Why the fuck is canada included in north america??
Why the fuck is canada included in north america??
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Mexico, canada, let me be honest. You're both just awful.
FPBP. We hate you both
Mexico is south america noob
itt: land of the cartels and land of the 60% being jealous of Canada's awesomeness
If being a faggot-enabler and a dumbass is awesome, then I'd rather be dead. Canada is fucking awful, and I've hated every Canadian I've had the displeasure of interacting with.
t. Someone who travels to Canada for work meetings.
>British education
we should just annex you, then nuke Quebec
This desu. Canada is last bastion of white man
Why is America included in South Canada?
What do I have to do in order to become a true Canadian? I drink Maple Syrup,i like cold wheather,i like Leafs,what else is required?
Canschluss is coming. Canada is ours
>nuke the cities next door
fucking brilliant. American war tactician right there.
except i'm right. fuck off
frogs aren't welcome in greater America
Don't fucking do it man. Maybe take BC and Alberta but anything east of that will corrupt your entire nation with TrudAIDS.
no you aren't faggot
I can't even tell if this is bait anymore
He'd probably nuke us right in the middle of the province and kill a few inuits anyway
he and his ministers will be sent to Nunavut. We will abolish your parliament, and install state legislators in each province. Welcome to freedom
Cause it's the only white country in North America.
Canada isn't really a country, its a frozen tundra the size of China with a few urban areas on the outskirts of our northern border
nice b8
This guy gets it.
To answer your question OP, it's because America and Canada were settled by whites.
Because we don't like you either, sensitive fag
>nuke redpilled rural quebec
>montreal untouched
seriously are you guys retarded
A WHITE* frozen tundra thank you very much. And really, that's all that really counts towards future prosperity and success.
Good luck in 2050.
I eagerly await your pulsing freedom-rod, Ameribro. Give us liberty or give us death.
no, Montreal is the target. Frogs are not welcome in the American empire
your only hope of not becoming Canadastan is that Trump wins and annexes you. You get guns, and you get MAGA. Isn't that a good deal?
The only respectable nationalist impulse of my people.... Is there absolute loathing of American Imperalism encroaching on Canadian clay.
Focus on your nigger and spic problem, then maybe we can talk.
You can never become a true Canadian. That mentality is why our countries are being flooded with shitskins and chinks.
We are a country of British, French, and German mongrels. Your child could be a true Canadian (assuming he is not purely German but is purely European).
But you could not.
We already have guns m8, they're just restricted. Handguns are hard to get but you can buy a million rifles so long as they don't use magazines.
Maritimes are fine guy. We only voted Trudeau in because Harper 1) insulted us 2) was censoring scientific research from being released to the public 3) only liked Alberta.
>your only hope of not becoming Canadastan is that Trump wins and annexes you. You get guns, and you get MAGA. Isn't that a good deal?
not worth the 60% no thanks
True Canadians are.
you might as well not have rifles if you only get 5 rounds per magazine
you will boost that up to at least 70 percent just by joining. And with Trudeau gone, there wouldn't be any more pride parades or rapefugees
They are our neighbors from the other side of the future Northern Wall. What a great place for all of our leftists and blacks to go to after the MAGA.
Fucking tiptop lelel my friendos, KEKada le free healthcare? Lol, cannot into degenerates LOL!!! 50% women? Because it's 2013 LMAO Trudeau le epick #1 cucklord of KEKada :DDDD I am le redpilled tho!!! lMAO red and white pilled more like xDD le Kathleen Wynne???? Canucked by the green energy jew LMAO le REDPILLMERICA runs on MURICAN GASOLEEN :DDDDDD FUCKING epick Ontario, should le change their colours into BLUE (Like blue pill, fuck my lelels :DD BECAUSE ITS 20165 BECAUSE ITS 2018 BECAUSE ITS 1993 >implying le 90s best generation lmao le edm music le cancer lol LMAO BECAUSR ITS 16899399 LOL BECAUSE I GOT DUBBS CHECK MY DUBBS!!! CHECK 50% OF WOMEN LOL, >inb4 woman not into le qualified to run le small government xDDDdD O CANADA OUR HOME AND NATIVE KEK!!!
Don't do it America. Take everything east of Ontario. Leave the rest to rot.
Nova Scotia is inviting anti Trump voters to move there if he wins. The east is liberal shithole of sheltered whites. Just like your north east.
They just tried to leave Canada. They are not true Canadians, the only true Canadians are the ones from Alberta, Newfoundland and the Maritimes.
why not just send them to Mexico or Cuba?
>you will boost that up to at least 70 percent just by joining.
Exactly you need Canada's help. Nuke yourself faggot.
Sorry. Take everything WEST of Ontario.
Canada was founded by American Traitors and cowards during the Revolutionary war. You have been our weak little sister ever since.
I have notified the Canadian authorities of your homophobia. The LGBT police are coming to take you to diversity camp
does not apply here in Canada. We imported syrian FAMILIES, not lone pedophiles looking for gibs. Only a Canadian PM could be this smart to be compassionate to the middle east without fucking over his country.
at least you'll know who to thank when Bataclan 2 happens
Real Canada goes from Montreal to the Saint-Lawrence gulf. True Canadians live there. Rest are wannabes: they wanted to let them rot.
>Saint-Lawrence gulf
I feel like I should know where that is. Then I remember that its in Canada, so it doesn't matter
>Why the fuck is canada included in north america??
Good question... at least the north western part here should really belong to King Harald a long with Greenland, as this is rightfully his fisk... oh yes and clay ofc. always with the clay, we forget this, we like fisk.
We also called this Vestheim as a group btw.
Ahaha. I respect Mexicans. Never seen one not stand up for their culture. They'd never let a sissy clown like that represent them.
Nice. You turned your own ignorance into an insult towards me.
>American education
>Doesn't know about the biggest river in North America
Cod World War 3 will start with the two parties, Sweden I and Sweden II("canada") and the norse, mainlanders and islanders aside!
Your fisk shall belong to us!
c'mon kek wills it
>destroyed water table
>insane fallout coverage also hitting america
>permanently irradiated farmland and industry
>atlantic ocean contamination through shown waterways
I love it when Americans think they can nuke this part of Canada, and only get one city destroyed. That's right, try invade us a third time without getting your own shit in order. We still have a few of YOUR nukes in our storage, because NORAD.
Cross the line.
Cod world war? Is that pic Cape Cod?????
Guys I'm scared. I live in MA
>Doesn't know about the biggest river in North America
that would be the missouri
Mexicans are basically South American.
Canada is just like America, except loyal to the Crown, you rebel scum.
you just straight up sound like an asshole
It has the highest water flow, which is what matters.
You're included, too. Calm down, NAU ally.
A tale as old as time...
Because it's on the North American continent, Pablo.
>Mexican intellectuals
Why the fuck is Canada included anywhere?
i hope you get die
Stay out of my arctic, you guys make everything super weird.
kek no you are safe, in fact you are in on exterminating the eternal swede once and for all.
Our nork-burgers are all ready to take further step against the swedish threath to your north.
The pic is furðustranir, I haven't marked it on the map, but it's along markland. It means like the long beaches.
They will strike "canada" from here, if the other becomes some containment zone or you annex it and purge it of swedes and uncuck cucknada is not yet confirmed as I know of.
All depends a bit on Sweden II too, if they make it the 2nd tranny caliphate or if they fucking carve a blood eagle on that frog tranny trudeleedeu or how the hell you spell that crap
Americans can't really call anyone cucked when they have a nigger president and will probably will have a woman president who is 1000x worse than Trudeau.
America is 60% white as well.
Where does Mexico end and the US begin?
This desu
travel beaches, it can be travel beaches too
god damnit I need to fresh up on my icelandic/old norse again..
Faggot ships can't even quote right. Tremendously sad!
Cuz it's over the US geographically?
Media only shows the progressive news, Canada seems a lot better then the US, americans are as bad as mudshits
>Canada seems a lot better then the US, americans are as bad as mudshits
Do I even need to comment to this?
I think he speaks for him self, Sven-Abdul in his Swdish I Caliphate.
Ofc he loves trannydeo and the 2nd swedish caliphate.
The only good swede is a dead swede!
Sweden, the only country where even rapists are feminists
Bumping with Harald Sigurdson aka Hardråde.
He could drink all night and every one passed out, while he still stood the next day, there in Miklagarð/Istandbul. Where is the gray holm here? Where the ocean breaks in...
Best one yet
where is this gray holm, where the ocean breaks in. It's not a rewriting for miklagarð
Fake AF, f'am.
nice try Sven II
Penis is stronger than vagina
I really hope this is fake -_-
you're a Sven-Abdul now, a syrup sven
There will be war!
Nice b8 m8
This shits real? or is this well done photoshop
why are whitebois so fucking weak and cowardly.
does cuck run in your vein honkey? look at that pic. just look at ops fucking pic birdshit.
fucking weakness.
the weakest black nigger could destroy and kill the strongest cumskin with a single fucking LOOK.
whites confirmed cucked beyond all repair.
Insert a King with the blood line to our Gods right now and kill this tranny, or take the consequences Syrup Sven.
This will soon be your King.
We have all been warning you since this tranny and before, that we will not tolerate to be surrounded by Swedes!! Never!
The thread or the picture of our """"""""""""leader"""""""""""""
Hahahahahaha that female minister of defense hahahaha.
Sadly this is happening in allot of places in europe
"whyte boys"
fucking niggers....
Even our stabbistabbi samis are more testo than you southern cucks, they usually are short, but pic related.... I would not touch his raindeer... this ISIS fanboy and recruiter here, currently in jail,wants to move up there.... jes.. this is smart... but hush.
pun - Samis are small, as you don't know that europe is actually not a continent of one people but of many of different origins