GEORGE (((SOROS))) RAISED $100,000,000 FOR BLM

>For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour.

>That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.

>“The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America,” said the Borealis announcement.

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Let him waste money. These corrupt shitheads will just use the money to give themselves high wages and blow through it quick. Guaranteed.

Fuck....sooner or later they are going to start arming these fucking radicals.

US gov needs to come out and say they are a terror group at this point and anyone who funds them is subject to the law.

So what?
They'll spend it on crack and hookers anyway

BLM will spend it on more activities to get people to vote for Donald J Trump

How soon will BLM become a paramilitary subversive organization?

kek watch it become insanely corrupt as our melanin enriched brothers get dat green

According to the NDAA, the mere suspicion of arming and funding terrorist is enough to get you disappeared for life off to a foreign CIA torture camp.

I think we need the rule of law.

Also his son Alex Soros is getting buttmad at Putin and Trump:

>Implying that the money they are given won't be properly managed by higher ups picked by George Soros

Soros isn't dumb, he didn't become a rich billionaire from making bad decisions and certainly won't just give a bunch of dumb niggers money without heavy supervision.


I don't believe in a 'master race' but these niggers must leave our country


Jews are above the law

Look at this antisemitic bastid

>those higher ups are fukn whitey
>tension rises as niggers don't get to fuel their addictions and decide to sabotage their own organization
>it was all an elaborate social experiment to prove that niggers will never be able to coexist with whites
wtf I'm #sorosmissile now

>"Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, die nicht will, dass sie zur Ruhe kommen"

Jesus Christ. That amount of money going to such a blatantly subversive, disruptive, and violent group is insane. This is just crazy.

There's going to be a VERY violent reaction in this country if Trump wins. (((Soros))) knows this and is merely preparing his useful idiots to incite so much violence that martial law is enforced.

That being said, the fucker should be arrested for being the most corrupt person on the entire planet. He literally funds events which destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of people just to fatten his wallet.

Expect Chimpouts like never before seen if Trump wins. DC will be like Omaha Beach on D-Day.

Yall finally realized we coming fo U white bois. Whether Trump wins or not. We usin dat money 2 get auto AKs and ARs while yall bragging about them huntin rifles.

I'm picking up some protection tomorrow

Why do rich people love terrorists so much?

And just like that, KFC, Nike and Dre instantly increased their revenue by 500% overnight

Helicopter Money! Economic crash is HERE!

This is going to lead to the biggest nigging of nogs in the history of nogging. This might be setting the stage for King Nigger to take advantage of the chaos and declare martial law.

Jesus thats a lot of gibs me dat

Terrorism keeps the poor people from being too problematic.

LIC or "Low Intensity Conflict" if you want to be academic about it.

Nice flag.

>tfw when i just picked up my AR lower

>street uprising
When will you learn that there is no such thing?many of the BLM leaders have milliner fathers and I don't think there has been a "street uprising" in the last 100 years.

How does someone this evil not get assassinated?

Niggers don't go to KFC. Get your fried chicken memeology right.

There's no good people with power

wew thanks for correcting the record user!

Someone needs to rob BLM.

Does it cost $100 million for niggers to riot in the streets and block traffic?

>That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.

>Open Society Foundations
>Center for American Progress

You can't make this shit up. Get this to normies.

>Trump runs for president
>Evil billionaire gives money to poor black people
He's already ending poverty and he hasn't even won yet.

Now every countries black citizens gonna flood to the streets for payouts.

What I don't understand about Soros is, if he's a zionist who wants to destroy goy borders for the sake of greater israel, why does he fund anti israel groups? Does he just want open borders for everyone but a very specific elite, and not care about preserving jews as a whole?

>Wasting 100 million dollars so ugly white women and balding limp wristed faggots can block traffic and annoy hard working people.

Good one, Soros.