8 years
8 years
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In jail. Also, SAGE.
If you met her in real life on accident, like walking through a large crowd and then all of a sudden you nearly run into her and she's just inches from you..
What would be your reaction then?
Never thought about like that...
G-guess I'm with her now
In a coma
4 at the most. Even then, the alt-right will be twice as powerful in America. Liberals and neo-con btfo
She really is something special, congrats on picking a great president!
I guess I'm an alt righter for Hillary?
Heh.. Who would have thought
gagging from the smell of shit
I kind of want Clinton to win. Because after she does, we'll finally be able to shame every single triggered subhuman burger on here for a change.
>first female president
>madame president
Can't fucking wait, those insulin deficient mongs had it coming
>getting this triggered by burgerbois
Sup Forums worships hitler, genocide, death sentences for rape accusers!
and now Sup Forums is also a hillary board!
spread the word!
Who's triggered? Not me lmao
I just hate seeing burgers throwing out bantz on borrowed time, when in reality their country is the one that's gonna become the monolith of cultural Marxism and liberal "progression"
For the record a female president isn't the problem.
Hillary is just an asexual 8000 earth year old reptilian overlord that was sent here from the Dracos Star System eons ago to enslave humanity.
Once she becomes president she will lay eggs inside the earth and hatch giant mutated demon spiders with machine guns attached to their chests to dominate and subjugate humanity to her will.
you're an idiot.
they aren't mutated demon spiders, just regular demon spiders
8 years is way too short a prison sentence
So uh.. We're getting a female president, right?
Heh, not too shabby. I can't really remember what I saw in Trump.
I guess it's time to "Dump Drumpf", as the kids say these days.
Now that I think about it, I do find it odd.
European countries have had Matriarchs before, all the way back to Helen von Bingen of Medieval times, but that has changed once America was created.
I find it more odd because of the Protestant migration into America's early history.
I wonder if Jews view women as worthless or as subhuman?
Great video, It reminded me of why i'm a Hillary voter. We can't let evil win, we need to band together and ensure a Hillary victory!
she wont live 8 more years. shes old and falling down a lot
Sup Forums, we need to get #DumpDrumpf trending on Twitter.
Sure, we had our fun, but this is about the future of our country. We can't let the white nationalists win. The alt-right has always been pro feminism and pro diversity, so it's time to show Drumpf that enough is enough!
>Hillary voter
That's not how that works.
I'm here visiting relatives, i'm from Texas originally.
I'm working on turning Texas blue this year, join me!
>I'm here visiting relatives, i'm from Texas originally. I'm working on turning Texas blue this year, join me!
Thank You for Correcting the Record.
She'd never live that long, silly. She's already on her last legs.
Why haven't you hung yourself yet?
i dont know too much of the law, but im sure treason is more than 8 years
8 years in a Federal prison sounds about right.
The perjury before Congress charge carries a 5 year sentence. That being said, multiple convictions can be used to enhance the sentence.
Change your proxy next time. Jesus learn to do your fucking job.
Heh.. you say things in desperation when you are desperate, how typical of you.
I was once like you, on the Trump Train, thinking about racist things. But not anymore! I saw the light, and so can you my friend. Just disavow Drumpf and join us on the other side of the Hill!
>I saw the light, and so can you my friend. Just disavow Drumpf and join us on the other side of the Hill!
This hill?
The Hill that will be elected president, of course.
>The Hill that will be elected president, of course.
You're a bit confused. Trump is a mountain, not a hill...
I guess you shouldn't make a mountain of molehill then? Heh..
Funny about that. Anytime Hill finds a mole, they suddenly commit suicide or get fatally mugged.
I doubt even her most loyal supporters (since they get paid for supported her) actually believe her health will allow her to be in office for eight years.
/HIL/DAWGS are a movement of peace.