
>Which polls?
>All of them...
>... ok T_T

Other urls found in this thread:


says who

These right wing retards argue like fucking 1st graders

>be completely cucked by CNN,


That's it, I'm now a #JebHead. Thanks for showing me the light.

>his only defense is being 'ironic'

Just disown Trump while you're ahead of it, the election was decided already.


Couldn't happen to a nicer party. Full dem sweep happening this November.

House, Senate, White House. State Legislatures and Governors.

Let's roll. It's time to make America modern finally. It's 2016, come on!


He meant where do these polls come from?

>he still cant figure out that if we don't get Trump, we get Hillary.

Neck yourself, brochacho

>replying to a troll

I wish I could trip this hard on Kool Aid

I'll take the lesser of two evils, thanks.

You filthy liar, he said, "I love all my supporters, the educated ones and the uneducated ones."

I know you wanted a (You). Here you go, hope it made your pathetic life just a little bit better.

Nice to know you settled for Trump.

>This video is on the front page of youtube
What did Google mean by this?

Why does it cut off there? I would at least like to hear his response.

>Donald J. Trump
>any of those things
kek to the max

The only people that watch CNN anymore are pro-Shillary, LE DRUMPF, nu male faggots that already decided to vote against Trump months ago because they're addicted to Muslim cock.


>For adults 25-54, CNN was the go-to network for all of that news. Not only did CNN defeat its cable news rivals this past month in the key news demo, but it also grew 204 percent in total prime time viewers and grew 219 percent in the news demo from July 2015, per Nielsen Live+SD data.

keep believing that senpai