You're just chillin' in Club Kinky Lick's Wet Room, when this guy comes up and starts pissing on your girlfriend's ass...

You're just chillin' in Club Kinky Lick's Wet Room, when this guy comes up and starts pissing on your girlfriend's ass, and tells you it's his Constitutional right. What do you do?

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Honestly, what ever developed with all this kinky lick wet room crap? Did they sweep it under the rug? Something tells me he would be on the receiving end. KHAAAAAAN!

LMAO when Trump loses in a landslide.

Wonder if Kinky Wet Room will convert into some Muslim Minority organization if this happens.


>faggot doesn't even know what LMAO means
>uses basic english incorrectly

just kys you CTR shill.

spoiler: trump will actually win in a landslide, and you will still be a nigger/female.

Not sure; it was everywhere last night, and not a peep today. The Religion of Piss memes were side-shattering.

gas station owner is lying. nothing to see here. stop with your stupid spam.

Exactly, if it were anyone in any way related to the Trump team it would have been news for a couple days. It's amazing. And remember the Florida shooter, his dad showing up at Hill's convention, not a peep now from the media. Amazing.

Fuck off and die

Pull out my pocket copy of the constitution and ask him if he's read it.

What happen shill? Feel a little like a triggered whore shill? That's what happens, reality smacks you in the face sometimes shill. Now can you answer, why isn't this in media and if it were someone from Trump's team it would have been for a couple of days.

Thank you for failing to correct the record

Moi copy de contitution

Tell him it's not by shooting him. Pissing on somebody is considered assault with a hazardous material.

For all the folks who have no idea what the fuck is going on in this thread:

>The family of Khizr Khan, the anti-Trump Muslim who spoke at the DNC, was found using cheating site Ashley Madison, as well as found apparently using the building for Khan’s deceased son’s foundation as a private fetish sex club

>A quick public records search of Khizr Khan reveals he used the e-mail address “[email protected].”

>A search of related public records finds it associated with Shaharyar and Omer Khan too — Khizr Khan’s two living sons.

>Our researchers who checked the “[email protected]” e-mail against a database of leaked data from cheating site Ashley Madison found the e-mail there too, registered with Omer Khan’s birth date.

>That might make Omer Khan “Kinky Lick,” but public records show all three Khan men are associated with the e-mail.

>The Khan family used the same building for the foundation honoring Capt. Humayun Khan, who died in the Iraq War, as they did for their private fetish sex club

Guys I'm having a hard time finding anything on this....where did it go?!

Thanks user. Google is blackout on this when you search his name

the answer to that would be no, because if he had he would know it's not unconstitutional for the president to disallow any group of alien he wishes from entering the country.

Comedy fucking gold. Absolutely shameful and degenerate, but gold nonetheless.

I'm having a hard time remembering what came first, Leaf-bro; the news or the memes?

Any saved? I always enjoy seeing someone having the piss taken out of them. Especially some degenerate hypocrite. Way to dishonour his own son's memory.


Meme magic my friend. In parallel timeline, piss drinks you.

Start a nuclear war at the gay bar ofcourse.

There was a foursquare comment from 2012 (That was, so that means that it wasn't one of you faggots that did this like last week, kek
But an user thankfully archived the page before it disappeared.

Ask him if he's in our Olympics team.

I behead him for insulting the religion of peace.

I get that some people are retarded enough to think he will win, but to think he will win in a landslide?
Trumps trailer park demographics coming out in you I see.

rip his lungs out

since he values the constitution more than sharia law he by law should be beheaded by any G-D fearing muslim.

Bumping for religion of piss memes. C'mon Sup Forums, I know you have them.

remove kebab

Was him getting his son to shoot up that night club part of some kind of political favor to somebody?

Sadly, no. They're probably in the archive somewhere, but I'm on an iJew at the moment.

Wrong dude. This guy's son was KIA, the Orlando dude's dad is a #shilldoforhildo, and a former CIA plant in Afghanistan. It's complicated.

Still waiting for some dank, piss stained memes.

I am also on an (((Apple))) phone. Oh well, the internet never forgets.

Oh yeah, wow I don't know how I got them confused. My bad.

If you search for Khzir Khan on Google, Not one thing comes up.
If you search for Khzir Khan on Bing, it's the top link.
If you search for kinkylick on Google News. "No results found"
If you search for kinkylick on Bing News, it comes right up.

No disrespect for this guy's son.

He's done a fine job of disrespecting his own son's memory if any of these allegations are even remotely true. It's a strange world.

I got tired of waiting, so I made one myself

Love it.

Go medieval on his arse

butthurt ctr shill detected.

yep, keep telling you thse fake msm polls are real, boy. keep wasting soros' money with low-energy spamming