Milo Yiannopoulos Is A Conman


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...And no one who isn't a retarded Plebbitor was surprised.

Now I kind of like him for scamming stupid Trumpcucks

With Jews, you lose

>inb4 trump supporters defend this by saying "it's fine to take advantage of the system before it gets fixed"

all for a measly couple of bucks.

If you don't have anything better to do, please help me spread this strawpoll.

So do I need to unfollow same-milo-everyday?

So, whenever I made jokes about him being Jewish I was actually telling the truth? You really can't trust any Jew, can you?

>implying Sup Forums doesnt know this about all the mainstream (((altright)))

A gay Jew. What did you expect?

The fuck? Are all these people shills? Seriously why would you take what some faggot says from fucking reddit and "enoughtrumpspam" shit? Seriously the fuck is going on here


Trump supporters here hate Milo and saw this shit coming from a mile away, go to plebbit for butthurt Milo tears.

The only evidence for any of this are a bunch of imgur pictures and a tweet by Blaire White...

I doubt this is even real shit.

I've been saying Milo is a subversive kike for months now. No surprise, with Jews you lose.

consider your record (tm) corrected

haven't you been here last week?

I'm shocked, shocked that there's jewing going on in here!

>Help the Greek Kike stole muh moneyz!!
Well... Maybe you should listen to krauts once in a while.

Just like Trump, Milo is a con artist. It looks like r/pol/ and r/the_donald are both proving to be the gullible low IQ racists they are. I wonder how many will commit suicide once their "God Emperor" loses in the biggest blowout since the 80's.

Trusting a flamboyant right wing British faggot with your money is a close second to a trusting a Nigerian prince

Not gonna lie, I always thought milo was a self promoting faggot, and not 100% trustworthy
But I thought he was generally on our side, and would stick to his guns
Kind of hurts to be betrayed

/r/EnoughTrumpSpam is CTR-controlled garbage along with /r/politics.

Fuck off shills.

He's a provocateur and a second-rate comedian. Did anyone really expect anything different? But pocketing charitable contributions for personal use is indeed fraud and embezzlement.




>Be a fag jew
>Somehow become the alt right icon
>Scam Trumpcucks anyways
>They get scammed by a jew that didn't even hide it.

He's a self-admitted pedophile who had raunched with Dan "the man with a plan and a big white van for the underage can" Schneider

Why are you surprised when he also commits other sorts of crimes?

>linking to Reddit

Yeah I always knew he was a troll and a liar, but usually for the purpose of pissing people off. Taking the money is something I definitely would have thought was below him, especially when he could have used it to piss SJWs off by making the actual straight white male grant.

drumpf is a plant

Has Milo spoken about this yet?

I knew that guy was a fucking piece of shit. Never trust a faggot.

Can't say im surprised - he was only ever a wrecking ball. Set him off behind feminist lines and watch shit get fucked up.

better check his twitter

oh wait

He is a homosexual Jew who likes black cock.
Generally speaking Sup Forums hated this guy from the start

alt-right is a cancer to real conservatism

Milo Yiannopoulos
2 hrs ยท
"I've had a few questions about the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant from people who are quite right to say we're long overdue on some updates for donors and applicants. Look out tomorrow for a special edition of my podcast and a press release from the Grant about recent staffing changes and our plan for the next six months. I'm looking forward to getting some money in the hands of kids who need it!"

Check his Facebook you fucking retards.

Trump is at least entertaining, Milo is a reverse sjw dummy fuck him.


well kek does will it so wtf i hate shills now. long live Milo