How many white collar workers are in Sup Forums? I get the feeling that most of you are NEETs or college students.
How many white collar workers are in Sup Forums? I get the feeling that most of you are NEETs or college students
college student
The thing that people seem to have trouble grasping is that when they rail against neets or blue collar workers or college kids because they personally work a job that they deem "superior," they are in an extreme minority.
I'd never talk about my job just because I know in the real world, in a room of 100, 99 people will be "against" me for having too much money.
Yet still you insist on prattling on. You are the reason in 30 years commisars Cletus and Tyrone are going to take all our shit, thx
I'm kind of both
Have a super /comfy/ desk but my colleagues have no hands on skills so I end up getting my hands dirty sometimes. Don't care though because i'm overpaid.
University student, with a ton of black/arab/coloured friends, yet considering that im a closet nazi, I wouldn't mind seeing to that their buried 6 feet down full of lead, depending if the European Political Pendulum ever stops swinging right.
I might be a fucking psychopath
"white collar" i guess vOv
I am starting a white collar job in January. Finance/Banking. Looking around at my current "competition" in university, I imagine I will do very well in the real world. So many fucking idiots my age. And that is just fellow Finance majors. The ten thousand or so art majors here are all zombies to me, dragging their feet to indoctrination class so they can graduate and get government jobs teaching the same shit. Cuts out another 1/3 of the capitalist competition for us business majors.
Our generation might be in the shitter, but at least it means the few of us who don't have slugs for brains can get ahead of them easier.
White Collar, Degree in CS, Software Engineer, make over 100k /yr, 29 yo
I'm a self taught developer.
Been in the work force since i was 14.
and Sup Forums is right.
Op, you're a faggot
Software developer but I dress casual
Blue collar NEET right now, Oils down and didnt have a secure job, well, I did but boss was cheap
>I might be a fucking psychopath
the worst part is not knowing for sure
How is working in IT, Pram?
the jews did this to me
also women are stupid sluts
I work for myself and spend all my profit on anime figurines and crinkle cut chips from Morrisons.
Consultant for investment banks (we're a boutique consulting house).
Wow, nice user. Congrats, that sounds pretty comfy.
Anyways I'm a white collar worker. I get paid $23 an hour to do barely anything, except sit in my office and keep a log of luxury car keys for a dealership when they need them.
me - shitposting from my $130k/year job
business owner here
It is. The partners of my firm are all former business gurus turned business mercenaries turned consultants. Except one who is a former investment banker. For every business analysis related question they know someone who they can call to get an answer - from longevity risk in life insurance to optimal metallurgy in marine engine pistons.
These guys are the real deal, not fucking Donald Trump.
Blue collar here. Life is good. Worries are few. Rent is paid.
labour & office, depends what i feel like and whats avilable