Why are whites obsessed with saving Africa?
Why are whites obsessed with saving Africa?
Feel good points.
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Whites like a challenge. Saving Africa is like a moon shot for liberals.
We feel guilty because they were retarded and we took advantage.
If we save it then perhaps they'll fucking stay there
To make them feel good about themselves.
To do something "meaningful".
Because they actually care about people and want to make a difference whereas Sup Forumstards are content with screaming impotently about "niggers" every hour on a Burman lampshade forum?
Just a guess.
Nope. Even the worst black slaves were much better of than they were in Africa. Additionally blacks sold other blacks into slavery. Whites were the first to abolish slavery, while other races still practice it today.
They want to feel good and give back to the people their ancestors wronged. They're sorry ;(
This, they want positive attention to feed their abysmal self worth.
only bleeding heart liberals
So that they can show it in social media and get good back patting from their liberal friends at some cocktail event.
Basically this.
Leftists are emotional yonkies. They love feeling ethically superior.
because BBC
White rule is Africa's only hope
They want more BBC for they needs
b8 but this needs to be said more on this site anyways
Not everyone on this planet is a self-serving misanthrope. Some people genuinely want to help others for the sake of doing good. Try it sometime.
Makes a great Facebook profile pic!
A+ reading
Help your own people first, traitor
>Africa reaches population peak due to limited food, water, resources.
> Death rates rise because of said peak
>Liberals get butt hurt
>flood Africa with first world resources
>population grows, death rates fall
>few years later pop reaches new peak for current resources
>death rates rise
>liberals butthurt
>send twice as many supplies to africa as before because now the population is twice as large
>population reaches peak, death rates rise
>liberals butthurt
compare it to having a mouse living in your house. You start to feed the mouse because u feel bad for him being stuck inside and not having much food on the ground to eat. so you start feeding him. he grows up and has a family, now there are 10 mice in your house but the same amount of food on the ground. What do? keep feeding the mice family or abandon them?
Inb4 some sick motherfucker posts that webm of a mouse being tied up and castrated
They aren't, it's just commecials for a multi-billion dollar industry that thrives on misery.
>the point
>your head
Also whose to say the lady in pic related isn't South African? Or that that a very similar photo couldn't be taken in Detroit?
I hate these fucking people. They contribute nothing to actual poor people, get get credit for these stupid fucking selfies.
I went to Belize for a missions trip in highschool and I'm pretty sure all we did was eat and chill at a resort while occasionally going to churches for a guest appearance or some shit.
because people are more important than mice
>inb4 niggers aren't people
see this is where I get hit by memes, not that any of you would have the gall to say something like that in any place other than an anonymous Japanese cartoon image board
so they can post it on social media like pic related
This is the Plan. Actually we have two choice:
-Build a wall, and let them die or make a new ISIS Ottoman empire
-Let them pass, and fuck up our counrty
The solution is bring them infrastructure, respect and teaching. In exchange, we take their luxury resorts for a while and we take a dividend on revenue of public structures.
That way there will be no more misery in the world and our country will be ours.
i dont think your understanding the point
do you keep feeding the family of mice until they spawn and u have 100, then 1000, then 10000 and before you know it you are stocking your entire fridge and spending all your labor on feeding the mice family. when in reality the mice family would have never survived on the resources that were locally available to them.
And also, not every so called misanthrope is even close to that. A lot of people say a lot of shit and that, but they don't even know what true hate and true "i don't give a fuck" is.
your analogy is flawed
and no im not saying that african are inferior to caucasians, im saying that you cant supply them with resources thinking its gonna be a quick fix and they will just get back on their feet and start growing on their own.... the reason they arent growing is because the lack of resources. sometimes things just reach a growth limit. we are on a finite planet.
What problem do you think you're solving?
If they'd care about enhancing the lot of niggers, they'd support heavy-handed eugenics.
But not, that would be solving their situation, and so it would remove a source of virtue signaling.
You people disgust me. You are forcing a genocide, either ours or theirs.
this bait is triggering me 10/10
he thinks he can stop death
Burger education everyone.
Goddamn, you're fucking retarded.
damn bro
There's another reason: no one buys food from farmers when the UN sends it for free.
Our altruism is selfish back-patting.
If niggers can't take care of themselves they shouldn't survive
thankyou for my daily redpill
It stumps their development by removing the incentive for progress.
also that filename is weird
I agree, quick fixes are not going to help Africa in the long run. It would most likely require the efforts of multiple nations over multiple lifetimes. However, RIGHT NOW, people are suffering there. Some are suffering from diseases that are easily treatable/preventable and cost pennies to manufacture drugs for. The same diseases hinder the development (not just population) of the nation.
some people also see needless suffering as a cause on it's own for intervention
Because the idea of altruism has overtaken actual altruism. All the money and food in the world can't save Africa until they have stable nations. What Africa needs is competent, not corrupt leadership, something the whole world sorely lacks.
Honestly if whites wanted to see Africa prosper, we'd have kept them colonized for another century or two. By that time, they'd be just as civilized as the rest of us.
same, can someone summarize
This guy is why west falls.
>require the efforts of multiple nations over multiple lifetimes
I wonder why no other continent has required such.
>However, RIGHT NOW, people are suffering there.
And your quick fixes will square the number of people suffering in half a decade.
We figured if we can go to the moon we can save one continent. How wrong we were.
>Honestly if whites wanted to see Africa prosper, we'd have kept them colonized for another century or two. By that time, they'd be just as civilized as the rest of us.
You tried that with your basketball americans and it ain't working m8
thanks for the (You) satan
>trying to establish a working force by curing them of debilitating diseases is a quick fix
You were the Brightest of them all, why are you pretending to be retarded?
The nurture meme really need to die.
But i bet it'll stay around way long after the collapse of the west.
I hope the east asians kill any european refugee that comes their way.
Demography is destiny, and europeans have proven to be suicidal, infecting their genepool with european DNA would probably means death to death, and so to Humanity at large since they'd be the last unmongrelised people capable of maintaining and advancing technological civilisation.
tl;dr africans are stupid children and are probably better off if we didn't interact with them at all
You're really doing a disservice to yourself by not reading it
You only have this life. Why not do something extraordinary? Yeah, owning a suburban home and an suv is cool. Sunday bbq wif da bois is cool, too. But everyone dreams of that. Fucking mind numbingly boring, if you ask me. Don't just exist live life. Sorry if this post sounded like rebbit or zuckbook post.
Letting them die of diseases they could easily treat is just one way to thin the herd. It's either that or starvation or thirst.
I know it sounds callous but the African water table is at capacity already. Africans can't afford the exponential population growth that our aid causes.
>and cost pennies to manufacture drugs for
We should withdraw aid, and they should import or manufacture the drugs after getting some trade going.
Virtue signalling
They've been told that white Americans one day decided to sail to Africa and steal everyone and that we caused everything bad there
Either that or they're pissed at their dads
Roughly translated: "charity money in a good use"
propaganda. you know how everyone holocaust is popular despite there being worse events out there. well its the same with africa, there have been points when starvation was worse in china but they still ran africa ads.There are always homeless around in any country but instead of helping those people, the privileged are under a delusion that people elsewhere are more deserving/incontinent and/or helping props up the system that made the problem in the first place(which is bad if you do it at home but ok if you do it in africa).
>Burman lampshade forum
Thanks for the giggles nigger
Who is this we?
You can't save them if they're not willing to save themselves.
The thing is a lot of these diseases don't kill, just debilitate and pull them out of the labor force. I fail to see how curing a man/village of a parasite XYZ infestation and thus allowing them to work again is short-sighted.
>they should import or manufacture the drugs after getting some trade going
completely on board with this idea once there is an established infrastructure
Condescending patronization, the thinking man's racism.
Perhaps true.
>want to make a difference
but they aren't, they are just making the problem worse. God help them if the UN welfare gets turned off
also its not about helping anyone, its self serving feel good conformist bullshit, remember what the bible has to say about generosity
>Some people genuinely want to help others for the sake of doing good. Try it sometime.
I think people should realize that often they can't even take care of themselves.helping others is not an easy and simple undertaking and often saving one person is hard enough. all you are doing is throwing away money that will end up going into the organizations upkeep.(I worked in a summer camp for orphans)
There's still slavery in Africa too, just isn't state sponsored. I mean people in shackles slaves
Because they're playing reality game shows like Survivor and Amazing Race in them, what bigger test is there?
another side, many drug companies and medical practices try out their new drugs/therapies in African countries
the trade is natives gets otherwise unavailable treatment that may help their condition and the companies get the numbers to validate bringing the new drug/therapy to 1st worlds
Africa is still in the colonial stages of civilization. They have a ton of natural resources and potential lands to farm, it's just their governments are corrupt as fuck. And then you have companies and billionaires supporting rebels in return for land promises to work on those resources and extract them from Africa, using labor fled in.
On top of that you have a fucked education system, even if we were to snap our fingers and place schools everywhere with decent teachers, you won't see an effect until +50 years, especially considering many bright students would leave Africa for first world ventures.
Africa is in a bad place no way about it and on top of that, shit genetics
Peace corps get raped in Africa too.
Because they know whites have fucked africa, the world.
We didn't save it, we created what currently needs saving
Yeah, I'd much rather become one of those "save the world" meme people without being the least bit humble about it.
These people are like the vocal vegans, they can't help it, they just need to brag.
On the other hand, Africans have so many diseases because they don't take steps to prevent them. Their everything is contaminated and they'd rather sell water filters for parts than actually use them. Curing them sends a bad message that preventing disease isn't important since it's curable, so they'll be less likely to learn how to prevent disease in general (including those that there's no cure for).
On the other hand, you're right about the ones who end up with crippling diseases because their society is so fucked that they couldn't avoid it. Africa's fucked to the point where there's no real solution.
>Mexican intellectual
Virtue Signaling
/thread on your own post. When does school start summer?
so they can post on instagram how they save afrika while in reality they are livin in their 5 stars hotel with aircon banging another nigger every day
Those kinds of people are common here. Dutch and German girls fulfilling their coalburning fantasies under the guise of "volunteering"
No. It's more the way blondes love dogs and want to help animals.
wtf i hate helping africans now
... In the USA
Also, feeding starving niggers creates more starving niggers. So you're not helping them, you're actually making the situation considerably worse. That's why anyone there actually helping is only doing it for show, no other reason.
Pretty much this
My high school did a trip to Tanzania to build a well. They made it out to be this really noble cause. I got in trouble with the assistant head because I said something along the lines of:
"Surely it would be better for them if you use the money that you fly there with to hire a local to make the well. That way, you boost the economy by hiring a local, and they get to have a good well, not one made by a bunch of 17 year olds."
wow you solved world politics too bad you didn't come along sooner.
They think that it makes them look like a good person and consequently start to believe that they are indeed a good person. When confronted with existential dread they take a look at the selfies they've made with the little nigglets and start to believe in their own lie. Other people see this and imitate it, repeating the cycle and thus a meme is born.
Plot twist: they're not virtue signalers but cynical assholes that know it all and are doing it on purpose.
>literally keeping da black man down
white savior complex and the halo effect. blacks tried to warn us but we did not listen