Norman Osborn and Lex Luthor and all their related assets (companies, money, gear) swap universes.
What happens?
Norman Osborn and Lex Luthor and all their related assets (companies, money, gear) swap universes.
What happens?
Lex's suit let hit hit Superman, Osborne's has a hard time punching spiderman.
Osborne can actually work with other villains and Lex hasn't been able to keep villains around for more than a single crisis in the few reboots now.
I say Lex goes super anti-mutant and becomes an x-men greatest enemy. All sentinels are green and purple because they're now Lexcorp projects and man, are they ever in deep shit.
(He still keeps all the best tech in his personal suit though, so they still he a chance.)
Osborne starts a league of (b-list) supervillains and enjoys some moderate success. The extent of that success depends on which guys he finds to work with. None of Flash's rogues cause they're already unionized.
He might have a grand old time on Gotham, maybe? I say a three way fight between him, the joker, and Batman for the city. The other Batman rogues might work with Osborne in a way that they never could work with each other. He and the Joker would probably smell the batshit on each other.
Just spitballing here.
Norman makes a Goblin Serum based off of Kryptonite, to give him and others powers and strengths comparable top Supes.
Dark Reign in DC?
Dark Justice League?
Norman NTR's the Joker.
I think it would be more interesting if Perry White and JJJ swap universes.
JJJ yelling about the alien menace and asking at Clark for pictures of superman?
Stormin' Norman's Dark Reign is something the DC Universe will never recover from.