>tfw I have never nor will ever live in the time period when a hamburger and soda was only 25 cents
I was born too late.
>tfw I have never nor will ever live in the time period when a hamburger and soda was only 25 cents
I was born too late.
When was this? What was the common man's wage at the time?
When a burger and a coke were only 25ยข, earning a quarter was a lot harder, you stupid fucking faggot.
a Ford model T was 364$ in 1923 (year of peak production).
Prices mean nothing if you're not taking into account the average wage at the time.
>i dont understand Inflation
It was far easier to earn more,money back then. Do you guys realize most people before around the 70s we're able to pay their way through college with only one job? People were much wealthier compared to today because they were able to buy far more with a dollar.
cool, no one cares. its not the 70s anymore.
Get the fuck out of my thread if you don't care then!
They could pay for college because college, even adjusted for inflation, is far more expensive today than it used to be
This thread sucks.
That doesn't mean a quarter wasn't worth much more than now.
>we will never go back to 50's/60's aesthetics
>Saw the picture and that this was one of those enjoyable nostalgia threads
>Just some dumb schmuck who doesn't understand inflation
College and universities are more expensive then they used to be.
Why do you think all the european nations was putting education under state control in the 90's and early 2000's and made it free?
Not because they love us so much
>Hurr I have no concept of purchasing power, inflation, wages adjusted for inflation, the consumer price index, and other basic economic variables than explain why something cost a quarter, even though I could learn that with a 4 months course in economics 101
>tfw nostalgia for 50s nostalgia cafe.
Most people don't and think it's some sort of "natural phenomena"
Federal Reserve
Bretton Woods
Great Society
etc etc
>what is inflation?
adjusted for inflation it was still much cheaper, "you stupid fucking faggot".
You're still able to pay for college with just one job, you just have to save during your Junior and Senior years.
>t. lad who's set to go to a top-tier State Uni and graduate with no little to no debt
God Damn you are one stupid motherfucker
I remember as a kid my local theater had movies for $4.00 every day. It closed in like 2012 with a ticket price of $5.50 a movie. Now I get assraped by AMC for $10-12.50/movie.
Inflation sucks
It's actually cheaper today if you buy off the value menu
25 cents in 1920 is like 3 or so dollars today
Neither does anyone else. We've been in a deflationary environment for years and no amount of money printing has been able to fix it.
It turns out that economics is basically astrology. A lot of calculations and theories and equations that don't really say anything at all.
Back when corporations paid taxes.
Inflation.Did know that?
my father actually sang this song to me on several occasions, the one right at the beginning of the video
Actually false, burgers have never been cheaper
They were cheaper last year when they were liquidating cows due to the drought. Beef is stupid expensive nowadays.
i'm more jealous about the beef quality even fast-foods had back then
When was the last time that you received a quarter made out of 90% silver?
50's commercials was great.
>tfw no commercials for cigarettes aimed at kids anymore
What cost $.25 in 1950 would cost $2.49 in 2015.
You can get a hamburger anywhere (with cheese and pickels, unlike your picture) for a dollar, and a bigger soda than pictured for another dollar. So we are unequivocally better off now, faggot.
When I ordered a big sack of them based on spot price.
inflation is only one side of it
You can't just look at inflation, because the actual income has dropped since the 1950's as well
So not only did the price increase, the amount of money people had to spend also decreased
If you look at prices today as a percentage of income, we are getting absolutely fucked compared to 50 years ago.
In a post-hillary apocalyptic state, I'll bet you could buy a steak dinner and a woman for a 1956 dime.
About $75 a week.
College is expensive because the government is printing money by subsidizing loans and lending to people who can't afford it. College then raises tuition rates because government is giving people money they can't pay back or discharge in bankruptcy.
And then they don't pay taxes and pester you for life for more free money.
No wonder Jews love academia.
Minimum wage was 75 cents. So 20minutes of working at a fast food joint would pay for that then.
Minimum wage is 7.25 and that same meal costs 2 bucks.
Fast food worker now on average earns 7.99 an hour.
Working at a fast food joint earns you more food than the 50s.
>outsource all your dirty work
>moan about inflation
What is economics? For 500
A quarter was a quarter ounce of silver, which today is worth five dollars, ie a silver quarter will still buy you a hamburger and a soda it's the copper/zinc shit ones that aren't worth a fuck.
There's more minimum wage jobs now than there were back then
Try calculating on average single-earner income in 1950 vs 2016, and account for taxation and interests from debts.
You're going to very quickly discover that people in 1950 had significantly more money to throw around than people today do.
The real problem is that there aren't enough killer fucking diners like there used to be. I love this shit. Hamburgers are the greatest food ever invented. Add a side of quality fries and a real milkshake and god damn son, that's the meaning of life.
>not loving burgers because it's [current year]
That really rustles my jimmies.
My girlfriend was just saying last night she wishes it were the 60's because she believes more women were happier staying at home and taking care of things, having babies, and worshiping their man. She things it's all bullshit how feminists attack that lifestyle so hard and they're a bunch of barren, unhappy nags trying to compete in masculine roles that make them miserable instead.
>because she believes more women were happier staying at home and taking care of things, having babies, and worshiping their man.
What's stopping her to do that?
Jews (literally Jews) invented Women's rights so that women would join the workforce and double the tax base, debase the family, and then Jew them into having to work in order to generate enough revenue to support a family and support the Jew bankers.
why no one is posting this ?
I don't know. Why did the Federal Reserve stop posting the M3?
Did you fucked her hard after that?
That gave me a hard on
Now a days that would cost around five dollars though.
Calculating the inflation since 1955 which are 2102,5% till late 2015 this menu would coast today 224.48$
Hence today you are enjoying this menu for the a fraction of less than 2% or equal to 1955 money you are paying
You live just in time to buy a hamburger for a dollar if youbwant to look at it that way.
In the 1950s a man on a minimum wage job could own a house and support a wife and 3 kids who don't work
Try again faggot
fuck off capitalistic pic
Thinking a mongrolean origami imageboard is part of the shithole he is calling home.
Underrated post.
>dollars 345
yes that makes sense
Are you fucking retarded? Kill yourself.
hihi accidently typed 25 in not .25
sorry my bad
ok ok i kmy now
it doesnt fucking matter you communist faggot
its how its done here, so if you or any one of your other fellow peasants want to use american dollars, you put the fucking $ before the numbers, faggot.
I live in memefrica tho
>its how its done here.
Last time i checked, Sup Forums was not a place in the US.
>being this retarded
No that really makes no sense why should you write the sign infront that is more retarded than your system of measurement. Fuck this kindergarten shit! I recently tried to cook a american recipe and the cups and tablespoons gave me cancer ..... fucking cancer.
a fucking cup
for liquids
and solids
fuxk you
>Accuses me of being retarded.
>He doesn't even add the periods to his sentences.
I'd reply to you one more time, but dealing with subhumans is quite tiresome.
you are retarded, though. you thought I was implying with "here" as being ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY INSIDE the united states.
you are literally stupid
A burger an coke for .25 is approximately worth 2.30 today. So it is still pretty cheap. I bet the quality was better as well.
This is why I am a socialist.
Everyone should get food stamps/rations that they can eat/use when they feel fit... Then no 10 dollar burger madness.
We need free food, then the populace is happier.
> unnecessarily placing a period before a conjunction
>No HR cunts involved in hiring
>no wage choking by illegals
>no constant monitoring/checking in by technology
Oh yeah, sounds terrible.
this is b8 tho so
The 70s was a decade of hyper-inflation and unemployment you ignorant faggot. You have to go to the 50s and 60s to get 25 cent shit and like others have said, you were paid less so buying power was roughly the same.
>a leaf
Apples and oranges.
The """burger""" you claim is cheaper now didn't exist back then. A similarly made burger easily costs more than 2-3 dollars, which is what that price translates to. Probably in the 7 dollar range.
Try again, inflation apologist.
That ad isn't from 1920 tho
Are you trying to fucking kill me OP?
Venezuela isn't true socialism. Educate yourself.
nigga you better put a ring on it
This guy gets it.
(((Economists))) artificially lower the (((inflation))) rate by factoring in the (((substitution effect))).
In other words, it doesn't matter if the price of steak becomes comparatively higher because people will substitute more hamburger meat into their diet instead, mitigating the impact of the increased steak price on the basket of goods and services used to calculate inflation.
The quality of what we get nowadays is markedly lower than that of what we got decades ago. But don't worry goy, our (((calculations))) show that consumer utlility is held constant before/after factoring in substitution.
my nigga
Oh boy here we go.
This. Capitalism hurray
also the same time where you could die from polio and tuberculosis
She's only telling you what you want to hear, cuck.
Quality is overwhelmingly shit because people don't value quality high enough to warrant it being offered broadly.. If quality was the absolute main concern of people, your friendly neighborhood bakery, butchery, milkman and fruit and vegetable shop would all still be around.
>inb4 those things still exist
Not to the extent they used to say 20 years ago, never mind before that.. At least in this country.
Thanks for the (you).
>Donate a (you) to a Canadian today!
I'm sure it's purely consumer driven and has nothing to do with (((globalization))) and all of the (((major corporations))) outsourcing labor to countries that do shit work for pennies on the dollar.
You're not entirely wrong but there are also pressures from the supply side that make it hard for those types of business to compete.
This is also entirely tangential to my point that saying a burger that cost $0.25 then is the same as a burger that cost $2.25 now, after adjusting for inflation, so everything is fine. Apples =/= Oranges and the decline in quality does not get captured in the inflation calculation, such that society is worse off than portrayed by the Ministry of Plenty.
A loaf of bread or gallon of milk was around 35 cents, gas was 25.9 cents a gallon and cigarettes were 40 cents a pack.
And you could send your 8 year old son to the corner store to buy those cigarettes for you and no questions were asked.
The elites exacerbated inflation by printing money for themselves and destroying our wealth. Don't just accept it as being natural or mandatory.