How racist is it when a single mom porno star won't date a black man?

How racist is it when a single mom porno star won't date a black man?

Oh no you dinnt....

Lot of women hate negros.

This. Don't believe the kike media.

>teen mom porno star

>teen mom pornstar has more sense than the average girl.

This really makes you think.

ending up a single mom once is more than enough for her I guess

besides, most women don't want to date black men, by the statistics most women date inside their race, and white men are the preferred choice when it comes to interracial relationships

I hope that is on her job applications

She's part Arab. Arabs have a long history of anti-blackness. It's just their culture, chill out.

>that's more of a kardashian thing

Jewish porn producers have to pay white "actresses" massive sums of money to do interracial because not only do few people watch that, but it makes people stop watching even non-interracial porn featuring the blacked """""""""actress"""""""

The Jews lose massive amounts of money on interracial porn

And yet they keep on making it...

This desu

>Real Housewives of Atlanta Fansite by

>Farrah Abraham

good lord.

Even prostitutes won't do business with niggers, they are too dangerous.

>Inb4 she said this because she needs money and knows that saying anti black stuff will make her able to ask for more money on her interracial porn

A while ago she was dancing at one of the strip clubs here, I tipped her on stage once. Whatever she charges for "VIP service", I'd pay it...

Lol. Half of Arabs ARE niggers you ignorant fuck.

>Arabs ARE niggers
False. Arabs and niggers are 2 seperate races. What you meant to say is half of MUDSLIMES are niggers.

She's 25 and looks like she's 50. I don't think too many "brothers" will be checking for her.

Asian women are flat out terrified of niggers. White women are wary of them but try not to show it. Most women realize that BBC is a meme and dealing with an aggressive, broke ass nigger isn't worth it.

NFL and NBA nigs get fleeced by gold digger white women.

more importantly they don't have money

In reality the difference in penis size between races is measured in a few centimeters and women of all races find white men most desirable because at the moment despite the Marxists hardest efforts white men still rule the world and women are attracted to power and resources. Despite what porn tells you, the black guy who doesn't have a job and smells like your ass after your day on Sup Forums isn't actually very high in value on the sexual market. Moreover people tend to want to just marry their race anyway tribally.

The black man/white woman myth pushed by media is just a myth.

>b-b-but muh black celebrity dating a white woman
Celebrities are the absolute fringe of society at its highest economic end.

>b-b-b-but muh white trash slut dating black men
White trash sluts are the absolute fringe of society at its lowest economic end.

Even your average Stacy Thundercunt college slut doesn't actually want black dudes. The sexual market always evens itself out naturally and black dudes exist on rungs lower than white college sluts, and no-one fucks down unless they're drunk.

Yeah, that too, hookers don't take food stamps as far as I know.

Pretty much only fat/ugly women and mentally ill gender studies type women will even consider anything less than white.

>tfw everyone auto-dismisses leaf posts even though this is completely true

>end slavery
>equal rights
>black women ditch black men en masse
Why do they have to make it weird?

kardashians dad gets OJ off murder conviction

dies of cancer

oj back in jail

all daughters fucking black guys

former wife fucking black guy

they're Armenian anyways right who cares if she fucks a nog

Niggers will fuck anything with a hole

Retard American detected.

I'm drunk and degenerative at the moment, but this!

Most hookers even refuse to fuck niggers. They have enough sense not wanting to be killed.