Counting EU as a single entity, lol.

There should only be one team for each event from the europoor in this case.

>we're counting entire eu as single entity as long as we're winning because of it

It people haven't realised, I'm mad because they took the UK off the list but still counted the medals.

what kind of stupid shit is this...

cant win on your own in the olympics just like real life.


Remove the brittish medals from there, anglo scum, we don't need them

>Canada has more medals than Brazil

lol, why are these games hosted in poor countries anyways?

>Sends 50 times the amount of athletes compared to every other country
>Surprised it comes first
This is a retarded comparison.


wow it took 28 of you to kill me.


Remove 21 gold, 21 silver, and 13 bronze.
The UK is not a part of the EU.

Not a valid comparison.

>European Union...

>United States...

What is the difference faggots ?

ITT: people getting trolled
this is fake desu

Pretty sure the USA don't get to send 50 teams for each event.



>Combining 50% of all the participating athletes into one group

Really makes you think

>GBR included in the EU's medal count

I hate you OP

>28 teams

We still have less people and our ORIGINAL contract is connected on a national level. Europe is a bunch of different countries and governments that send way more people.

ohhhh rekt bitch fuck you


The USA literally blew you guy's the fuck out in the 90s, so joke's on you Milovan.

>When your nation is so lame to steal and take the credit and achievements of other countries to make itself feel better.
>tfw you are literally nigger-tier.

But youre still part of the EU

They removed all current EU countries and combined the medals under EU flag, genius
>anglo education

>tfw when you get included in a group with completely mediocre countries


Each country had a limit to how many people can qualify for events. Since the EU has so many countries, it has a massive advantage.

not understanding the difference between states and countries......

americans dont mind if someone says, "hey youre from new york! thats the same country as texas"

they'd be like, okay, yeah, weird wording but, im proud of that!

if someone said, hey france! that's the same country as Italy....

both you faggots would flip a shit

there is still some more homogeneity in america as far as general culture goes.

I wish we could send 50 teams.

Team Colorado would dominate.

>tfw go down to sea level and feel like a god


The EU doesn't work that way. In fact, it doesn't work at all really.

Props for the exit tho UK.

Only the best would advance resulting in probably the same medal outcome
1/10 made me replay to retards

this desu britain voted to exit the EU before the Olympics started
while they are not fully exited when it comes to foreign policy and trade deals which the estimate will take a full two years or more to slowly roll out to protect the world economy from crashing, an event like the Olympics is easily one where they have no ties to the EU

proud to be an american

>but where is the weed down there

fuck the EU

British Olympic funding comes solely from Britain


A state is a country, but a country is not necessarily a state. You should look up the difference between sovreign states and states.

Team GB carried you losers. let's see how many medals you get in 2020.

You could send as many athletes as you want but if they suck it doesn't matter

reported for being retarded, you need help.
i hope the mods are able to find your address and send help

Technically UK is part of the EU and this for another 2 years
>american education

so 2018; new england, dixieland, texas, portandia and cuntifornia become nations in the olympics?

Really, Frenchy?


Its retarded to count EU medals as one, because they arent - if it were one teem, then ok: but its separate teams competing each other for many countries.


> have 28 nations with individual athletes
> surprised they have a high medal count when counted together

The comparison would be fair if every state in the US competed with their own athletes

This. USA, like most countries, is limited to the amount of athletes per sporting event. Maybe next time, Europe.

All we need is the DMV area (DC, MD, VA) and it'd have like the 3rd most medals in most olympics.

About 3500 miles.

we do have many sports leagues over here, we could easily outsource athletes from every part of the mainland to compete. EU would get blown the fuck out.

It is still part of the EU legally.

It'd be great if the US can collect medals based on state.

Everyone who unironically thinks when america would compete with 50 states, they had a significantly higher medal count should kill himself for being mentally challenged.

These are the only countries that matter.



any team with less than 20 gold medals should just nuke themselves, honestly

if the eu has no medals because it isn't a country you idiot
>yuropoor education
and take Great Britain out of that combined count, don't they know they left your shitty club
>yuropoor education

blah blah semantics.

a state in the USA, and the relationship between states in the USA, are different than a country and are different than the relationship between countries in the EU.

i dgaf about your "all squares are rectangles but blah blah" argument.

what's your real point? other than trying to feel smarter than me because you took a civics class

>Pretty sure the USA don't get to send 50 teams for each event.
>implying more teams=better chance of winning
>implying quality

holy fuck, imagine being this desperate to be America. Also, why are you counting the UK as part of the EU?

Now put Britain back on the list and see how great the EU is.

>defending retardation
Also EU without UK is still better than murrika

desu this

well one is one, and the other is the other

>we still are ahead without you lumping your so called nations as a single unit like we do with our states.

H and A repeated ad nasueam.

EUcucks absolutely BTFO

>>implying more teams=better chance of winning
it does though. Do you even basic math, bro?


like 40 teams. 40 chances for each event. lol Should be way more ahead.

>one country

>UK counted as EU


>EU still riding on the shoulders of giants

in no sense is this true.

two totally different, incomparable entities.

you fags need us more than we need you.

i always knew yuropoors were dumb and nonathletic, and know nothing about sports that aren't dive grass, but dam this is embarrassing

>mfw EU without UK is twice as good as murrika
>mfw most medals were won in swimming or by niggers

Holy shit amerifats, are you even trying?

hahahahahhaha eat a fucking dick

EU absolutely BTFO by Anglo supremacy this year.

Just... absolutely BTFO. It's fucking beautiful.

>triggered amerifat


>7 posts by this id

you're trying way to hard, ahmed.

Come back if you learned to play football. Or try winter olympics

94 medals USA
31 medals Germ

eat a dick.


It would not be fair. The European Union should not be allowed to enter more athletes.

Just to think that their medal count would be even LOWER if the American Olympic team weren't 90% niggers



lookit any european olympic team.........
nigs are everywhere, get over it.

>Daily reminder that 90% of American nobel prize laureates are Jews

America LITERALLY cannot function without nigger labor and Jewish brains


We are still better per capita
>counting amount of medals, not ranking by gold, silver, bronze

>there is a 62% chance this poster is white


>India- 118 athletes per 1 medal
>UK- 6.1 athletes per 1 medal
Yeah bruv, da Olimpics r just luck brah no skill its maths bro, mang, better chance with more tards broski etc.

>eat a dick.

Isn't that your forte? :^)

>there will never be shooting competition where West Virginia, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania are fighting for gold.

>winter olympics
>implying anyone cares
>being this buttblasted

I hate coming into these threads because people don't understand what population is.

Let me spell it out for you Amerifats, even if the EU had the same population as America they would have 1.5x the medals per capita.

Now do some actual research or fuck off and eat McDonald's or something.

>The IOC should admit mobility scooter racing as an Olympic discipline to make winning medals easier for Americans


>people don't understand what population is.

We do understand what population is.

For example, yours is 62% white.

Considering the population it really doesn't seem like a bad idea for the athletes. I'm sure there are a good number of elite US athletes being left behind in singles comp. due to the limit/country. That said, if they had to separate athletes by state, the team comps might suffer.

>cricket faggot implying Footbawl or EXTREEEME Shawn White sports isn't worth caring for

I think a downton abbey rerun is on.

This and they should add shit in marts, stickball and handegg

yuroshits btfo

smash the eu

>EU without the UK: 1 medal per 2,650,000 cunts
>US: 1 medal per 3,800,000 cunts
What did burgers mean by this?
