
Texas fag here, tired of having my state cucked by the kikes in Washington. Let the Texit commence!!! Also general Texas appreciation thread.

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texas je amerika

>vote to join the USA
>secede only after Sam Houston is forcefully removed for opposing leaving the United States
>pretend like Texans wanted to leave in the first place when in reality they've been cucks for all their existence

Texas is turning into California. So please secede and let your asses get taken over by Mexico.


also isn't there no legal process for secession in from the US?

There is for Texas.

Build wall around Texas.

For Texas there is

Louisiana here. I wholeheartedly support Texas leaving the Union! Godspeed! Go, man, go! Let nothing stop you!

i know they have the right to split into 5 states but they still have to be part of the US

No there isn't.

>You lose West Texas.

>45% White

LMAO you're not going anywhere jose.

There isn't. They're fucking with you, Niko.

>taken over by Mexico
Literally beat them with practically no Army and captured their President in a 15 minute battle
>but Mexicans be like "Muh Empire"
>"Muh Napoleon of the west"

Oklahoma here, please don't forget your hat.

Yeah, nah. You guys aren't leaving.

Texans have the most annoying special snowflake culture of the west.
Even worse then with scots or bavarians

can Oklahoma come too?

this, we'll be blue in a decade or so.
Austin, and the shit-load of mexicans being pandered to by dems, is a strong force.

Thank you my Cajun brother, even if you're underwater right now

But they actually back it up. Police in Texas fuck criminals up like they should be. Home intruders are shot and the people who shot them are protected by the government with no charges brought against them. Illegals are actually hated rather than embraces like Commiefornia

Ok got cucked more than any other state so yeah you can come too.

I don't think you get the joke bro.

Also, pic related.

Nigger, we be high and dry in Terrebonne. Well, not high. But dry.

How did we get cucked?

Not so fast faggot. We're coming too..

Okie's welcome

You have no idea. You can always tell a Texan no matter where you are in the USA. They will be sure to let you know immediately, and remind you 5 minutes later.

Let's ride, Texas.

>implying washington will allow you to do that


>Texas is becoming commiefornia


I build homes in dallas and 3 years ago home prices where reasonable. Now the same house that cost 90K 3 years ago is selling for 200K. And it all thanks to these commies coming here and jacking up prices like they live in the hills. FUCK FORNIES THEY RUIN THE LONE STAR STATE!!!


Texans have a more annoying accent than Australians.

I wish California would secede into the sun.

If Texas actually seceded, I think there'd actually be a good chance of it getting claimed by Mexico.

If Mexicans aren't already the dominant ethnicity of Texas, they are at least 1-3% off.

Either way, shit would be really funny.


Of course they won't allow it, but Texas can do it anyway.




>implying all those mexicans wouldn't be deported the first week

Did a fellow okie quote the wrong post?

Close enough to Norman to shudder when the wind blows in my direction.

Sweet, come on over. The New Republic of Texas will be bigger and better. Also we can keep our football rivalries going. Real Football, not you Eurofags kickball

Which would immediately prompt Mexican military intervention Russia style "to protect ethnic Mexicans".

You fucking autist, nobody from Texas wants to secede.

EVERY fucking person saying shit like this has, without fail, been a Yankee transplant desprately trying to fit in with their idea of 'Texan'.

>Howdy y'all, don'tcha just wish we could secede and run our ranches in peace? How about them Cowboys? EVERY THING'S BIGGER IN TEXAS AMIRITE HAHAHAHAHAHA
Fucking kys

Wew lad.

Yeah, 2nd amendment n shit, tyranical goverment, etc.
If you didn't rise your weapon when FBI OFICIALLY confirmed that whole election is rigged and Hillary dindu nuffin... I guess you won't do shit against goverment ever.

You have too much to lose, m8.

Ffuck off back to california, kike

right because when people get deported for being illegal immigrants the country they get deported back to responds with war

are you retarded?

I know that feel bro, I'm at least glad it's starting to cool down

The Mexican military can't even stop some beaners from shooting coke and heroin into Arizona, they ain't gonna do shit

Fellow Texan. 100% for it. Time to make Texas free and independent again.

>Minority thinks they can deport the majority

That's not how things work, friendo. Mexicans wouldn't be the ones getting deported, that's for certain.

I'll take projection for 500, Alex.

Believe me Dimitri, I'm pretty certain I will die young.

Arkansas here.

Take us with you. We've been buddies since you joined the union.

Okay then we firebomb Mexico and dump all the criminals into it like the British did with Australia. Glass the land, kill anything that attempts to come across the border.

Nice try Goldstein

no, theres only a way for us to split into 4 states, which might be the only way any part of Texas remains red at this rate...

look i love Texas, but the Texas i love IS dying and its just simply probably going to lose, we cant leave legally and theres otherwise no way to stop the influx and breeding of liberals to the degree we would need.

fight the good fight and stay, but know in the end your probably going to lose.

i mean look, only under 276,000 even support the party thats pushing for us leaving.

maybe they can revive Santa Anna for round 3

d-did someone say secession?

I'd happily join a Texan Militia if an American civil war 2.0 kicked off.

La #2 agrees please. and may Louisiana join Texas shortly thereafter.

>Mexicans flee Mexico because of drug lords with guns
>Texans have guns and extreme pride in Texas
>Thinking they wouldn't easily send them back without issue

The Mexicans you see in Texas are cowards

>Oklahoma just joined the Republic of Texas...
>80% of the O/NG workers just left the USA.
>New USA has to outsource workers to drill/refine oil
>Fuck them over on the contracts
>Make billions while SJW build fucking wind turbines all over the country

Take Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama too or no deal.

Come and take it

where are you even getting this information from that Texas majority are Mexican immigrants from? Memes aren't real

Where are the Texans that don't want to live in that going?

Wait hold on guys.

>Wants Texas to secede before Trump gets elected, effectively preventing half of the border wall from being built.

>Kikes calling dissidents kikes
Oy fucking vey

We could just take New Mexico with us and put them all there, reservation style.

No. Trust me guys, we don't want Iowa. At the least, make Des Moines rejoin the union.

Thread theme.

Like I said, take New Mexico with us and put all the Mexicans and Cucks there reservation style

Iowa is blue thanks to the excellent education. They hayseed hicks are mad about it, but they'll die out or move soon.

>"Who's commin with me maannn"


Watch america take it back like the civil war

The irony is that people from places like texas, padania, scotland or bavaria always claim that their home is super special and totaly unique.
But when you actually visit it its the same shit then every else place in the west.

Nuke Austin

I thought it was the Mexicans in California who were cowards.

Well, I know whites in Texas are about less than 40% of population and unless blacks make up more than 10% of the population of Texas, then Mexicans would de-facto be the majority.

Perhaps you're the one who needs to go cold-turkey on memes?

Just have the entire south secede.

That's the greatest political argument ever made.

I enjoy american infighting. Race war would destroy your nation.

Jew yorker here. My father is very liberal, he owns all arbies in Texas and he told me if you asshole ever get out of line and try that shit he will shit them all down and we all know how much you Cowboys love your arbies. Yes I'm aware I didn't spell it right but my phone keeps auto correcting

>you know

care to provide a source with that?

Arizonan here. If you secede, make a new country and bring us with you. We wish to remove taco and enjoy rooty tooties.



Californian Mexicans have the same god damn rights as citizens, so they are ballsy as fuck and get away with anything. Texas Mexicans know full well not to fuck with White Texans, and know what they are capable of

>posting from a soon blue state

Okie here, fuck off Jew York, we have Braums and Whataburger

Fuck that, you all keep your democratic votes. We only took in LA because of the food, and even that was a stretch.

>mfw yankees think a second civil war would go the same as it did last time
>when far and away the majority of the US military comes from Southern states

I support Texas secession if their first act as a nation is to nuke Florida to hell.

>White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

White people are LITERALLY a minority in Texas.

hispanics are 38% of state population and that isn't even taking into account that mexico isn't the only hispanic country
get fucked

As a fellow Okie. Fuckin right, yo.

What's the point in relaying racial statistics from a country that considers Sudanese people white?

I don't understand how Texas does it considering whites are a minority.

I fucking love me some Braums, hell I think I'll pick it up for dinner tonight