Clinton's REAL health records were just leaked!!!

Clinton's REAL health records were just leaked!!!


Carbupbygnh7885577gmgf lgh0000ng gffj

And this isn't fake because?


Desperate Drumpf conspiritards BTFO

>Doctor's signature

Looks legit to me.

Thanks tho CTR :^)

Who would leak that exactly?

>can't fake a doctors signature
>can't fake a letterhead
>le CTR shill!
>don't question everything

Did you take the redpill or the retardpill



HillShills not allowed.

Are you actually fucking stupid.

I want proof its real, not rhetoric about shills.

pls leave you're not welcome in my thread, shill

It says is private so I cant open it, what?

>asking for proof confirms you're a shill
>blinding believing everything you see on the internet




$.05 has been deposited in your account

Uhhhhhh, did you read it? It talks nothing about all the shit she's going through. It says she's healthy as fuck. If real, the Dr has been paid off or lied.



Don't bigot me, faggot

No one even saw the papers and are talking about it, okay.

Change it from private, faggot.

Did literally ANYONE read it? It says she's healthy. She had a concussion a couple of years ago, that's all.

Fuck, I was hoping that it would say there was an aneurysm about to form or some shit. Epilepsy. SOMETHING.

No one can read it.

I just copied and pasted the link, and it opened up right away, no problem. Weird.

No you didn't. Take a screenshot.

No, I really did. I'll download it and dump it somewhere if you guys are having trouble. It's not really interesting, though.

neo-Sup Forums is full of technological illiterates who can't even copy-paste a URL as they are in their iPhag devices or tablets or shitty laptops

consider suicide?


>only one meme tab
Step it up fampai


Says its private

Rush job m8


also I much prefer this medical record leaked by NG user

Go suck a dick faggot I'm browsing on a flip phone.

Thanks OP, 0.05 shekels have been deposited to your account.

Wow dr drew was right her treatment is more dangerous than her conditions

>one tab is cuckold porn
>one bookmark is a comic about cuckolding, Menage a 3
What the literal fuck you faggots?

No, I'm okay thanks. You seem a little agitated.

>Menage a 3
>About cucking
Its degenerate and full of homoshit for sure but it's definitely not a cuck comic
t. Read it for a while a few years ago before it started getting too convoluted and homo to take seriously

yeah if there is nothing wrong with her why is she on so many drugs?

Is clinton a drug addict?
>we already know the Cocaine Import Agency was renamed Central Intelligence Agency.

Just have to look at Bill Clinton's presidency its not really hidden or anything.

Lol, this is fake as shit.

Bitch can't even stand up.

learn to copypaste, moron

kill yourself, faggot


newfriends pls leave

>have to reply to everyone

Now, that's salt right there newfriend.

I didn't say nothing was wrong with her nor that these records are legitimate, only that they are the ones that she publicly released. But just as dr drew stated the medication she's prescribed is ancient and outdated, her thyroid medication hasn't been a thing for a long while. Her anticoagulant is also dated with better substitutes being available. Her use of prism glasses are also odd because those are an indication of brain damage

Do you know how we know these are fake?

The drugs referenced are still there but there's nothing about all of her other obvious issues that were there in the doctors notes.

This was the fake letter Hillary asked for to be publicly released.

If anything this confirms the private doctors notes we saw earlier.

Pharmacist here

Both of these leaks are fucking faker than fake

Anyone that works in the medical industry knows these are fake

Doctors do not interject personal opinion into statements

Doctors will include key phrases indicating the demeanor and alertness of their subjects as well as their muscle strength and reflexes

No fucking doctor in this world needs to explain to anyone what enoxaparin in, no fucking doctor in the world even uses its brand name - Lovenox

The list goes on

Anyone that perpetuates this or anyone that even mentions this garbage is retarded

Everyone is retarded

That's the best part of the link

My personal theory was they merely doctored the dates and this was a note from 1995 or some such shit

>>"She's fine to run for president."
.. ?

I've definitely seen doctors use brand names.

But...the rest holds true.

ICU nurse here.
This guy is right.

Gregory House here. It's definitely not Lupus.