2,000 copies printed
Headed to UCF
Anyone wanna meet?
2,000 copies printed
Headed to UCF
Anyone wanna meet?
>2,000 copies printed
Should have formatted your text properly first.
Proud of you, OP.
Keep fighting the good fight.
The irony in this is that you don't see the irony in this.
Honestly you need to get some better memes than
>Muh diversity is code for anti white
Granted you are not wrong but its just going to turn normies off. I suggest you be more subtle about it.
Just be careful, some universities have rules and regulations that state you need permission to put up signs on their notice boards. You can get into trouble for this, and even fined.
t. University student in the liberal hub of Louisiana
Thanks for doing that buddy, I'm in Ohio unfortunately
Saw this same thread months ago. Fake. Plus ucf us doing some football luncheon today. Couldn't find parking. Shit sucks, couldn't even go to work in my lab.
see you in the funny papers, famalam
Except America IS a nation of immigrants and never a white country
this analogy is fucking retarded and has clearly no understanding of history
Im in the bay area. I should make some. Berkeley would flip their shit.
Phillipines is japanese clay.
A nation of white immigrants you mong. For 90% of this country's history it has been 85% white and 15% black, give or take some percentages throughout the years.
>that finger
nice try DeQuan
America is a nation of colonists dumbfuck.
>b-but the British!
They were not immigrants, Natives didn't have immigration law and the British didn't immigrate they invaded and colonized with their superior technology and genes.
Now proceed to off yourself Paco.
This shit is ancient and I have no idea why people keep reposting it.
University of California, Fresno?
Go putting them around UCB or SJSU would be funnier.
go read the plaque on the statue of liberty
it's not exclusive to whites for a long long time other than delusional racists
(Asian country) didn't bring enslaved white people en masse and then emancipate them later.
Okay, well I'm off to work. make sure you heed of this warning.
fucking rush week too so some of the roads are blocked off
>What are the Germans, Italians, Slavs, Japs, Chinese, etc, etc
It was found my Brits. It turned into a nation of immigrants that were mostly white
The Philippines are a rich and diverse melting pot of sub-Saharan African and Japanese culture.
That was a gift from France, you fuckwit.
From jewish sources, no less.
i wouldnt expect a pilipino to understand this but a shitty poem on a french statue is NOT part of the US constitution or our code of laws.
>go read the plaque on the statue of liberty
"muh plauque on the statue"
How is that plaque in any way shape or form official US government policy? Oh right it suits the white genocide agenda
What about hongkong? and plenty of whites live in Africa
>muh white genocide
also, tldr
nobody is going to read all that shit
That just looks sloppy
> black on green is hard to read
> font is terrible
> formatting is bad
> unnecessary abbreviations like "w/" look unprofessional
> message is unclear
I took the liberty to improve it a bit. I did not change the text except for some minor corrections.
Whites built America.
Denying it simply proves your ignorance.
>they hate liberty
wow. you really are scum.
fuck off to germany if you want to cosplay a white homeland :^)
>Whites are less than 4% in Hong Kong,
>Whites are 10% in South Africa,
>Proven wrong
Well you guys just hate liberty because you won't subscribe to my arbitrary metric of determining the truth
fucking bigots :^)
I'm here and keeping an eye out. If I see you I am going to beat your ass. Nasty chewn fingernails and cuticles, get ready bitch. I have nothing to lose anymore. I am in the engineering building. Come find me.
You get MVP on Sup Forums this day
You must be from the past because I've seen this picture since 2013. Fag.
We should melt it down and just write FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL on it
>claiming victory
kek. doesn't work that way boyo. face it. America is a nation of immigrants whether you like it or not.
>White Country
Come Home White Man
>Because i say so, in spite of all historical evidence contrary to this
Hehe Sup Forums btfo again, stupid racists :^)
I would absolutely love to see you try and lay a fucking hand on me you FAT FUCK
What part of Orlando are you from, I get off work at 6
>Whites are less than 4% in Hong Kong
and still hongkong is a definitive melting pot. its culture doesnt resemble mainland china at all.
and 10% is a pretty large percentage, almost equal to the percent of blacks living in usa. You cant ask blacks to move to africa unless all whites move out of Africa
>Because i say so
Because the country says so.
Nation of immigrants and the American dream is a common knowledge in every American's mind. Except your echochamber apparently kek.
OP didn't do this, it's pasta.
>Headed to UCF
Post pic in front of Pegasus across from CFE.
Black slaves built america actually.
University of Central Florida.
University of Central Florida is more likely. It's the largest school in the country and one of the shittiest ones in Florida, which has only shitty universities.
>One poet writes some words
>This equates to the thoughts of everyone everywhere
You sure showed me friendo :^)
(((Emma Lazarus)))
Body of a god. Probably a horse cock.
Good work.
Whitey always getting enslaved by us niggaz
>and they always think they did it top kek
Lol triggered you pathetic cuck.
No replies and here you are now, you are scared.
You haven't shown up here. You are a pussy. There is a reason people like you don't show their faces. Again show up at the engineering building. You won't, I'll be sitting here looking for an ugly ass 5' 6" cunt.
Why is this jabber about a seventeenth century black man accompanied by a picture of one in nineteenth century clothing? If you want anyone to take you seriously, you have to get shit right.
Post yfw pic related brought the first slaveships the USA and they where all white slaves from Britain and France, Imprisoned and enslaved for crimes against their lords of talking shit.
I agree. This is a shit meme with a good message. It's just not going to reach the average normie who is triggered by the word "white" and automatically associates it with white supremacist skinheads.
You have two hours little one.
>when you know you're wrong but you still need to make it look like you're not
What's more, even today construction is predominantly done by Mexicans. America was built by slaves and immigrants, and as notes the slaves didn't even belong to white people. How can you say that white people built America when they weren't even the masters of the slaves who did it? White people haven't done shit for America besides building a few skyscrapers on the 20s, stealing land, and murdering natives; if you're arguing that America was built by whites you have no case. How about they find they own place and built their own white civilization from scratch instead?
Take a picture of where you're at. I dare you. Cuckboy
In 1640, the Virginia courts had sentenced one of the first black indentured servants to slavery. John Casor. In 1654, John Casor became the first legal slave in America. Anthony Johnson, previously an African indentured slave, claimed John Casor as his slave.
>It is all documented.
>berkely is not an acceptable source?
This is over 3 years old, guys.
This thread really makes me think.... Thanks for Correcting my Records.
>Sup Forums filename
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me.
Maybe don't use a Jew as a source.
>wall of text
hahaha, did you honestly think I was going to read that?
It's shit tier bait anyway.
>can't write or format a document worth two fucks
2/10. Try again when you can pass the fourth grade...
Exactly, we need to dupe people into thinking we are right and unwittingly support our cause.
>DAE liberal useful idiots?? XD
not OP but lets be srs, you'd get fucked in the ass by the people opposing you
America is a melting pot tho. That's what makes it great.
I'm at UF, sorry bud good luck in Orlando
>Didn't have immigration law, so the way a place is governed justifies the outcome, even if I believe it is unfair
Great!! So because the Democratic Party wants to accept immigrants, that means that you'll have no qualms about this.
Oh fuck
If I see you on campus I'll stab both of your kidneys.
Doing gods work user.
I'm still waiting manlet. No matter how much you work out you will never be taller.
finally someone is doing something
Damn nigga that is awful.
You need to be more clever.
The Spanish used black slaves to build St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest continuously inhabited city in what is now the US (predating Jamestown in Virginia). So, no.
I asked but most of you don't want us back.
Written by a jew in the wake of anti-jewish violence in russia in 1880; her work immediately previous to this poem was a book titles "songs of the semite". Notably, she is also considered a proto-israelist because in her later works she argues for an isolated jewish state.
The writer considered herself a jew first and foremost, and this poem is not a reflection of the beliefs of the people of the nation of USA, but rather the beliefs that jews would like all (non-jewish) nations to have.
>doesn't even know the meaning of the word
run along to your psych 101 class, fish
It's Fresno State, not UC Fresno.
t. Bulldog
Berkeley is never an acceptable source unless you're a raging liberal, and some random Berkeley undergrad's personal web page is by no means an acceptable source. There are earlier legal records of slaves in Virginia: John Punch has a much better claim to being the first.
The picture posted with that meme was obviously the wrong century. Fucking up like that destroys credibility and turns people off to your meme's message.
inb4 op is nonwhite
I know you like it in your ass, You know you like it in your ass. Arguing semantics isn't going to change that. Thanks for taking the time to go to wikipedia and make that screenshot though.
>me, taking too much time for Sup Forums
>you, have a tripcode
kys puss puss
fuck you are so autistic
why can't we get people whom are actually good at propaganda?
guess I'll have to be the goebbels here
>implying if a liberal broke these rules they wouldn't be "brave and artistic"
>time for Sup Forums
>puss puss
Pardon me dickhead...did you notice that was written in English?
Also, the poet...Lazarus was born into a large Sephardic-Ashkenazi (((Jewish))) family
So you are saying the jews have been try to fuck this country up for a long time?
The plaque was added much later and doesn't dictate policy.
>small black font on somewhat-dark green paper
come on nigger, what are you doing
Im all for putting redpill propaganda in public places.
That being said, this looks like absolute shit. It looks like something a crazy homeless guy would hand you.
That shitty Jewy poem about sufferink and wandering poisoned the spirit of the Statue and )))our((( history and experience of what it meant to come to America. Jews just have to insert themselves and their fucking woe-is-me perspective into and subvert everything with their ethnic fixations.