Why do rightwingers and Sup Forums

get triggered so hard by modern art?
Can't handle the abstract?

Other urls found in this thread:


my dude

>22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
>23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

>muh feels
it's relativity physically manifested

>mattress girl
>man sucking own dick the wood carve

Rate my painting


>bad brush work
>poor canvas
>generic low quality color work
3/10 I bet you didn't even put any of the paint in your vagina and or boipucci

>multicultural anus

plures anus

came to post this

for every "good" abstract art
there are 400 bad ones because there is no basis for judgements

Yes, I can't handle the fact that a statue of a police woman peeing is called art.

I think it looks good bro.


because its anti art

Because there's no such thing as modern art. It's just left-wing propaganda, and there is no skill involved.


Odd Nerdrum, who's arguably one of the world's greatest living classical painters, has been attacked by art critics for painting like the old masters, and was fired from his job as an art teacher because he was teaching the students anatomy and the fundamentals of drawing. Modern art schools don't teach their students any actual skills. They just tell them to "express themselves".

let me guess, the students said it was too hard and his grading scope impossible.

Modern art is the pinnacle of man's descent into a bestial state. Its abstract nature attempts to imitate the fractured and meaningless thoughts created by a simplistic cognitive process. Hence, it is true and unhindered ugliness, not by itself, but when measured with respect to the art humanity has achieved thus far, and it becomes painfully obvious that modern and especially post-modern art is reminiscent of our natural state millennia ago, when we as a race and civilization were in our infancy. To praise modern art, you see, is to praise a return to the null, that moment when human consciousness was at its lowest point. It is literally to praise the threshold between man and beast.

Bad art always existed. It is not a new phenomenon. We simply choose not to remember the bad art. And in time, we will forget this garbage as well.

Holy shit.

Making "art" so "abstract" that literally everyone sees something different is both physically and intellectually lazy.
Art is supposed to not only be the result of hard work, but also pass strong emotions and ask certain questions.

This guy knows it.

Some of us have better taste than others.

Compare pic related to my YouTube link.

If you think the video is "art" or "good" then you should just quit coming around here


No, in most art schools you're literally not allowed to teach figure drawing or any skills related to drawing or painting from life. Read the article if you don't believe me.

Pic related is by Odd Nerdrum. The art critics hate him because they don't like artists who actually know how to paint. The consider painting like the old masters to be regressive, despite the fact that it's a skill that it's virtually impossible to master for most people.
And that's why they hate it. Modern art has nothing to do with art, and everything to do with politics. Everyone has to be equal, everyone should express themselves and everyone's voice has to be heard. The message, no matter how superficial, is more important than the skill involved in creating art.

This, plus the modern art movement is a big money laundering racket



The whole movement was a simultaneous money laundering scheme and psyop on the USSR in the US

We wanted to appear so culturally advanced with our incomprehensible works of art that the CIA rounded up a bunch of communist sympathiser artists who painted incomprehensible modernist art and made them a deal.
They promoted thier art through expensive gallery shows, buying off prominent critics and pushing it to the cultural mainstream
Paintings were bought and sold for millions, cash was washed and the cycle continued

More recent examples take inspiration from this era but are more authentic works


I fucking hate the overinterpretation. Modern art can look pretty cool but holy shit, all those intellectuals pretending there is deeper meaning to a fucking red square with one black corner or whatever.

I prefer classical pictures because they actually are pleasent to look at and took effort on the part of the artist

Max Landis' Crown/10

>tfw you can actually feel the moisture of the environment through the painting

>reminiscent of our natural state millennia ago, when we as a race and civilization were in our infancy.
Really, though? Even the first cave paintings were of people and animals. They weren't just smearing shit on the walls.

Or maybe they were. I don't know.

Top quality Kitsch, would sell many prints in gift decoration/furniture shops.

Yes the painting transports a feeling. Its beautiful

The trend to move between realism and stylisation is not new. Medieval art is non-realistic and highly symbolic and predates the Dutch masters. Picasso is reputed to have said after visiting Lascaux that we have learnt nothing, they had perspective, realism and stylisation thousands of years ago. Modern art does not trigger me.

God, I can almost smell the harbor in that painting.

That is fucking beautiful.

The elusive based leaf

They were probably doing it thousands of years before the cave paintings.

Because it's not driven by the same force that drove old art; I cant even honestly call it "art" anymore.

Mind you, "Graphic design" isn't art; it's like a demo for artwork, to show roughly what people can do with the program or their style. Artwork is a social medium and device, much like religion or politics, driven by propriety and culture. Any "Art" that feeds off of systematic monetary-gain or primal instinct (such as sex) IS NOT ART.


says nothing about anything/10


Old art displayed skill, visual beauty and meaning. Modern art is just empty bullshit that boils down to autofellatio. The artists generally lack the skill to express what they want to express, and what they're trying to express is shallow to begin with, because they're usually just edgy, pretentious lefties.
The few artists who do know how to draw and paint, usually turn to commercial art, which has plenty of skill but no deeper meaning.

>Modern art has nothing to do with art, and everything to do with politics. Everyone has to be equal, everyone should express themselves and everyone's voice has to be heard.


>Everyone has to be equal, everyone should express themselves and everyone's voice has to be heard.
So we're back in kindergarden with the fingerpaints.

I like your taste.

Did some big news about Hillary come out today? Why all these slide threads?

>modern art

because it's shit


>Sup Forums

>tfw you will never be a true explorer

You are right sadly

but we don't get "triggered"

we just think it's shit

I watched this video recently, and I'm not sure I fully agree with the notion of modern art being bad.

A piece of art that is more conceptual than figurative can be great. There's plenty of great modern art. The problem comes when people see modern art, think "I could do that", and it leads to decades of art just becoming lazier and lazier.

It's not bad, so much as it is lazy.

Then when was the last time any country considered America as "cultured"?

I'm guessing the answer is something around
>Before I was born!


I see it now.
Swedish art.

It depends on the culture. You're certainly right in that neanderthal paintings did represent simplistic animals and beasts. Some cultures also had artistic designs, but even these at least remotely resembled flowers or maybe streams. It's difficult to tell the intention once you back far enough in time and the art becomes abstract enough.


Wrong picture

Aivazovsky is a legend.

There's still deep sea or deep spehss.

Or go chasing subterranean lizard people.

Pride Butthole

I like art up until the 1960s or so. If Pollock is modern art then I'm a fan.

You know, I even consider graphic designers to be more of artists then these faggots

>Pic related

because this...

>inb4 urpdurp the mondrian is a bunch of squares,(yes nigger i know it is and not to fond of)


>appeal to novelty
>genetic fallacy
Oh look, a double!


Real art evolved into Photography.

All this degenerate shit is like people trying to use a horse for transport.

Is that Veneza?


This is one of my favorite pictures from the national romantic era in Scandinavia. It was painted in 1888, and depicts many of the artists who were active among the so-called "Skagen painters". There's something about it that to me embodies the cultural golden age of Scandinavian society at the end of the 18th century.

Modern art is either anti-art, experimentation, or abstract expression trying to convey raw emotion.

>don't know how to paint
>don't know how to express self in painting
>everything has been tried already

It basically turns into an anti-art intellectual circle jerk that is quite boring. Experimental modern art at least used to look nice, but they can't even accomplish that.

I remember someone linking this video in another art thread last year. I thought it was interesting.


Yes, by Turner

>postermodern fingerpainting

Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Current Communist Goals EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR. OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, January 10, 1963

Beautiful indeed, but a little abstract to me.



>not by Latvian

*19th century

>get triggered so hard by modern art?
Because almost no effort is put into creating modern art. But I will admit, modern art sure represents modern times well, nobody tries anymore.


I believe the theory that art from this period cheated with early photography.

The decay of Western Civilization
At the turn of the 19th century a new element began to make its appearance in our world. It was an element which had been hitherto absolutely unknown and foreign to us. In former times there had certainly been offences against good taste; but these were mostly departures from the orthodox canons of art, and posterity could recognize a certain historical value in them. But the new products showed signs, not only of artistic aberration but of spiritual degeneration. Here, in the cultural sphere, the signs of the coming collapse first became manifest.
The Marxation of art is the only cultural form of life and the only spiritual manifestation of which Marxism is capable.
Anyone to whom this statement may appear strange need only take a glance at those lucky states which have become Marxized and, to his horror, he will there recognize those morbid monstrosities which have been produced by insane and degenerate people. All those artistic aberrations which are classified under the name of "Modern art"; cubism, surrealism and dadism, since the opening of the present century are manifestations of art which have come to be officially recognized by the state itself. This phenomenon made its appearance during the period of the Soviet Republic. At that time one might easily have recognized how all the official posters, propagandist pictures and newspapers, etc., showed signs not only of political but also of cultural decadence.

A lot of modern art is genuinely bad but is passed as off as being 2deep4u and then gets valued at ridiculously high prices. I think this is because money launderers have heavily exploited things to the point where a piece of trash can be worth literal millions.

If shitty abstract art wasn't so heavily overvalued, it likely wouldn't be as prevalent as it currently is.

Because it's objectively shit


Dali's artwork is fantastic.


there's still hope

"Modern art" is like "international values/ culture"

It's just Jewish.


Paintings like these makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. Maybe because they are simple and beautiful, just like my childhood.

Its like my humour. First i liked jokes now i like layered ironic complex things

See, you can do abstract and still show talent.

I feel you pablo


You have no idea what you are talking about.

ClinTon foR President
