Hello lefty Sup Forums
I'm on the far right and anti-capitalist. I often heard that you do not like liberals. Why don't you like them?
Hello lefty Sup Forums
Because your economic policies have been proven failures time and time again
National Socialism is the perfect socio-economic structure for mankind.
You can not disprove that.
I'm a Falangist. I am for private property and issuing of credit to expand production. This will niether cause debt nor inflation. Also it doesn't have a calculation problem.
>I'm on the far right and anti-capitalistic
That means you aren't far-right, you are socially authoritarian and you just like to call yourself somehow cool to appeal to the Sup Forumstards.
Lefties don't like liberals because liberals aren't leftist. It's that progressives are called liberals in America. Liberalism is a whole different kind of ideology. Liberalism is what Americans call Libertarianism right now.
If you are "far-right and anti-capitalist" you are pretty much Stalin. Though fascism is also pretty anti-free market so I don't fucking know anymore.
The right believe that people are inequal while the left believe people ought to be equal. I don't like capitalism because it is too egalitarian.
Not for mankind, maybe for white people, but in our state of affairs it would be pretty hard to build a ethnically pure society.
I agree. The national social justice warriors are too focused on race.
I feel like in a truly 100% pure of corruption national socialist country (that will never exist), if undesirables were removed we could probably elevate everyone to a middle class lifestyle. I would be OK with this.
However in reality, socialism means redistributing the wealth and then the government still takes a fucking massive chunk to diddle themselves with, so everyone lives in the lower class.
If by some stroke of madness and in the .05% chance that it happens in my lifetime, someone appears to cleanse all political corruption, devises a methodology to immediately and harshly punish anyone who would misuse the funds of the people, and removes all undesirables from society..... Then and only then would I support national socialism over capitalism.
>I don't like capitalism because it is too egalitarian.
u wot m8
They believe everyone is an individual and that each individual is equal yet not the same. It's contradictory.
Have you never read any of the policies of the far right? They want to increase wealth through production which would increase tax revenue. You can reduce taxes and still increase revenue.
Capitalism (not cronyism) gives equality of opportunity. Which obviously rules out of the game the subhumans that have a taste of it.
This is why failures and niggers tend to the left. The left can rig the game in their favor.
they will be friends with anyone, no morals.
I had a guy trying to defend a "friend" who was accused of rape, SHANED.
anyone in the postion to get accused of that is a degenerate. i respect the east view on how degenerate the west is, we need more facism.
>national social justice warriors
top kek
as long as you exist in a vacuum
...is a far left shithole, what about it?
Equality under the law, not equality of contribution or outcome.
e.g. Two people who commit the same crime receive the same punishment even if they are not the same.
>I am for private property
then you're not anti-capitalist.
"Strasserism" and "National Bolshevism" are fascist and capitalist
Daily reminder that socialism is fucking retarded and you are twice as retarded as even that if you reply to this post with "muh Scandinavia".
What was Querfront in the Weimar Republic like? How was Strasserism? - Why did they ultimately fail? And why didn't both anti-capitalist ideologies unite?
Strane actually.
>far left
>any political alignment that troika doesn't promote
My main problem isn't outcome but actually through the government. Capitalism is an economic system but it does embrace republicanism and democracy. Lawyers can't represent all occupations. I'm for occupational voting. This inherently is anti-capitalist. There will always be government.
>national bolshevism/strasserism
>being a nazi or communist jusn't edgy enough: the ideology:
lefty Sup Forums is an oxymoron. One of the main tenants of leftism is the falsehoods and ignorance of political correctness.
>occupational voting
What does that even mean?
as of today fear moves the right, indignation moves the left
Instead of random people with multiple job backgrounds voting for a lawyer to represent them, I propose that people should vote for representatives within thier occupation. Miner workers vote for miner workers to represent them. The same goes with farmers, engineers, medical field, education, ect.
>Far right
>Anti capitalist
Fuck off you socialist cuck
Actually Joachim Fest wrote, that in the Weimar Republic, it was basically interchangeable, if someone turned out left or right, it was about chosing radicalism.
Sometimes I wonder, if it is the same today...And actually includes the "JIDF" aswell.