Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

Never go full retard

>we'll fucking destroy you if you step out of line
really makes you think

So transient wealth is more important to you than integrity? Got it.

we're all waiting for the "10 years with X million immigrants" pic, im sure it'll be intradasting

yes it is


It's Wrocław and it's actually pretty comfy

>our countries are great because of migrants
Why do they want to come to our shitholes anyway?

When was the last terrorist attack on Easten Europe or Latin america?

The flag fits.

i'd live in a fucking mudhut, if we could erase all those migrants tho...

>60 years under Communism

nobody asked you huemonkey we already know how you "think"

>Wartorn Germany before any of us were even born
>Germany not at war and in the future with more advanced technology

Because they came BEFORE they were shitholes.


>What is the U.S.S.R. for $5.00 Sven

Eastern Germany is riddled with commie blocks also dumbass. Comparing the inside of a mall with commie blocks is stupid.

>6 million immigrants

Hmm. Requires one to comprehend more fully, famalam

Kinda like this.

>russians missiles cant even kill children

what a piece of shit.

yeah 6000000 immigrants that have been invited and were allowed to enter.
right now its not the same situation at all.

its Wroclaw not Warsaw and they already fixed these buildings and it looks pretty neat

ISIS is in your countries with WMD STUPID FUCK
