New website allows white people to offer reparations directly to people of color

A couple of no-good-doers with your general appearance used to own slaves a few hundred years ago. This is unacceptable. It's 2016 for god sakes. Time to pay up

Other urls found in this thread:!troll-slayers/q9g25

>Be white
>Say you're black

Black people "the onion" of racial demographics.

>gaming therapy

well, this is it guys, I'm going to fucking kill myself. This is what did it. I hope you're happy.

>Gaming therapy

I'm signing up

>5 children
>requesting financial support

>I can actually take a profit out of this because i'm mixed.
>Still whiter than the avarage french
feels good.


I signed up weeks ago.

I got 200 in gas money from different accounts.

You don't even need proof.



If this is real, knock it offline this is pure cancer.


But if blaack people saay they were kangz n shit in Egypt, don't they owe reparation to the jews?

As a person of color, you can APOLOGIZE by giving me (You)s.

I send money to Donald Trump and WW2 Revisionist organizations instead.

It feels great to be a white man.

how do i sign up?
i need mo moni for dem programz n shieeet
do i need US bank account or only paypal

>kill all white people! black supremacy!
>please help us white people! we need you!

the fuck?

'muricans now's your time to go full muh 1/128 of injun blood heritage and get free shit from idiots.


>"it's very difficult for ask for help"


now gibs munny plox

these fucking nuggers.
Allah fucking damn

Welsh and Irish count as POC right?
the gibmedats, whitie

>please help us white people! we need you!

As if people whose identity hinges solely on their color would ever admit such a thing. It's more like:

>help us white people, you owe us!

Ok so 99.9% of american niggers have NO slaves in their lineage.
Annnd 99.9% of white people have NO slave owners in their lineage.

But, 200 years ago Slavery was a thing, so the logical conclusion is.... wait for it...

All niggers should receive "reperations" from ALL white people.
Not counting the trillions of dollars in government handouts the black community has taken advantage of for Decades.

wait wtf i need a facebook account?
anyway im a SLAV so gib moni for SLAVery you silly white people

I'd like to see stats on how many are looking for help with their mix tape

>you will never live in 2000 again
>where every brother AND his mother had a mixtape

feels batman

No peoples in the history of the world has had more of a reason to just chimp out and kill everybody than white people do right now. This is a wonderful time to be alive. All murders against people who are different than us are 100% justified.

I got some native blood, I wonder if I could guilt some dumb ass liberals into giving me free shit, like the cucks they are they probably would.
>Race, as a social construct
How can i pay money to something that doesn't exists?

Really? I thought about doing just that when this first came out, I'm going to do so right now. Do you just put your bank account up or what?

I'm forced to pay up every other week already


>Make fake account with name like Trayvon Brown
>Ask for fried chicken and watermelon
>Wrost case scenario: free keks
>Middle case scenario: Free waddymelon
>Best case scenario: Website shuts down because of evil whitey.

I see literally zero downsides.

Is there dude seriously asking me to buy him WoW subscription?

shh. shut up, do the doublethink, and pay up.

Don't do it. You're going to be put on the day-of-the-rope-list

Pretty sure it's just a 4chins trap.

Top kek!

How did whites become the most cucked race?

Awww shit, got cherokee in me. Gonna get me some "sacred land" and some housing pay

im interested as well, it doesnt mention anything on the site, only to poke the creators on facebook and i cba to browse it

Endless sympathy.

because whites are the only race capable of empathy.

>rob a bank
>donate stolen money
>tell them the money is stolen
>dumb nigger takes it anyway
>call the cops
>nigger gets shot
>BLM tries to burn down houses
>BLM nigs get shot
>Feels good man

Suicidal egalitarianism

Does it have a dedicated section for Mix Tape help?

no one really cared who I was until I put on the mask

>Troll Fund
>For every negative comment, a $1 donation will be made to the site by members,

How do we beat this?!

what the fucks going on here?

Stupid intra-racial wars for 500 years since the Renaissance. Too many of the strong died off. Christianity prevented polygyny ensuring plenty of the weakest genes bred. And in modern times, some sort of chemtrail, estrogen in the water supply scheme.

sorry im not 150+ years old

nothing i have nor within 1000 miles of me has ever had anything to do with slavery, nor comes from any such thing

do it fagalam


Time to set up an account as Quindarius Gooch and tell these crackers I need mo money because the food stamps ain't cutting it!

>"Gaming Therapy"

Ooh boy. Do they even try?

>$400 for a mixing console with no power supply

Whatever he's buying is pure trash
dumb nigger

literally troll them into debt

a few who honestly need it will get helped
a lot who really dont, will

but at least next week, this shit wont exist.

Trauma based mind control.

whites are the only race that willingly allow their children to be subject to this trauma

when you are a child, what is your first psycho-sexual experience?

it is piles and piles of emaciated naked corpses. This is called the holocaust education., and it starts as early as 3rd grade for many children. In many studies, mice that have been operant conditioned choose to avoid the conditioning over a real world problem or shock

modern man has not been subject to any real physical struggle. So when someone tells him "if you continue to do this, your country will be taken over by muslims" he doesn't know on a subconscious level what that means. All he knows is that if he speaks up, he has a subconscious, gut reaction to perceived "racism" that has been pounded into his head, sometimes beginning in 3rd grade, and every year till graduation.

that destruction of his race is simply a cerebral exercise. One must be able to put a higher stake in cerebral exercise than their own conditioning. This is why autists can be racist easier.

holocaust education is child abuse. If I went to a foreign country to put my 3rd grader into school, and they sent a note home "starting tomorrow and for the next couple of weeks we are going to be showing your child slide after slide of piles of burning corpses" I would say no thank you. But parents don't do that, they don't think clearly about it. Why?

because of the very same conditioning that THEY received. If they say no, they too will have the trauma-based reaction.

this is obvious when you think about it. But fo many people, they will never realize that this is the reason they would rather have "rapists than racists;" they've never been raped, but they definitely have had the PTSD of that traumatic experience triggered.

>be white
>say you're black
>request female companionship of Caucasian persuasion
>pound dumb liberal sluts thinking you're black
>but you're actually pastey white

You troll them dry

>Bank account

No, I literally got sent gas cards to my house in the mail.

If any questions come up you just say you're poor and you've never had a camera/bank account.

your 2 reasons contradict.

and only the strong survive the wars.

this is the reason

Trauma-based mind control.

>be 1/(whateverTheFuck)th native Indian heritage
>get reparations

Can I pretend to be a nigger to get cuck cash from liberals?

>Spending your own money when people post bad things.

Just post a lot of rude things. Literally the dumbest idea to prevent trolls that has ever existed.

fug, so i cant do that from polan


Don't forget the soy.

Jesus fucking christ niggers are stupid. That's a plastic bumper, if you're poor as fuck it doesn't have to look perfect, just make it so nothing gets in the way of anything, and fix the headlight.

>tried to sign up
>required facebook login

Does anybody use just plain old fashioned email anymore for account creation? Jesus christ

>Family portrait


Those lyrics were straight fire, Is what's going on.

>gaming therapy
ok what the fuck now
people literally donate to this shit?

Actually, if you truly troll them into oblivion, they won't be able to pay. Then, the site will implode on itself, as all the gibsmedats are angry for not receiving what is "rightfully theirs" by means of a micro-aggression called trolling.

There could be great profit in this ploy.

Facebook shekels.!troll-slayers/q9g25

Something must be done...

There are no "people of color" in my country to apologize to.

fuck those pricks

lazy ass nig

Offering: Ancestors left leg fighting at Gettysburg.

>not killing others
You're part of the problem.

"A dollar will be donated for hate"

Why the fuck don't we just spam with hate and bankrupt whoever is giving that dollar?

>implying they don't get every fucking handout under the sun allowable by law to begin with

yeah sure here take my bank account

How are they verifying these requests and the identity of the beggars?
Can I just make a paypal account named "Trayvonmixtape313" and ask for the gibs or do I have to prove somehow that I'm an american nignog?

>retard alert

Please use the FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE to indicate whether you would like to make a #REQUEST or an #OFFERING. If you live outside of Seattle, please let me know where you live.


how does Sup Forums not see this? I thought you were all "enlightened"

It's literally conditioning. This is why people with real life experience like military become race realists. Because they have experienced the rape and murder that would happen as a result of the immigration. It's not just something mental that is unable to cause a response that is larger than the trauma conditioned response caused by the conditioning since childhood.

It's fucking DISGUSTING and child abuse.

Sure, teach your kids the holocaust, but only one year, and when they are in junior high.

Who knows what kind of mental problems are caused by this? It could be the root of manic depression or autism for all we know.

This shit has been around for a while. Surprisingly still up.

>$400 mixer
>power supply costs $200

Fuckin lying niggers man, god damn.

How can they ask for proof if I identify myself as a transnigger ?
Did they just assume my race ?
It's 2016 goddamit, I can be whatever I want


I was called a Nazi in KINDERGARTEN because of my blonde hair.

>what the fucks going on here?
Shit was hot nigga.

at least go full suicide bomber.

That's messed up

Yeah, losing an entire army at Stalingrad was no big deal because they were all weak losers...the group most likely to survive war are the flawed ones who never went to fight.

that one's funny
he's balck and in need of a vehicle
he should just steal a bike

like a black would.


Me too.

And it was a Jewish school.

I almost killed myself because I was driving home the the VA fucking me over, and then my car broke down. I carry a pistol on me too, thought about just falling in the ditch.

This might be the only legit one.


a woman driver, what a shocker