Why did Nazi's wait to kill the Jews?

The nazi party had power in Germany for a good amount of time before ww2 started, so why did it take them so long to start rounding up the Jewish people?

It seems to me that if I really wanted to exterminate a group of people and had the power to do it then I wouldn't wait years and years to get started.

Am I wrong in thinking the nazis waited? Did they in fact immediately start rounding up Jews on day 1?

>(This might be better on /his/ but I'm afraid I might get banned for it. And considering the question's politically incorrect nature I think Sup Forums is appropriate. If not, then please just delete it)

>Why did Nazi's wait to kill the Jews?

Oh my sweet summer goy.

Because all Fascists start with "we are not *really* the bad guys" and it takes time to ease a large number of the population into "yea, let's round up a whole bunch of people, take their property and start killing them".

Its an example of a metal slippery slope, group thinking, collectivism and so on. Where things that normally you wouldn't do in front of your mother are gradually being eased into being something to joke with the other auschwitz guards etc.

The LoLocaust was real in my mind.

Remember the 6 trillion bars of soap, goyim! You don't want to be called an anti-semite right?

Jews were used as a source of slave labor to support the Wehrmacht. Once it became clear that the war was turning against Germany Hitler decided to exterminate European Jewry for revenge against the Jews.

I thought antisemitism had been growing in Germany for decades?

Wagner for instance.

Hitler had no masterminded plan on what he wanted to do with the Jews from day one. But killing the Jews straight away would have led to chaos. The international community would have been outraged, the Germans themselves would have probably freaked out as well. The cover of war was a perfect time to do it.

Because that would have probably triggered war way before they were ready. Also they considered other options like deporting all kikes from Europe to places like Madagascar.

You are right that this would be better on /his/ you won't get serious answers here.

Only people telling you Hitler wasn't trying to kill any Jews and it is just a lie made up by Jews.

Perfidious Albion