America is shit she'd rather live in Montreal

>america is shit she'd rather live in Montreal

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Canada will become a liberal enclave inshallah

>move from gated white community to gated white community
so nothing changes

you mean it already isn't?

All white american women should come to Canada for refuge from the hordes of spics and niggers.

that dog knows that it is going to get fucked now

Guess Cali was becoming to "diverse" for her

>willingly living in quebec


Fuck these Americans moving to Montreal

Nothing of value was lost, thanks for taking the bullet for us Canada.

We've been a liberal enclave since the '60s

t. Bill Wang

Why did she move to the shittiest city in Canada. Fucking hell, even Toronto is better than Montreal.

Montreal is great, lots of hot chicks and beautiful city, but it's also infested with niggers. Hope she don't get raped

by american you surely mean ethnically white american women I hope
you gotta be precise

Is California too enriched for her?

Awesome. I hope more of this liberal idiots leave.

>willingly living anywhere in Canada


Pretentious twat moving to pretentious city. Nobody cares.

They can have her. Completely overrated actress and entitled whore.

Canada can have all of our liberals celebrities.

>hollywood liberal whore

And nothing of value was lost

>hahaha I'm moving to Canada because America is so backwards and racist and conservative
>what? No. It has nothing to do with the fact that California is turning into a third world hell hole. Haha did I mention Trump is racist

>move to Montreal
>don't speak French
>get discriminated against as if you were a black in 50s America
I don't understand why anyone would move to Quebec, they don't even tolerate English Canadians there.

maybe she can't afford the expensive toronto rent

When ultra rich burgers say they would flee their tax oasis to socialist canada. xd

If you said Luxembourg the virgin Islands or switzerland I would have believed you.

56% income taxes
15% provincial sales tax

bye bye 71% of her income

ayo american boi, we fucking all your bitches, whatcha gonna do about it

Jennifer Lawrence? You mean the meme actress that's complaining about not getting paid enough as a fucking millionaire because she's a woman?

You canucks can keep that dumb spoiled white bimbo, we'll build another wall to keep the traitor out.

Her accountants will find some way to dodge it, just wait.

I mean leaf has a point

Muahaha the leaf knows what is up.

everyones already seen her boobies and hoohaa, lol, she's used goods!

Too bad Hillary will win and they'll go right back to San Francisco


or she can just tell CRA to go fuck themselves and move back to USA and they won't do shit

>56% income taxes
T-this is real?

>Guess Cali was becoming to "diverse" for her

I wonder if we could start some shit on Twitter with this.

>Jennifer Lawrence is shit


For what? They'll just be met with faggots, dog fuckers, mudslimes, and more niggers.


good riddance. she already hit the wall years ago

lol another liberal nutjob gone. Good luck Canada

>implying she won't be paid her own money as a salary for The Clinton Foundation


And they will vote to bring more niggers and arabs.

She's just looking for an autistic chink with a microdick so introverted she'll never have to worry about him asking or taking pictures of her soft shell crab.

Truthfully we only hate English Quebecers and Canadians, English speaking tourists are usually well treated, but yeah don't come live here unless you speak French.

unless you live in Montreal or on the quebec/ontario border in which case you'll be fine

Good. We don't need her.

>anyone in Montreal
>speaking French

Why do english speakers move to Québec when it's the only province that doesn't use english, and then complain about not being understood when they use english ?

most quebecers understand english, in face quebec was a largely english province before the terrorist attacks that forced the gov't to give french special status

Only west island, the rest of Montreal is French speaking besides some Arabic enclaves.

Because they're entitled little twats, I can't blame the foreigners who don't know as much about the anglo-french divide and just come in a big city in Canada, but Anglo Quebecers are just whiny self-centered assholes, even worse than us.

>quebec was a largely english province

everyone went to english school

Yeah but still people spoke french, québecois always refuse to get anglo'd

>thread about canada
>links a USA locked video


I'm from Quebec and you're mostly wrong, they didn't care much about the language back then.

That's weird, you changed your mind very quickly.

Thank god

May she take the rest of the Marxist Hollywood trash with her

I didn't change my mind at all though

You're not from Quebec.

She's a degenerate liberal cunt. Who cares?


Canada is a nice place to live.

I don't mean you, I mean the québecois. You went from not caring about your language to translating litteraly everything and refusing to speak any english at all.

So she goes to downtown Montreal which is an enclave of Africans and Sand niggers?

Typical anglo dumbass know-nothing. Next you're going to tell us how Canadians first landed on the moon

Montreal is full of kebabs. Literally everywhere. It's shit. Get rekt jenny

>Implying the leaf isn't being overrun by sand niggers.

>made up info on pol is accurate

sorry leaf

I have been to canada. It is a beautiful country.
I don't think this necessarily means america is shit.

Who gives a fuck. This isn't 2013. She isn't hot anymore.

Doesn't matter, we saw her boobs already. She's old news.

Perhaps increasing odds for fappening 3 content!

B But Trump hasn't won yet. Does she know something we don't?

awesome I live downtown montreal, i'll take that bitch home

But only barbarians speak french and islamist.

This describe very nicely your post dumbass

Have you ever been to Montreal? It's so easy to find people who speak English

As long as you start off by speaking shitty French everyone will automatically switch to English when they realize you're butchering their precious language.

She still has to pay American income tax too right?

all my family went to english school as did everyone they knew

>terrorist attacks
Oh yeah when Justin Trudeau's cuck "father" declared war on Quebec to stop Quebec's sovereignty

the only universities that matter in quebec are the english ones


the FLQ were terrorists

>gated white community

Montreal is only 65% white. Though the neighborhood she's moving into is 92% white.

Good fucking riddance

I've been to Montreal, she'll be back.
BTW, When did 4 chann start with the nationality flags?

She doesn't even have a real job. How would she get a visa to live there?

>Downtown Montreal

Pick one

Oh yeah. Pete

>but yeah don't come live here unless you speak French.
>unless you live in Montreal or on the quebec/ontario border in which case you'll be fine

Bullshit. I live in a 99% French suburb and I have two Brit neighbors who've been here since the fucking 70s and don't speak a lick of French even after 40 years here and they get along fine. I have to drive them around (they're too old to drive themselves) and people are always nice to them. When they shop for things the salespeople always try to speak to them in broken but understandable English.

They originally moved from Britain to Ontario and said it was horrible there and the people were dicks. They said they've never had any problem in all their time in Quebec.

The "Quebecois hate English" meme only exists in Anglo newspapers, online, and in very deep backwoods.

Somewhat true, before nationalism was mostly based on catholicism rather than secular values and differences (like language) and also the English presence use to be much bigger in government but saying people spoke English and didn't care about the culture is like saying everyone in France spoke German during Vichy France.

>all my family

Your family may very well be inbred, but that's not a reason to project this to the whole world

>Toronto is better

Three words that should never be put together. Fuck you and your sub 50% white liberal degenerate shithole of a city.

One post my brotha

West Downtown Montreal is an Anglo/Indian/chinese enclave, east downtown is Quebecer, she's probably going west downtown. Blacks and Arabs are a bit more north, still on the island.