Where were you when we TIME threw in the towel?
Where were you when we TIME threw in the towel?
bumping to break the conditioning!
Kek, but I don't think the kike mentioned us by name. Wouldn't want to help add to our ranks.
Good point.
Show's they're really nervous.
"Not only does Trump share their attitudes, but he’s got mad trolling skills: he doxxed Republican primary opponent Senator Lindsey Graham by giving out his cell-phone number on TV and indirectly got his Twitter followers to attack GOP political strategist Cheri Jacobus so severely that her lawyers sent him a cease-and-desist order."
Top kek
>The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.” Republicans who don’t like Trump are “cuckservatives.” Men who don’t see how feminists are secretly controlling them haven’t “taken the red pill,” a reference to the truth-revealing drug in The Matrix. They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power. Trolling is the alt-right’s version of political activism, and its ranks view any attempt to take it away as a denial of democracy.
Is meme Magic real?
And we are wrecking them with it.
Weev is fucking based. Also who is this dyke he fucking followed?
>she said. “The Internet is the realm of the coward. These are people who are all sound and no fury.”
Lady, you have no idea what you are talking about. If you decided to spew the same bullshit on the internet (feminist buillshit) to my face you'd find yourself on the ground bloody. The only people who are cowards are these so called "journalists".
>believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity
What weakness?
Oh I forgot I love how at the end they try to say that the internet is all talk but look at this. The internet has created the alt-right and essentially changed the republican party. These people underestimate us by a huge margin I'm pretty sure will win.
This thread is better.
>Joel (((Stein)))
>we are not sure how, but Sup Forumss bond with kek was so strong, Sup Forums themself became mememagic
>Listen, I don’t have a get to wake you, but I want you to know you’re not alone, okay? And the posts keeps coming, it won’t stop, Anons from all over the world are praising you. Feel their hope, feel their strength!
You know what comes after this right? No more net neutrality.
That's not a real magazine cover, right?
this, archive pls
>Once accepted there, they move on to Reddit...
Fucking normies.
Normies get the FUCK OUT
>boho people say mean things on cyberspace
GOOD! If you break from mean comment online you should kill yourself or seek help.
I wasn't mad until he called OG Ghostbusters 'mediocre', fucking oven-dodger
>commits atrocities wonders why they are hated.
>kicked out of almost every nation on the face of the planet.
Yeah its definently us that are hateful.
>atleast we don't drink blood or eat human flesh.
This is literally them saying "why you mad tho ?"
Over this
Man, this is just a surface understanding of a culture they can't be a part of because they'd need to retreat to their safe space every 5 minutes of browsing.
Isn't actual research required to write an article anymore?
where were you when (((they))) admitted (((they))) were losing?
i was sitting here, /comfy/ af
Man of the Year 2016
On the frontlines.
the real internet or the (((mainstream))) internet?
>If you need help improving your upload speeds it’s eager to help with technical details, but if you tell it you’re struggling with depression it will try to goad you into killing yourself.
So if you have a real problem you'll get helpful answers and if you have a meme problem you'll get meme answers. Not seeing how this is a bad thing.
Not only is it illegal to question the holocaust.
>you can be imprisoned for suggesting Israel was connected to 911.
Really makes you think.
Joel Stein is a comedy column. Its a lot more relaxed than a science or politics article. Ive been reading joels columns for a decade now and hes nothing to react to
The weakness of the SJWs
I like how he glosses over the fact that the left does the same shit, except they go so far as to get people fired from their jobs. Remember, things are only bad if the left doesn't like it.
Almost every major site is heavily moderated and favors left-wing politics. This guy is full of shit.
What country?
Change 'hate' to 'smug', because Sup Forums is always right.
what the fuck are you talking about they are murdering racists.
Bump for happening dubs mean clinton dies in 2016
(((Globalistein))) BTFO
Keep it up boys we need more memes
More banter
Less shitskins and Moslems at all cost's we all have a common enemy
>Subtly radicalize/indoctrinate freinds
>the end goal is pic related in mass across the western world by 2018
>They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power.
Showed too much of your hand there Time, a lot of normies are going to read that and have an "aha!" moment.
No you can't.
this so much
>Anita Sarkeesian
This merchant can't be serious.
>alt-right, an Internet-grown reactionary movement that works for men’s rights
Yes, when you say the truth, (((they))) call it hate speech and anti semitism.
>we're losing the internet
When was it theirs?
Oy these hateful goyim watch some Cuck porn
Why do u need guns join the military fight for Israel
He might as well have, I am HIV+ that those two words in everyones mind means Sup Forums
They're way off about the word cuck.
Turn in your assault weapons goyim if you want guns join the Idf
>Now the web is a sociopath with Asperger’s
top kek
This retard should be ashamed to call himself a journalist. We aren't 'trolls' just because we disagree with him. The left made up so many rules and ridiculed so many people that they created us. Wherever there's a bitchy little faggot, a smarter, more dominant entity will come to make fun of them.
It's not hard to picture them as the whiney little teacher's pet.
They always sound like old people when they try to talk about the internet.
Day of the rope if no trump presidency?
Jon Stewart should make a speech about how the internet isn't theirs.
Have we started the fire?
>believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity
meanwhile Ellen has to apologize, black lives matter, Trump not wanting illegals is racism, wanting to survive against muslims is racism, we must be disciplined and find trannies pretty real women
>call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,”
the autism of soccer mom media
>sociopath with Asperger’s
So basically just pepe? I like where this is going.
MSM propaganda is Jewish hate.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa check em aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
top fucking lel, the internet has always been like this
hugboxes didn't even exist until the normies started flooding onto the internet
Meme magic was always real
My power is growing
we were here first. fucking normies get the fuck out or stop acting like fucking faggots
They sound like they've never been on the internet before. It has always been like this, it is like this and it should stay like this and it's our responsibility to keep it like that.
Daily reminder that (((Stein))) must pay for his ableist views
They don't understand and they never will
Let's take it to the streets
Why are leftists so triggered by cuck?
Was pepe really on the cover of time magazine?
What a time to be alive
God damn November will be glorious
Meme will finally dominate the world
Giving rise to the new meme empire
$0.02 shekels will be deposited to anyone who can 'shop Pepe/Kek in here
You could have done this from a less meme-riddled twitter account so it would be taken more seriously. A false flag tumblrina account would have been much more preferable.
It's important to know that, on a modern two-in-one refrigerator/freezer, the defrost thermostat actually activates the vapor-compression cycle, which in turn activates both the defrost cycle and electronic heat pump.
Because it hit to close to home wen they see their wife fucking another dude and then attending the dreadlooks of their wife's son and expecting a sympathy blowjob from their wife once Tyrone makes her cum.
It was a shitty illustration of what TIME thinks you or any other troll looks like.
>it's a retard with a meme-addled brain uses a Twitter acount riddled with memes instead of false-flagging episode
Meme magic IS real !
he wasn't, that's a shop of the original
>Culture of hate
Same Jewish talking points
Doesn't stick anymore, Abraham.
>mfw Normies think the internet is theirs and get butt blasted when the people that were here from the start aren't your best friend
I miss the good old days when the only people on the internet for anything besides email and aim were nerds and pedophiles.
Oh mysterious Kek bless us with super fun happenings todayyy
Shouldn't it be drawn and quartered? I don't know how you draw somebody after quartering them? Also doesn't the drawing assist in the quartering?
Yet another attack on the front to remove anonymity from the Internet. You an be sure that a Clinton victory in November will lead for a push (eagerly funded by FB, Alphabet, the Feds and other social media giants) for a single user ID where your posts, web history and other information are tracked and used against you.
How subtle.
Checked, Trump would've played it bold.
>it's a Dunston checks trips episode
They have such a shallow understanding, it's hilarious.
They seem like an old person that's trying to be hip with the kids these days
go to any place like thebluepill on reddit and see feminists and male allies defending whores and women having the power in the relationship (and in terrified denial that women can get sex far easier than men, that women dont like men who they have power over etc, that these "empowered" free whores are just cucking them). Or their defense of Zoe Quinn or the constant barrage of male feminists real cucks like Burch etc. It hits really close at home.
nevermind the cultural worship of non-whites, the cuck porn being spammed everywhere, the media selling black men etc
I love how they still think anyone gives a shit about feminism, as if that's the real root problem here.
But it is a kike writing this, so obviously he's not going to oust himself and shift the blame to a thing that hasn't been relevant in two years.
Don't forget that they will sell them to "keep in check those racist trump supporters from organizing a coupe" or some shit like that.
>Joel Stein
Who is the guy behind all these frog drawings? Is it just one person or is there a template that is built off of?
Keep it up anyway. Every time I see that little frog guy, I laff.
A mirror like that would be pretty cool. Mirror that just says "TIME person of the year" with those iconic borders...