Redpill me on skinheads

Redpill me on skinheads.

Good boys, who keep my town clean.
Sometime I offer them a beer or two, but I'm not one of them.

A degnerate sub-culture promoted by cultural marxists (Romper Stomper, This is England, American X etc) to prevent a true nationalist uprising.

Some of them are good stock who are willing to fight for the white race on the street. Most of them are low-life degenerates who are only in it for the aesthetic and just spend their lives drinking and getting into fights. Most end up involved with drugs and will be in and out of the penal system for most of their adult lives. The vast majority of skins I've met are a complete waste of time.

White version of Black Lives Matter.

Only Sweden would be upset at nationalist subculture. Tell me about true nationalism? Is that what you're doing? Why is it done by letting foreign invaders disrespect your culture, offer no labor, attack your women, threaten your values, and kill your countrymen?

No. But it's not surprising to see delusion coming from Argentina, keep trying to pretend your country isn't full of subhuman trash.

Like football hooligans but their music and clothing are worse

You're an idiot.

Most skinhead are degenerates with tattoos who spend at least 2 years on prison. Atheist and pagans.

If you think "skinhead" represent white culture then you're nothing but a subhuman thrash.
Want a real solution?

>Have some values
>Study something relevant
>Don't get tattoos or go to prison or spend your day drunk
>Contribuite to society

LARPers that Hitler would've killed.


Go eat a taco.

Redneck version of BLM

You sure are one to speak Pablo.


Pretty much the societals body's first Wave of attack against cancer. White bloodcells able to recognise cancer as damaged cells and therfore attacks them however dosen't cure the cancer.

Wow man, each culture has an high and a lower class.
They may be the lower class of the white culture but they are not degenerate, unless saving girls from rape or keeping kids safe from sandniggers is considered degenerate for today standards.

They are degenerate, but an acceptabel degeneracy with potential. Subcultures are generally a bad thing.

I'm OK with your definition.
I just want to say they are the best form of degeneracy in our present situation.

At best they're useful idiots. They're shock troops.
At worst they make white nationalism look bad.

Would still trust them as neighbors over any minority or even white liberal

Why wouldn't you want liberal neighbors? Don't you want to have kombucha parties?

They shave their heads.

They are the best form of degeneracy in our present situation. I agree. The less americanized the better, also applies.

Kek. Only if we can listen to NPR and chuckle among our scarves

they make nationalism look retarded. thats actually a reason why so many leftists/liberals despise the right, because its always associated with them.