Ameridumb here. I thought Merica won WW2?
Why did Nazi Germany attck Stalin?
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Yeah, right. Because an army in the middle of extensive rearmament is obviously prepared to strike.
We might have had plans to attack Germany, but no earlier than spring 42.
>3/4 of German Transport in 1941 was horse drawn
>Soviets had the biggest military of the time
I thought Germany and Soviets were friends, didn't they help Hitler begin the war?
I am guessing Germany got too greedy so Stalin was like bad doge bad.
>American Education
We were allies of convinience at best. In the 30ies, it was obvious that Hitler is going to attack somebody. For a long time, we attempted to build an anti-Hitler coalition with France and England. When these attempts failed, we swapped a jewish foreign minister to user-jewish one and went from attempting to contain Hitler to redirecting him angainst France and England, while simultaneously sending our industry into overdrive and starting to manufacture military equipment like mad, beleiving thatwe bought ourselves some time before the inevitable war.
Well, we miscalcualted and bought ourselves not as much time as we beleived.
As far as I understand it, resources, and because almost everyone thought Russia would capitulate very quickly, and it nearly did.
Also Germany loathed Russia and was more Anti-communist than anti-capitalist.
I've heard theories that he found out that he was dying, and tried to speed up the pace of the war, but it obviously backfired.
So were the Soviets mounting an attack or just building a defense. The video says Russians were mounting an attack that is why Germany was able to do as much damage as they did on the first strike (Operation Barbarosa)