How bad of a kosher approved time am I in for if I go cold turkey from drinking a 2 Liter of goyim brand Soda a day Sup Forums? Has anyone else quit, or reduced their soda consumption?
Quitting The Carbonated Jew
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2L a day holy fuck
I just use a soda stream and tea its a pretty good replacement for the carbonated jew and little no sugar
Been coffee and tea only for about three years. soda made my asshole bleed every time i took a shit.
good job, you are 10% less amerifat
I was drinking tons of Schweppes like 5 years ago, but now I buy only 0.33 cans of diet Coke to consume with pizza or burger. For regular drinking i just drink carbonated water.
>2L of the carbonated Jew a day
Holy shit that's a lot, stopping would be for the best. My New Years resolution was quitting soda and I've been doing well so far, my only exception was this past week when I bought a crystal Pepsi just to see what everyone was nostalgia'ing about. It was alright, but once you quit it really starts to taste like shit because you aren't used to it anymore. I'm glad I stopped personally
I stopped drinking soda years ago after overly worrying about the effects it was having on my body.
In all honesty, like everything else, once in a while it's okay, but it's not necessary.
Start drinking water, or tea, and coffee, and the urges will go away after a while.
I remember trying a Coke a couple months after I quit, and it tasted fucking disgusting.
You sugar addicted americans will never learn, just drink water and dump all your nigger tier food/beverage. I once visited your country and I was disgusted how much junk food you consume every day. I just visited Jew York, ((DC)) and Boston, so that was just the peak of the iceberg of a much bigger problem.
Soda stream is literally made in Israel you Jew supporter
You should just quit sugar cold turkey, that shit is degeneracy in granular form.
Listen Giuseppe, not every American has junk food 24/7. Especially in New York...the business men and women are too smart for that.
I will agree that most of our food has too much sugar in it, something I constantly look for when grocery shopping.
Pretty bad. Your body is used to getting a ton of calories in the form of sugar, and you'll double it up with caffeine withdrawals.
Get a bottle of caffeine pills and knock a couple down whenever you get a headache. Don't bother with coffee because a lardo like you will use a bunch of cream and sugar that will negate any health benefit.
>soda stream
Good goy
i quit soda back in february 2015, dropped 15 pounds almost instantly, like a month
Tbh I quit by starting with "diet" replacements, and still have a Sunkist 10 or Gatorade fairly regularly. Thing is, if you realize that you have to ride about 3 miles on a bike or run for 20 minutes to cancel out one can of soda, you realize the cost to benefit ratio is just shit. Drink water, buy mio's, crystal light, etc if you need something. Slowly but surely you'll realize water is what you're really craving
Is it literally made in Israel, or is it literally made in the occupied territories by arab slave-wage labor run by Israelis, who keep the profit in Israel but the factories and workers in Palestine?
How the fuck do you even get addicted to soda in first place?
Yeah, best thing ever. Now I'm not thirsty even after a liter of soda. Wow I wonder why it would work like that...
Just drink water/lemonade
It's not the soda you potato nigger. It's the sugar which has been scientifically proven to be more addictive than cocain.
2L a day of soda? jesus christ dude, takes me a few weeks to use up any 2L soda I buy.
If it's like a real addiction, you could start seeing some symptoms. Use webmd. I'm glad that you relies it's a problem. Your teeth must be fucked.
I really don't understand how anyone can stand mountaindew
it's fucking shit
I went down from drinking around 2L a day of Diet Coke, to drinking the occational cup here and there
I still want it sometimes, but it's not that bad.
The key is to only have water in your house, you'll be fine
It's literally ingrained in our culture.
>go to a restaurant: they push soda
> buy a video game: have a coupon for free soda
> ads ads ads ads ads ads
It's disgusting.
Half of my problem when I quit drinking soda a few years back was that I missed carbonation, not so much the sugar or caffeine. I mainly just drink any sort of sparkling water or coffee now. Go forth user, and break away from the carbonated jew
I lost 20 pounds in a month after quitting coca-cola, and I changed literally nothing else about my diet
yeah but i drink coffee now
>Until 2015 its principal manufacturing facility was located in Mishor Adumim in the West Bank, creating controversy and a boycott campaign.[9][10][11] The boycott campaign resulted in the closing of the SodaStream factory in Ma'ale Adumim in October 2015, with more than 500 Palestinian workers losing their jobs.[12] The factory moved to a new facility in Lehavim.[13]
I quit about a month ago and feel so much better for it, also I lost weight even though I didn't really intend to. Whenever I see soda I dont even have the want to drink it anymore, it just looks gross.
this is why hitler wanted to get rid of you
This. I was drinking coke daily by the time I was 16 and never even realized what I was doing
>go to a restaurant: they push soda
"Just bring me water".
> buy a video game: have a coupon for free soda
>buying games
> buy a video game: have a coupon for free soda
> ads ads ads ads ads ads
have a coupon for free soda?
I've never been a soda drinker, but the anons are right, it's the sugar, not the soda water. You should be able to go cold turkey but of you're too much of a pussy to handle drinking water you could get some of those little La Croix guys. They're carbonated with no sugar.
>go to american restaurant
>there's a salt, pepper and sugar shaker at every table
Jesus Christ Americans are disgusting. That much soda a day is vile
Soda, Caffeine, Weed, Ciggarettes, Red meat and all industry meat. I eat chicken 1-2 times a week that i buy from a local farm. I reccomend everyone to visit a slaughtering house or big meat (factory?) Its absolutely degenerate to have animals suffer their entire life so you can buy a steak for 4 $
Before anyone starts bashing me, Remeber that Hitler was one of the first animal rights activist and a vegetarian
I make my own sodas out of zero calorie drink mixes and a 2 Liter bottle carbonation kit.
Feels good man, 15 calories per bottle and all the refreshment I want.
You say that is if there's a problem buying video games.
Gaming is a legit form of entertainment now with most games being developed for adult consumers.
> drinking soda
Enjoy your shitty teeth kek
I had heart palpitations related to the amount of caffiene I consumed 2 years agonso I quit cold turkey. Having something to drink readily available such as orange juice or lemonade helps in the first few days because the other element that holds you to soda is the convienence of always having one nearby when you are thirsty. Then when you feel more energetic from not having caffiene highs/lows switch to water because the excess sugar in juices is not good for you either. Good luck, it is worth it I promise.
Altought i agree that American food is generally fat and vile i don't see what is wrong with a little seasoning my anglo friend
2L a day? What in the fuck is wrong with you. You should be legitimately ashamed of yourself.
i drink up to 12, 12floz cans of DR Pepper a day
if i go without caffine for 4 hours i get debilitating headaches
shits so cheap i just keep drinking it
>tfw 145lb somewhat fit
>bikes every day
the only issue it poses to me are my teeth
i'm actually kind of scared to stop drinking, i really can't afford to lose any weight, and its kind of hard for me to gain weight.
I used to weight 210lbs, did MDMA for 3 months, and now i weight 145 and cannot gain weight unless i go to an unlimited buffet for a week straight.
maybe if i ate more filling meals than chicken and pasta.....
>not supporting the redpilled Japanese entertainment industry
You cut down your usage. For a month or three weeks cut your drinking of soda to half that. Then after that reduce it even more per day. After awhile just drink it every other day until you finally get it down to once a week. After that you are pretty much free.
Certain sodas might be hard to go back too as well. I can tolerate Sprite but Coke tastes very bitter to me.
>go to a restaurant: they push soda
Where do you live that they do this.
never change greatest ally
I cut out red meat from my diet. Just eat fish and chicken now. My health has done a 180 in improvement.
Fuck red meat. Of course you can't convince Americans that it's bad for you. They've bought into the ad campaigns of the beef lobby.
I've not drank any since 2007.
Probably saved my organs.
Similar experience. I had to buy a completely new wardrobe. None of my pants fit anymore
I don't understand
you get a "free mountainjew" coupon when you buy a console game at gamestore?
obviously you opt for water, but instead of saying, "what can I get you to drink"
9/10 they say, "What can I get you, we have: Coke Pepsi, Sprite, Beer"
They A. want the sale, because it gives them great profits
and B. are told to do it.
I'm curious, do they have health class in america? You know, like when they show you why drinking pop is terrible to consume daily? And help you construct a healthy diet?
Health class probably saved me from being obese tbqh
>You say that is if there's a problem buying video games.
You find no problem whatsoever in buying entertainment that tries to push the devs/publishers' shitty political agendas, tries to bleed the fuck out of your wallet with microtransactions, or both at the same time? And mind you that's exactly the kind of game that comes with a free soda coupon.
The Midwest.
These animals were purpose bred to be food by humans. They are not natural.
They have no other reason to exist.
Without us, they would go extinct within 4 generations.
Except chickens. Chickens are pretty much unchanged from their wild counterpart.
Cows and farm pigs can't survive in the wild though.
You forget all about it. It's like any drug, you want it because you have it. Used to drink at least a can a day and then stopped and never have a desire to drink it now.
>go to a restaurant: they push soda
Are you 12? Just get a beer.
Everytime you go to a restuarant?
Yes. It's treated like a joke class, at least in my age group/time frame it was.
I quit when I was 16 and I'm 20 now. All it does is fuck your teeth and make you fat. You need to quit drinking it. I have the occasional faygo every now and then when I'm at a party but I drink like maybe 2 or 3 a year
Yeah? Restaurants usually serve breakfast, lunch and dinner so why would you not have those available?
>They've bought into the ad campaigns of the beef lobby.
I'm America, and I have NEVER seen an ad for beef. EVER. In my 34 years of life, the only ad I ever saw for beef was on youtube, and was AUSTRALIAN.
I haven't been to a restaurant in 4 months. So yeah I get a beer every time I go.
The patrician choice
We get all kinds of promos like that.
I play dota 2 and got half off my order at Papa John's™ just because a certain player had a promotion with them.
Sometimes they put online codes on the mountainjew and you and can redeem them for virtual points or something.
Political agenda?
Tell me exactly what Ubisofts political agenda with Rainbow Six Siege is. Or, what exactly is Activision trying to push with CoD? What about Rise of the Tomb Raider? What exactly is Rockstar trying to brainwash us with, with GTA 5?
I take it you don't game at all. One of those "I don't use, but I think it should be banned" people.
Everything... EVERYTHING has a hint of political bias - it's unavoidable. But, gaming companies aren't out to push some super secret agenda.
After 3 days you will feel amazing.
Sugar shakers are only really brought out if you order a hot beverage. It is odd to see them placed with the same regard as salt and pepper.
Did you NOT have a television growing up????
How can you not remember the " BEEF, IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER" ads????
I cut it all out and lost 20lb in a few weeks. But I didn't drink nearly that much
2 litres a day is fucking insane, I think you'll find it pretty hard to just stop it suddenly. Switch to 1 litre sugary fizzy drinks, 1 litre diet fizzy drinks for a week, then go to 2 litres diet fizzy drinks for a week, then gradually change that to water / cordial
Just drink water and unsweetened tea you faggot. Carbonation fucks with your lung capacity
Please consider buying your chicken from a local breeder if you have the option, While chicken is not really a health risk like red meat they are still being treated in torture like conditions.
But great job my American friend for skipping red meat! Your chance if getting cancer has significantly dropped!
Fuck just YouTube beef commercials. What rock have you been living under for the past 32 years?
I drink about 5 gallons of diet soda a day and my recent physical was perfect blood pressure good blood. I can probably up my diet soda intake to 10 gallons and my body would not care
You shouldn't drink soda if you are black , even diet soda. Technically your body can't tell the difference between real sugar and artificial sweetener. Black people have insulin production problems and are at higher risk for diabeetus . You may take 20 years off your life span if you drink even 1 soda and you are black. If you are part black this is true to. It has been posited by doctors and scientists that things like 'purple drank' were specifically designed by the US government to kill black people.
Same thing right?
Call of Duty and Halo games had a promotion where if you consumered Doritos and Mountain Dew you got XP to level up your player account and get access to guns and player skins.
Look into carbonated water to curb cravings for carbonated pop. I found it wasn't so much the sugar from canned coke I like, but the first few sips of a cold carbonation.
Drink the carbonated water when you really want a Coke, and theb cut yourself off of that as soon as you can.
Prepare for caffeine withdrawal. I drank at most maybe 2 cups of soda a day and when I stopped daily consumption I had lethargy and headaches for a few days. It apparently doesn't take much caffeine to get a mild addiction to it.
Unless you faggots can get me a goy-made seltzer machine as effective as a SodaStream then I'm going to be using my G-d damned SodaStream
I get a diet pepsi with my sandwich sometimes at potbellys. Im a sucker for real root beer but havent had it in years. I was raised in a seltzer drinking family.
>mfw someone asks me if i got sprite
>Rainbow Six Siege
I stopped playing RS after the abortion that Vegas is, so I don't know. Shame because RS was actually alright.
Enlist NOW good goym.
I don't know about the rest, neither I care.
>But, gaming companies aren't out to push some super secret agenda.
This is the last (you) you're getting from me, purple haired hambeast.
I drink too much soda... about 3-4 cans a day. It's mostly diet but it's still a waste of money.
>It's literally ingrained in our culture.
It's a top tier hustle, particularly since Acher Daniels Midland invented HFCS because the mark up is stupendous - plus restaurants just get the syrup.
Look at what's most advertised to people, which company logos dominate sports stadiums - pizza, pop, and beer.
Why? Because pizza is flour plus water plus barely anything else. Beer is also just grains. Shittiest possible ingredients, huge mark up.
How could I forget the fat fuck ads they run where if you order pizza takeout, they give you a liter of soda with it???
>pic related.
>Crystal light
>Drinking aspartame
Degenerate. If you want some sugar, drink sugar. Crystal light might have no calories, but it is LOADED with carcinogens
Yes, I used to drink alot of Coke. I've stopped now.
Also have gotten off the distilled Jew.
The real redpill is to go to and secure the future of the White race.
In 1-2 years, I will look like a god. Gains are strong as fuck.
Chickens are not natural tho,They have been bred the same way cows have, To be bigger and to lay more eggs.
This is what natural real chickens look like.
I went full retard mountain dewritos/red bull/monster energy when I was cramming for exams a couple years back. Stopped ever since and returned to black coffee
I'm seeing a lot about coffee here. I thought coffee was just as bad as soda.
Literally a baby step but good job OP
Degenerate porn comes next followed by nudity viewing until you can jack off using your mind your dick and maybe a beautiful woman in a bathing suit
good luck
Holy shit just drink sparkling water. Why are you still drinking sodas? Those things are terrible for you.
Drinking soda is as bad as smoking and worse than drinking alcohol
Why would you care? If you'll keep drinking this stuff in 2 litres a day, you'll kick up bucket soon enough anyway.
I know right!!!
for fucks sake fatty just start drinking water. The more you try to rationalize it the more your addiction is going to fucking win.
For fucks sake I dropped like 60 lbs in a matter of months just by dropping the sugary jew from my diet
get your shit together lardo
Stop acting like your nasty habit of drinking sugary sludge is somehow an addiction you need to "go cold turkey" about.