Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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He's going back Paco

wow so clever
so funny
damn guess ill vote for the psychopathic narcissistic lying murderer with parkinsons who cant tackle 3 stairs, has seizures and wears a piss bag on her leg.

Political cartoons are the lowest form of humour and anyone who's ever even smiled at one should be taken behind the woodshed and put out of their fucking misery

Dude! Trump is literally Hitla!

Need the one where Hitler says they're a lot a like and Trump gets angry and corrects him on why they're nothing alike.


think what?

Fuck, really makes me say fuck borders n shiet and let's open up sweden for spanish ppl.

Wow. This joke is so subtle. I'm not sure I get it. So Trump likes Inspector Clouseau?

Really makes you think

You're on Sup Forums Juan. Shitones of people here LOVE hitler.

You have failed at CTR, 50 shekels have been removed from your bank account.

whoa really made me stink my pink

Angry Mexicans lol

>Shitones of people here LOVE hitler.

Well he did turn germany into a degenerate failing state ruled by jews into one of the most powerful countries on Earth in terms of military, technology, and quality of life.

Not saying otherwise sempai.

>mexican flag

>implying we like nigger muzies.
sorry sven.


If beaner butthurt could be converted into useful energy we wouldnt need oil anymore

Not I'm not implying that, I implying you like lawn mowers and free gibs :D

Honestly I'd vote for Hitler because of experience wise.

In what way is Trump literally like Hitler!?

I wish. Trump is a jewish bitch but will be less of a puppet than Obongo was

if only they met the world would be a better place

spics can't propaganda



yes it does..
> why haven't the americans built a wall earlier?

Damn.....really got my noggin joggin....

guess im #artilleryforhillary now..

>Hitler built Berlin Wall
>Trump wants to build a wall.
>Hitler was Racist
>Trump is Racist.

Like oh my god how much evidence do you need?

Wtf I hate Drumpf now

>hitler built the Berlin Wall

You best be having a giggle mate

Anyone who doesn't think Trump is literally Hitler is also a Hitler.


>hitler built the berlin wall

Mate, Sit down for a moment, This might come as a shock to you....

I prefer the Mussolini comparison.

Trump is a (((chosen one)))
Nice bait by the way