Are there any other actors in Hollywood that are Muslim other than Lindsay Lohan?
Are there any other actors in Hollywood that are Muslim other than Lindsay Lohan?
what's the point in showing off her Kuran to everyone? Is she trying to stand out and assert herself? Does she feel insecure?
She's showing her devotion to Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
bollocks, she's a poser
Where the fuck is that whore's hijab?
Mike Tyson
Janet Jackson
Dave Chappelle
She only converted because she realized the only way it's possible for her to stop being a druggy and fuck up is by blowing herself up for Allah
So this bitch is begging to be raped by Ahmed now?
Are you trying to ask rhetorical questions?
>American woman converts to Islam
>Doesn't wear a burka
Yeah okay. Can I be a Jew without being evil?!
You can though
She probably already has. In december her instagram was filled with trips to Dubai. My guess is that she has been sleeping around with Arab Billionaires for cash. The Arab dick redpilled her and she wants to convert to Islam
just about
Good goy!
White women are the newest members of the caliphate RIP me
I knew a guy in college who had a friend who went from a normal girl to a party hippie to a devout Muslim woman. Wtf?
Topkek - she still is a kuffar.
I came upon this site just recently and I already hate all the racism coming out of your dirty mouths. I think it is wrong! Wrong! Why didn't you learn anything from your history?
it's a plural form you ignorant xenophobic prick
>Sleeping for cash
>red pilled
You inbred low IQ Achmed.
Ben Affleck is probably the most well known.
Also spelled 'kafir' or 'kaffir', Kuffar is a highly derogatory Arabic term used to refer to non-Muslims, though it is usually directed less against "People of the Book" (Christians and Jews) and more against others (Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, etc).
Now piss off Igor.
...that doesn't mean you're beautiful top kek
Oh aren't you precious.
I knew it you dimwit, and still you used plural form as single
YES! IGNORANT! Go check for yourself
Ben Affleck.
Still NO!
Go shoot down a civilian plain you fucking degenerate cuck.
Janet Jackson.
>accuseing others of being ignorant of Muslim culture
Nice proxy chaim
fuck your mother stupid asshole then if cannot educate yourself
What a terrible shoop, OP.
Busta Rhymes
None of these are Hollywood actors...
He even grew his beard out to respect the prophet dude.
how do you define muslim culture smartass?
Mike Tyson
I'm just shitposting keep it real my man
Ice Cube
By the bodycount.
Ellen Burstyn
he's still wearing his moustache which clearly indicates his true belief, that is heathendom
Snoop Dogg
how so considering it is a religion of peace?
by kebab shops.
Isn't Ben Affleck a muslima?
So Tolerant. So woke.
Nah mate, it's just a phase he will shave it soon enough.
Besides he has been spotted in several mosques across the US talking about his new project, Sand batman. A tale of how batman found peace in the Holy scriptures during a busyness visit (as Bruce Wayne) to Iraq.
He is, pretty sure democrat email leaks talk about it too.
Stay a third world country, cuck.
Kys you disgusting mudslime lover.
Ben Affleck
Ben "No Flowers for the Twin Towers" Al Affleqi?
did you just plug in the internet in an attempt to discover new horizons?
She doesn't need to be a Muslim to do that sort of thing
>Why didn't you learn anything from your history?
I learned that invading Russia in winter is a bad idea
It's gotten to the point where I can't tell apart bad bait and someone's actual opinion, because both sound exactly the same.
This is a Russian on a proxy.
You are forgetting the most important lesson. Using delousing agent to kill 6 gorillian kikes doesn't work.
marsh allah brother soon these kuffar will believe in muhammed pbuh
Don't you mean Religion of pieces Horsefucker Al Bandi?
again, you, too, used a wrong form of the noun
you'll burn in hell for having said that
Wow, drugs sure fucked a few things up in her head.
sorry I'm half blind, the form was correct
Since muslima drink camel piss, do you tatars drink horse piss instead?
>you're beautiful
Are we just going to ignore the that this picture actually says you're a donkey?
>LInday Lohan
Star Trek fans are more religious than average American following anything inside of a holy book.
There is no hell my civilization impaired friend.
Why would an Arab billionaire pay for a wasted whore? Unless he was a fan of her years ago.
Every hole is a vagina for a muslim.
Hopefully Vlad drops the big one on you.
>Toothpaste and Iced Lemon Bar fighting it out
lol that dirty kaafir cunt isn't even allowed to touch the qur'an in islam, she's technically desecrating it
totally agreed she must be punished
someone put this bitch in an abaya