Many of my friends and I have agreed that if there were to be civil war in any European country looking to remove kebab, we'd be on the first plane there to help in the fight.
What do Euros think about this? Would you welcome Americans with open arms like you did the first time we liberated your shores or will you want to go your own way?
Spanish Civil War 2 - Electric Boogaloo: Foreign Brigades in Europe
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Grow up.
if something like this happens, jew owned usa will fight against europeans
I think it goes without saying that your father would be honoured to remove the odd kebab with his son.
depends what county
I'd rather America stays out of any European civil war.
No offence, but looking at what you guys did the last 60 years any country you """""help""""" during rebellion gets fucked over by you.
I'd see America siding with the Muslims, if they got more profit out of it. MSM would probably find a way to spin it like you're the good guys too.
As long as you go home afterwards
>This has never happened before
I think he means in volunteer battalion
Islamic foreign fighters are already inside your borders, José.
NATO and MSM would undoubtedly side with kebab but that won't prevent regular Americans from joining the pro-European fight.
I would welcome you with open arms then