Sup Forums why is this region of US so conservative?

Sup Forums why is this region of US so conservative?

I mean, it borders cuck states like Minnesota and Washington and Oregon, which are very liberal.

It's up in the north side of US, and most states there seem to be very liberal (especially in north-west and north-east)

It borders Canada.

Also very white, so they don't deal with nigs and spics all the time.

So why are they different from the rest of the northern area?

It's because of us. Our white conservatives flee there

You mean the alberta/saskatchewa/manitoba area was more conservative in canada?

Because that's where conservatives from blue states migrate when they get fed up with the bullshit.

The thing is for both Washington and Oregon, once you leave the Seattle and Portland metro areas respectively and head east, it becomes very conservative.

So once you are in the eastern areas of these states, crossing over into the region you highlighted in red is just much of the same until you hit another major liberal city.

minnesota is the same way. it quickly becomes very conservative ax you approach the dakotas.

Cause idaho is a retirement state where a bunch of old fucks move up here and every thing outside of Boise is redneck land.. Fuck Butch Otter

What is happening?!?!
Romania broke the Matrix.

Aha, so it's a problem with the cities then just like everywhere else.

I wonder why is new england so liberal even though it's more suburban and rural. Especially fucking vermont, who brought the bernie plague

Because farming and hunting are still considered normal here.
The work has to get done, no one is going to do it for you.

They still believe in God and go to church.

This is actually me. I like my guns

NH motto is "live free or die". I guess they do not care to follow that motto anymore since when Clinton is elected you ain't living free anymore boy.

I don't know what the fuck is up with your picture and thumbnail, but when I bring up the picture, it has the most based states in the entire country. Cut out Nebraska and that is my utopia I wish for if we Balkanize.

Unless we can purge Seattle, then we can include Washington for ocean access.

SD here btw.

Well NH only recently succumbed to the blu. It was battleground state as they say for a while before that. But having liberal influence on all sides corroded its ideals. like whatever happened to 'live free or die'

The most conservative areas of Canada are Manitoba & Saskatchewan.

The Canadian provinces it borders with are the most conservative regions of canada.

Plus the mountain ranges in the western us coastal states separate liberal urbanites from rural conservatives of the inland

why do you cut out nebraska? something wrong with it?

Also, how do people in there feel over legal immigrants and new people? are they okay about it?

aren't there a shit ton of Mormons?

From what I've read Mormons are pretty based.

Lots of niggers in Omaha. Purge them too and we can include them in our utopia.

>borders cuck states like Minnesota and Washington and Oregon, which are very liberal.

Dunno about the others but anything to the east of the mountains is pretty conservative in Washington. It's mostly Seattle that makes the state so heavily blue.