hi Sup Forums i am a guy living in israel you now may ask me anything
Ask an israeli guy anything
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Why does he wear the hat?
Are you an oleh chadash, a permanent resident, or a sabra?
Have you ever fapped to Golda Meir?
Why is your government still demanding money from Germany/
Can you please go back to plebbit?
Jewish people are supposed to cover their heads, that hat in particular is supposedly of Tartar origin.
When jews argue with each other, do they use jewish tricks?
Does everyone pretend to be the victim all the time or do you guys have some sort of active truce because there are no goyim?
TF2 confirmed for jewish.
Now I understand.
Is Tel Aviv really that expensive a city to live in ?
the shtreimel's origin is poland they used to wear it because of the weather. but its very expensive because its made out of fur so it became a thing among the rich jews. but you hardly see people wearing it here now days
I've seen this shill thread a millions times on poll
fuck off
which is the most disgusting race and why is it jews?
its considered to be a great city with great night life and because of that land there is very expensive
Wanna an hero?
i was born in ukraine but i live in israel for 20 years
>greece this buttmad over the leviathan oil fields
אהיה עולה חדש בשני שבועות
העברית שלי לא כל-כך טוב
אך אתה יודע אנגלית?
the love for shekeru has been feeding on our souls and body
sorry i only speak english
>1 post by this id
triggered much?
Why are people in Israel so rude?
At least when I was there..
קודם כל מזל טוב לכבוד העלייה שלך ובתי הספר פה נחשבים טובים.
וכמובן שמלמדים אנגלית
An fucking hero.
I'd like to have sex with a jewish girl who would be into roleplaying anne frank being chased by a natzee
some of them are into it ?
don't make me laugh
it's harder to hate you that way
Does this guy look jewish?
What did you fuck up that you have to live there?
How long until there are no Palestinians left?
lol better now,try just a little harder
thats probably just how they are i met some israelis who were visiting usa and they were arrogant dicks
>Greece not paying attention to its own internal politics
No wonder Golden Dawn hasn't won in the elections
Thank you, achi. In which region of the Land do you live? Are you happy where you are, or do you wish you were in a different part of the country?
fuck off you kike get gassed lol
first of all not everyone are like that here
but the reason is because in the israeli culture its a "trebbile crime" to be a sucker/victim and many people here think that the best way to avoid it is by being an asshole
never thought about but im sure you will find some one. most likely in tel aviv
They say if you drop a penny off the empire state building, it will kill a man on the ground.
this is not true. The jew falling on his head kills him.
Why do you hate goyim and why are you trying to undermine the civilization?
well image its the early 90's and soviet union is falling apart.
sudennly even israel dosent sound that bad.
by the way there is a shit load of russian/ukrainian people here
not even jewish
i live in petah tikva its near tel aviv. its cool but i really like the north it is beautiful
im not jewish myself and nobody is giving me shit about it. its the hardcore jews who hate goyim but no one cares about their opinion any way
What's so bad about someone who follows a monotheistic religion?
Just chill.
nothing is wrong with it. but when people think they are better than every one else because of a book or its cool to marry a 14 year old girl well...
sorry i dont support that
Abrahamic religions are all cancer to the earth.
What your POV on the Israeli-Palestine conflict?
the Talmud is like turbo Mein Kampf
both sides are stupid as fuck
but the media makes it look like its only the jews fault
My best friend is an über conservative karaite who faps on pictures of based rabbi Kahane. Why is Kahane best rabbi?
But why the fuck does it need be a spare tire
why don't you go to your local synagogue and ask them?
How can you live knowing you speak the ugliest language on the planet?
How will converting to Judaism improve my life?
how are russians and ukranians treated there
>the ugliest language on the planet?
you mean Spanish?
The jokes
i kinda agree with him hebrew is not a very ear pleasing language
it wont they will cut your dick
pls respond
like every one else of course some ignorant fuck will allways call us goyin who eat pig but they are a small stupid minority that no one like
he isnt he was like the jewish hitller/
Ah. Somehow I'm not surprised. My friend's still awesome tho.
any one who faps to a rabbi is ok in my book
His followers are the only ones still claiming Jordan for Israel
What's a mong turk/russian/gernman doing in a shithole like Israel
>come to North amerifat and entertain, inform us and handle our money
Don't agree with every single thing he preached, but he would have made a mighty fine Prime Minister.
The man had balls and tried to rid the image of the puny, weak and cowering Jew.
He told me that. Dude wants an Israeli empire and he calls me a cuck for not wanting a Québecois empire stretching from Nova Scotia to Hull. He's a good influence on me.
I'm an icefrog btw.
Funny, I think he overlooked your question...
what Linage are you from
issac or ishmale
Jew or gentale
what ancestry do u have, are even a jew? If yes what religious group do you belong and how do you like converted "jews"