So I was scrolling through Facebook and recently found an interesting post discussing the perception America has for...

So I was scrolling through Facebook and recently found an interesting post discussing the perception America has for the Asian question to you Sup Forums: Do you agree?

"If you don't want to listen to me whine about my frustrations with the perception of the Asian American community, then keep scrolling honey this might as well only be part one.
Victorious, the Nickelodeon show, used to be one of my favorite shows as an elementary school kid. I was watching old episodes today and slowly felt myself getting increasingly uncomfortable. Why was it that all of the Asians in the show had such exaggerated accents? In fact, where were all the Asians? There's quite a lot of us, Hollywood honestly could've had its pick. There's a grossly obvious underrepresentation of Asian Americans in the entertainment industry. Apparently there's such a gross underrepresentation that we need white girls to star in feature films as Chinese women!!!! But that's an entirely separate rant. Back to Victorious.
I then got to an episode that made me close my computer and really sit on my thoughts for a while. All the characters were being held in a room by a teacher for disciplinary purposes and one of them, Andre, stood up in frustration and said, "C'mon I gotta get out of here and go meet Kiko... She's this girl I met at B.F. Wangs, she's all exotic, and Polynesian, and I gotta get out of here!... I just wanna go play with Kiko!" This dialogue continues in random spurts for the rest of the scene.
"exotic" "Polynesian" "wanna go play with"
It's just a couple of lines, right? I should probably stop 'overreacting.' In Hollywood, things are just like that.
This isn't an issue that only exists in Hollywood. The fetishization and over-sexualization of Asian women has existed under our noses for almost as long as the Asian population has been in contact with the White West. The 'submissive school girl'...

Cont: "...fantasy and 'quiet girl' to 'wild child' extremes are not one "compliments" to "hot Asian women." Also seen in the emasculation of Asian men (we have all heard a joke or two or ten about Asian men and their "small yellow wieners"), the world decided that it was okay to paint our bodies again according to the colors and shapes that they best saw fit-- the media merely exploits this.
The most frustrating element of any Asian American narrative is the lack of response. Overt exotification of Asian women on a relatively popular children's show should have raised voices. The issue is we don't see these things as problems to be fixed.
We are not your fetish.
We are not your passing "Well, you're an Asian man, you MUST have a small penis!!!" jokes.
We are not your quiet illusion of forced assimilation; they will never let us forget that we will always be foreign, that we must always define and declare ourselves to you as "Asian" first and "American" second.
We are not your silent, picture perfect success stories. I won't let an imposed and falsified image of what I am meant to be stop me from realizing the undercurrents of a reality that has so sneakily penetrated the modes of everyday life.
It has been almost 200 years since the first waves of Asian American immigrants came to this country, more than a 100 since you passed your first attempts at trying to exclude us, 80 years since you tried again, 30 years since Vincent Chin died-- they say Vincent's death was a pivotal moment, that it started a pan-ethnic Asian American movement, but
Why is it that - still - nobody cares?"

>where were all the Asians
In Asia, you fucking dummy. The US has never been more than 5% Asian, and that includes Indians.

We literally have a sitcom for Asians now (Fresh off the Boat). We also have shows specifically for hispanics (George Lopez), rednecks (Bill Engvall , Jeff Foxworthy) and even Jews (Goldbergs). There's an entire channel dedicated to blacks. The worst part is that every show reuses the same fucking jokes from the other shows.

Asians have no room to be bitching and moaning about anything.

They need to fuck off.

What is this fucking wall of text?
If I gave a shit about what gooks were posting on Facebook, I'd get a fucking Facebook account.

>declare ourselves to you as "Asian" first and "American" second
kek, America is dead

>we are not your fetish

That's where you're wrong.

Asians have such a huge superiority complex, of course they identify as Asian first.

This, Asian pride is really something else, on another level

>In fact, where were all the Asians? There's quite a lot of us
No there aren't, asians are like 5% of americas population. what a stupid gook


Funny how if a white girl plays some gay ass animu character, everyone loses their shit. But when they do it all the time in China and Japan, no body cares. The excuse is that it's the Asian market. Yeah, well this is the American white market and no body cares about Asians. You want Asians on screen, go watch some Chinese movies. Tired of whole "diversity but in white countries only" garbage.

Honestly I didn't think there was any problems between Asians and whites. They are practically the same thing in America.

They're a bit underrepresented because Hollywood libcucks only care about black people.


Stopped reading this twaddle right there

>Honestly I didn't think there was any problems between Asians and whites.

I used to not think so either.. too bad that is not really the case.

TFW superior hispanic Tejano race gets THREE shows and gets to laugh along with white southerners AND hispanics.

Just spam amwf

More effective my friend

>we have all heard a joke or two or ten about Asian men and their "small yellow wieners"
It's funny cuz its true

Meh don't be a nigger.

>Meh don't be a nigger.
Im white. With a bigger dick than all asian males
And I have an asian gf

OP is a fag

I don't come to Sup Forums to read facebook posts now fuck off


Beat me to it

Thats not big