It would be so interesting to know the demographics of /pol. I'm going with age 30+ middle-upper middle class white men, with a very vocal sustaining voice from the 40-50 y/os. What do you guys think?
It would be so interesting to know the demographics of /pol. I'm going with age 30+ middle-upper middle class white men...
I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 per year currently working on my doctorate.
I'm the President of Nintendo.
I'm a 19 year old white male unemployed born into a lower-mid class family raised by a single mother but still had my dad around.
I'd be more inclined to say lower-middle class white men, early-late 20's. A lot of the people on here are younger than 18 as well.
54, middle class white
Going with largely early-mid 30's lower middle class
30+ people on Sup Forums are a rarity. As for the socio-economic status, there's all shapes and sizes, although the NEET demographic is the largest, I imagine, just like on any other image board/forum/whatever.
I'm 24 years old, I'm a white veteran and a tool and dye maker's apprentice.
21 years old, parents are Indian migrants
29 upper middle class white
/thedonald/ brought over a bunch of middle aged dudes from breitbart who have no idea of chan culture, save thumbnails, and dont know how to quote and just stick out like a sore thumb in general
Cant wait until they all leave once the election is over and Sup Forums is back to normal
Hey my dad works at Nintendo
You sound like a plebbitor.
Go get raped by a pack of niggers, you dick-pocketing faggot fuck puppet.
I'm of mixed Asian, European, African, middle eastern ancestry and I'm 96 years old
I'm obviously a black 25 year old, mother of three, and currently on welfare, mister NSA.
fuck off data miner
Obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or members of the Aryan Nation.
obvious data collecting shill
Let's all post pictures of our thumb prints and irises too
Fuck you op
im 87 years old mtf
genxfag mid 40s earn 90k on a good year/went to college/didn't graduate
Early 30s white male here.
Middle class, white collar.
I personally know one other Sup Forums browser (though we have never talked about pol) he is late 20s middle class blue collar
15-30, with a very vocal group of 30-40 year olds and like 2 people older then that who wandered in here one day and never came out. mostly lower or middle class
>middle upper class
I live in Baltimore City
I'm mid-30s, white collar, make about $200k/year
i'm just here for the laughs and enjoying my anger
What did Dan Aykroyd say about the Feigbusters haters? "50 to 60 year old klans members", and that there's "millions" of them? Let's go with that, because it amuses me.
this is the kind of response i would expect from a retarded child -- this board is full of them.
19 white and in extremely liberal college. I want out
> Thinking pol isn't mostly 20 year olds
20, middle class asian, attending community college.
i am a 24 yo drug lord, no sons, super model gf and super cars
1979 checking in.
Who cares about the pre-Sup Forums years? This place is the only one worth a damn, the rest of 4chinz is Reddit-lite.
I am 18 year old Muslim Syrian, please my balls very full, sexual emergency yes?
Spot on about the older guys OP. This is me in pic related
22 year old Syrian born in Israel and raised in the USA, Alawite Muslim, make $16,000/year
19 year old neet
>I've spent over ten years of my life coming to Sup Forums
~2008 Sup Forums was the centrist equivalent of current Sup Forums
>30+ years old
>40-50 y/os
most people here are between 18-26 years old, what are you on about
21 year old chad.
>upper middle class
Lmao no
I'm a jew
First came here in May, what am I?
19, lower middle class. Going to college this year to study accountancy.
21 year old spic working graveyard shifts while going to school
25 fucking white male. Software developer. I wish my peers were more political. We seem to be apathetic and let progressives walk over us. I will never let such a thing be my boss. I work in a smaller company running a institution for applied mathematics. My bosses are more based than me. I can think I know how lucky I am until I talk to friends who work corporate. They literally hire minorities that can't code....
Fuck you, old man
>upper middle class
>Sup Forums
>he actually believes it when everyone says they are an engineer here
You wanna know how I can tell you're old as dog shit?
>middle class and upper class on my board
I'm Katie Ledecky.
My flag checks out.
43 year old here. You think you stop raging about niggers and kikes when you hit 30? Plus I like the sense of humour. Married, £68k/year
come home
2003 = Originalfag
Before the Fox News report in 2007 = Oldfag
After the Fox News report = Newfag
After moot = Distinguished Newfag
I literally thought most were.... I have a friend that just to be a mod on b. Upper middle class business major working in China had a real case of yellow fever and is now engaged to one. I feel most NEETS cry on robot or an hero...
Why is she dressed up like Conan O'Brien?
Sup Forums is old Sup Forums grown up so mid/late 20s
I think pol has a relativearge amount of previous Sup Forumstards that simply matured and simply continue to call bullshit they observe with typical Sup Forums humour.
.. coming from a guy who used to do habbo raids when a teen, now simply working and making money. Nothing has really changed, other than i dont have 10 hours of spare time every day.
Dude, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
Faggot cancer
we've had a shitload of strawpolls on this throughout the years i've been on Sup Forums, and some had thousands of votes so its a decent sample size
majority are 18-24 but there are people of all ages
Eh, it would be nice to bring back some b antics for nostalgia.
under 30 and liberal. I come to Sup Forums to read shitposts and because I actually like to listen to the other side's arguments and consider them for any worth.
Not redpilled, but I don't bow to current regressionist-left ideologies.
he sounds like a pathetic fucking weeb. Sup Forums is full of them.
Me? Well I'm the elusive Sup Forums himself.
>Le Australian banter xD
This. Working class checking in.
28, m, white, dating a blonde girl, voting right wing party, drive 4x4 suv, $196'000 jewgold sponsored salary which I got thanks to my parents pushing me through uni and into a decent job.
Only thing that could improve atm is bigger dick.
mfw I am the reincarnation of white privilege.
Old fag here. I am surprised to see youngins redpilling so early back in the 90's all young people seemed 100% liberal yet as they got older and have seen more of reality they change. If it's not too late could be a much larger redpilled 30's population coming in a decade or so. Just a ballpark guess though.
>implying anyone cares about a few shitposters on a Nepalese finger painting forum
Mid twenties, liberal secular degenerate parents who divorced, graduate education, mixed race, poor.
28 year mixed race female, democratic socialist, single mother, never married, 3 kids, tax refunds for my kids [9k/year] and child support from 3 different high earning white males puts me into upper middle class when added to my "salary" earned serving tables. Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
Currently, the main demographic of Sup Forums consists of edgy 15 year old summerfags.
Hello FBI demographics branch
a cunt
really feel for the Japanese 40+ working men, seems like a system that could swallow you up and noone would know or care until you stopped coming to work and paying your bills and they discover your corpse on the bathroom floor
Im 21.
> Chef
> Wendy's
> 130,000 year
Gave me a giggle
>Be 20
>Liberal Arts university
>Studying International Mass Media and Communications
>Fair amount of money, work but don't need to
If poll is interested once my second semester starts I can start posting tri weekly about the shit I learn in my Gender Studies class?
>being this new
mostly 15-21 year old angry social pariahs
It's a meme you dip
***SAGE if you must reply (don't)***
31 married with 2 kids, blue collar worker (UAW-Ford) who plans to vote trump.
>blue collar worker (UAW-Ford) who plans to vote trump.
29 year old, lower middle class, white schizophrenic male. i work as a waiter at a conference centre. i live with my parents.
I'm 19, currently working on my major, and I'm Mexican.
And Clinton is somehow better? I think not, Democrats don't give 2 shits about the middleclass, especially that cunt. Trump at least seems passionate to make the middleclass great again.
I'm a young Jewish woman
Im a legal immigrant came from Mexico as a child.