he looks back on his life of embarassing cuckoldry with deep shame.
>Sup Forums not realizing this is ironic
Based Eesti wants to destroy problem at it's source
Fat kike gets triggered by eesti naming the yank
He is somehow right.
I too shave my beard, hair, eyebrows and body hair regularly.I go to gym 5 times per week and my body really shows it. It makes me feel...pure,different better
>nation where nu males originated getting defensive
Looks like he has cancer
Did he shave off his fucking eyebrows?
>nation where nu males originated
Only because america originated here.
Ayy lmao
Thats a bullshit shoop dude shaved to promote friend w cancer going through chemo
>You smegheads get played again
He's a cancer survivor who grew his beard to celebrate 10 months cancer-free.
ops pic is some top jewery
Tfw i have a full thick beared
tfw i had steven johnson syndrom
Tfw it gave me alopecia totalis
Hold me pol
I hate my life
>you guys have nukes.
Non-nuclear countries are really just vassals to those that do have them.
I envy you.
Instead of calling them "Nu-males" let's call them what they really are.
Eunuchs, since obviously they have no fucking balls left.
Bless your soul user that really blows.
Force them into a war, either they stop being nu-males or they die.
It may very well be a war against the problem itself: (FPBP)
You shouldnt, why would you?
My self confidence is destroyed, i use to beable to court women with ease, i cant even look at other men without feeling self pity/envy. My body is a soecitcal for my coworkers.
I hope death finds me swiftly
Civil war. Liberals can't fight, so it'll be more a genocide of sorts than an actual war where one side stands a chance. We need to purge the weak genes of nu males, otherwise whites will be out dominated by shitskins and other more malevolent races.
I'm sure the delusional attitudes of liberals will force them to think they could defeat conservatives/traditionalists in a battle. After the first few slaughters they will surrender, after which we must push for propaganda to kill them.
This is actually the most effective way we can get rid of jews, as many of them pretend to be whites, and as nu males they would be prime targets of genocide. We could kill 2 birds with one stone, getting rid of inferior male genes and jewish genes.
>hating on potatoes
>what are saboteurs
This he probably got chemotherapy and was making a joke.
You are a poor disgusting being.
Amongst egytian sacerdotal caste, lack of hair was considered a symbol of purity and divinity. Not having hair means more hygiene. Several studies have showed that bald men appear more dominant.
But if you are a disgusting fatso, then your self loathing is more than justified. Just don't delude yourself into believing your hair would have made a difference
lol libs would maul you you dumb fucking newfie...if what you said was true you would have already brought the war, shit for brains.
>How do we eliminate the nu-male problem?
Probably not possible. Why? Because men are considered to have hyper-agency. That is everything wrong with a man his his problem to solve and if he can't fix it he is a loser who deserves gene death.
Now, I can actually get behind this POV to a great degree. But it's a flawed instinct in contemporary society.
Things like hormones in the water, xenoestrogen-leaking plastics, helicopter parenting etc. crippled millions of our men before they even had a chance.
There's things you simply can't fix about yourself as an adult.
What we have to do is try to persuade society to want to unfuck unborn generations. This is a difficult thing because of those same primal instincts. We are not prepared to see men and boys as victims that need an external solution to their problem.
There may be some potential to get the problem solved by framing it as a women's problem rather than a men's. If women felt it was a problem of theirs they would get it fixed in short order.
eg. They can't have kids because their men have low sperm counts. They can't get Chads because there aren't enough Chads.
That could be our Samson Option
Beards are disgusting
But hes a faggot
> months of serious research of feminism
When you have nothing to do in your life
He does have cancer. This is obviously a joke. If you do not understand it then you are retarded.
>This thread
>Pic related
why didnt i think of doing this before? now i can throw my mask out
Hilarious. See that thing? You think that thing can fight?
We can't stop this, it's already too late.
No im quiet fit.
I actually appreciate your comment, i know this place is not a hug box, but that made me feel preeety good.
I just love how smug they are.
Thier entire culture is a slow motion trainwreck crashing down around thier ears and they got this dipshit pridful arrogant grin because they did some stupid shit like shave thier face.
We cant figure out how to return our nation to an industry based economy, weve got anywhere near a dozen brush wars simmering on the back burner almost perpetually threatening to go big, our banks are leveraging everything they have into toxic derivative markets, but this dipshit is standing in the middle of it convinced hes on "the right side" of history because he shaved his stupid face.
Oh my God...Look at this faggot's facial expression.That smug sense of false superiority. Is there any face more punchable?
What a jew.
We need another world war.
Indeed, we must purge our enemies, world without war makes us complacent.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
If there isn't a phsyical demand to either protect your country or build it, we get a generation of pic related.
We are coming to a point where the population that was responsible for hunting/gathering, farming/building, and protecting/killing is now withering away doing non-physical menial tasks. It opposes our evolutionary mandates and makes our societies weak, while the majority of the worlds populations continue raising hard men.
Our women are becoming weak men and our men are becoming weak women. Something has to give.
Literally this.
Canada too.
By not being one... honestly by being a Chad
>keep clean shaven
>keep physically fit
>literally don't give a fuck what anyone says or thinks
>don't wear skinny jeans and plaid
nu males will be intimidated by you, and women will always be more attracted to you
Is flannel ok?
>retarded paki comes back with too!
Pick one.
underrated post
When you find out theyre candian or a numale
Jesus, I want to give his doughy looking head to my wife to bake into a boule for dinner.
Im montanan, I wear flannel as an actual practical garment for working in the woods.
These fuckin "lumber-sexuals" piss me off.
The weakest guy on an actual logging crew could stomp thier faggot hipster ass and go back to eating lunch like it werent nothin but a thing.
That's what happens when your dad never hits you, I guess.
Is there any hope for these people, or are they just doomed to eventually become bullet sponges?
laserguided truthbombs
It is male nature to dominate and oppress. If we do not dominate and oppress, our true nature is being oppressed. So either we or they are going to be oppressed. I choose for it to be them.
Draft them for at least a year.
More often than not forced boot camps weed out all the numale genes in the human body. There's a reason why there's a proverb here that boys only become men after they served their draft.
I wear flannel at work occasionally and I still get teased by my family for wearing 'hipster clothes'
Is this cuck trying to say shaving your head and face is best for feminism?
Shaved head and face is the best and purest way to be. It has nothing to do with fucking feminism.
Sounds to me like he's just trying to distract people from find out that he's a goblin.
> alopecia totalis
I would like that, I'm sick of shaving.
I wear flannel shirts when I weld so I don't have to wear sleeves and I've been at the store on my way home from work and have had hipsters/numales literally come up and talk to me about how much of a shitlord trump is
I just don't respond to anything they say an they usually scurry off to the vegan isle
your male pattern baldness is showing
why does this bullshit even exist?
like, who planted the seed of faggotry into his mind?
Things will get tough, people will be forced to change the way they think and act, or perish.
Something is coming thats gonna reset the slate, you can feel it, everyone can.
Thier SJW trash is just escapism. They cant deal with what they know is coming, but by golly they can get those trannies that make up .0001 percent of the population thier own bathroom.
Good luck with that, Mr. Snowman.
Agreed :(
Im a combat vet with a fucked up face, such types activley avoid speaking to me.
>still has eyebrows
It's like he hates women
>beards will be once again measurement of masculinity
i hope this will catch up among nu-fags
this tbqh
For all I know this dude had cancer
Shops like this are very common on Sup Forums
Give me a link or fuck off
Where do these people live?
How can I meet them?
>oppressive male facial hair
Is it really just as simple as "women can't grow beards so when men grow a beard it shames women for doing something they can't do"? Is that really it? Because if that's the case you better cut your fucking balls off, too, cause women don't have those either.
Oh that's right, saying that women can't have a cock and balls is transphobic. My mistake.
>Not being clean shaven lifter with Americana 40s or 50s hair
Guys, I've figured it out!
Castration. Castrate them and give their balls to people who can use them.
>Continuing their shit tier genes.
From faggot nu-male to cancer patient. Culture appropriation much?!
You now know what you need to do, keep drinking colloidal silver become blue skinned and trick fools into thinking you are a God.
That's also pretty manly. You really need to be masculine to pull that off, though.
Yeah, nvm just castration.
unless if the radiation is going to pour over into canada and contaminate the water of european countries I don't see how that's going to solve the problem
Make military service mandatory
fuck freedom and liberty n shit
Nu-Males always have soft facial features.
They are estrogen-based males.
>body hair
So how many razors do you go through a week?
What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with doing a year or two of military service, several countries are doing it, like Switzerland
And that's bound to toughen the pussies out
Hate to say it, but he's right. This is almost entirely our fault.
If we do go out for the sake of ending this shit... eat a burger in our honor, would ya?
forcing people to serve is immoral, what should happen if someone refuses to serve?