Dumb Black Bitch BTFO on CNN

Does Sup Forums think Trump can increase his number of black voters if more and more red-pilled black people like Sheriff Clarke and Darrell Scott speak out more and more to the black community?



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No, leftist have been working their agenda on blacks for the last 60 years, there is no way Trump will undo that within a few months. People who were far more redpilled and intelligent have already tried and failed. Shit, Thomas Sowell has spent his life tying to redpill his race with empirical evidence and it has made little difference in the state of present race relations today.

She chimped out. As usual.

Pastor looked good, calm and collected although, frustrated.

>black people believe satire
Based pastor

I agree Trump can't turn things around within a few months, But if people like Sheriff Clarke and Darrell Scott continue to change minds even on a small scale, could opening just a small portion the black community up to a guy like Trump be a catalyst for a real shift in the way the black community approaches politics?

Like if Trump gets elected and things start to gradually improve in the black population, red-pilled blacks like the guy in the video can say "See? I told you", And it will be hard for them to deny it because they'll actually be experiencing the positive results, (as opposed to having to use their "brains" to think critically about historical stats and empirical evidence that may not be easy to grasp or visible like Sowell presents).

fuck the black vote, it is almost inconsequential

if they can't see their way off the dem plantation, fuck em

The pastor is a real, strong black man. The others are just two dumb liberal broads.

If Trump gets just 25% of the Black vote, this election is over. Just give him the nomination now.

Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

And the latest polls have him at 15% of the Black vote nationwide.

the whole dialogue reminded me of this video


Honestly fuck all these black people. Getting real tired of their whining and shit.

Two generations of Asians living in America and working hard and the current generation is well off enough to dominate engineering and medical fields.

I bet in reality it's closer to 18-19 % due to most black trump supporters having to be closeted in expressing their views. Even if they get a phone call asking who they're voting for, if there's a black person in the room with them they won't admit it for fear of being ostracized.

It's the same reason I'm not nervous about Hillary being 9 points ahead in the polls. Most democrats are loud and proud but the conservatives and the democrats who are switching sides this election are mostly silent when it comes to their views.

Blacks have been voting democrat for 75+ years and look where it got them.
Why do they keep voting democrat if it keeps them in poverty?

>Actually implying Pastor Uncle Tom didn't totally chimp out himself and couldn't wait his turn to talk like everybody else does

Who they're voting for or have voted for in the past is irrelevant. Blacks are poor because of poor personal financial decisions and lack of ability to plan for the future.

>youtube comments getting deleted

Purge that comments section

Because when you're raised and conditioned from an early age to be "pro gibs", critical thinking is never a part of the playbook.

If you tell a bunch of black people there's a treasure trove of gibs hiding inside a volcano, they'll sprint into the lava head over heels.

Basically, thinking about long-term outcomes is not a part of the black mindset. Blacks are raised and conditioned to only worry about the past and the present, never the future.

>that forced fake as fuck condescending smile at the end

What a disgusting pig.

>Thinking niggers will vote

>Does Sup Forums think Trump can increase his number of black voters if more and more red-pilled black people like Sheriff Clarke and Darrell Scott speak out more and more to the black community?
No. They will be immediately discredited by ad hominem attacks and labels of Uncle Tom. The Democratic party has turned black people into cattle.

retards like that stupid bitch shouldnt even get to be on tv

Liberals btfo, Boss Pasters in town

Blacks don't vote unless the candidate is black or they're promised free shit.

He's already been called a "house negro" and "coon" in the comments

You mean he stood up and didn't let the jewish media shut him up from telling the truth to niggers? Fuck outta here, CTR.

We don't need to convince anyone to vote for Trump, we need to convince Hillary supporters to stay away from the polls on Nov 8th. I didn't go vote in 2012 because the black panthers were at my voting place.

Give me a timecode you fuck

holy shit this is hilarious

I hope Hillary ends up debating like this

this is why we need to burn the whole corrupt tower to the ground, with them inside.

"Uh Uh Nigguh Uh Uh Uh Nigguh!"... Jesus what the fuck, they don't even pause in between words. It's a debate not a def poetry jam you fucking nogs.

Oh my god, one of them actually starts rapping with a beat... Is this what black people actually think "debate" is?

"Eternity Eternity Nigguh CLANK CLANK!"

Fucking christ, College is joke now.

If Trump wins they will probably experience negative results due to (((unknown influences))).



>dat filename


His speech was pretty amazing, but of course the media will only nitpick something they think they can stir up outrage with.

you can read the Milwaukee speech here


Being a red-pilled black person must be the loneliest, most depressing, frustrating existence known to man.

No. They don't have the required IQ points. I really wish they would turn around and start doing well, but it's just not on the cards

>Thomas Sowell has spent his life tying to redpill his race with empirical evidence and it has made little difference
>with empirical evidence and it has made little difference
>empirical evidence

There's your problem. Trump talks at 4th grade level and jumps around the stage like a monkey, it's nigger krytonite. He will persuade them, and we need blacks praising his debate performances so more of them vote.

Now is the time and Trump is the right guy. Black people know Obama hasn't done anything for them. If Trump brings up media-Democrat conspiracies and makes the argument that with 90%+ voting Democrat is exactly where Democrats want them he would do a lot better than normal Republicans.

We should do direct shilling on black websites.

>black people believe satire
kek, but that's true of normans in general.

it's not at all surprising that he barely got to speak and they left it on a note that makes Hillary sound like she knows what she's doing.

It would really be nice for america if all these racist blacks that insist on making things a black and white issue, and turn everything into accusations about racism.. Just took their ass to africa and never came back.. Probably could get the rest of the americans to pay a 1 time fee of say 20k per person and signing a contract to never migrate to any european nation or to america or to canada ever again.

Then the african americans that are able to see past race and understands that america is a historical majority white nation that they're living in, that it has been so throughout its entire history, and that it's supposed to be that way. They can get along with whites latinos asians whatever much better.

Also the funny bit is, trump is not even the least bit racist, but these assholes still try to claim he's hitler or something simply because he's white and cares about the US (nationalistic).. They've almost convinced the white americans that any notion of them not giving their country away to other ethnicities is somehow bad..

These fucking idiots who do they think built the US, some slackjawed faggot liberal, with these clowns in charge the US would've never gotten off the ground.. Can you imagine these types of people building anything from the ground up from literally nothing?

This is also the whole point of why homogenity produces the best result, who the fuck wants to spend their time with catering to different ethnic groups that insist on voting tribally and pull in various directions that might not be beneficial to the country..

That disgusting bitch you can tell right away that she is a conniving manipulative little racist bitch that only cares about keeping the white man as a lapdog to give blacks special treatment by constant threats about labelling someone racist or whatever.

With homogenic ethnic countries it's far easier to agree and no need to pander to some specific other ethnic group.. Multiculturalism and very evenly distributed ethnic groups inside a nation such a fucking clusterfuck, because if the dominant ethnicity loses its majority the dominant culture changes completely and the nation changes to something else entirely and the whole recipy that made the nation attractive and effective in the first place risks goes down the tubes..

The black chick looks like she'd suck a really mean dick. I can't be the only one who got a bit hard.

Black slaves built the US

Holy shit that loaded question and smugness from the start.

Well, I'm a redpilled ex-muslim sandnigger.

It's lonely out there...and I feel out of place.

I would argue that the Chinese laying down all that rail line did more for America then blacks picking cotton ever did.

>black slaves built the US
Black slaves didn't build shit, the chinese minority did way more than blacks ever did if you want to get at that. they picked some cotton and helped with some other stuff that's about it.. The ones who actually built shit from the ground up was pretty much all white europeans.. US has been hovering at around 90% european ethnicities for its entire existence.. in 1950 it was 89.5% european ethnicities for example.. The contribution of other ethnicities to creation and maintenance of US has been so minor that it's barely worth mentioning, but keep pretending as if blacks shouldn'tve all been repatriated back to africa.

African americans are the most pampered africans on the entire planet but act like they are the most oppressed.. cause they tap on that white altruism constantly since they figured out that gives them free gibs and reduced requirements.

Welcome to the light, friend. The best advice I can give you is make friends with more white people.

The red-pilled people need more non-whites like you to speak out against the blue-pilled "All white people are racist" bullshit holding non-whites back from true happiness and acceptance.

Just understanding the facts of the socalled black oppression in the US is a fucking joke.. 1.6% of americans even owned slaves at the PEAK of slavery in the US before it was abolished.. many of those were wealthy jews btw. And freed blacks also took black slaves..

The KKK the massmurderers that are always brought up by blacks.. 3600 kills in 86 years.. Woah.. it's fucking nothing considering the size of the US population..

The main oppression of blacks outside of slavery (white slaves aswell like the irish slaves) is more fabricated by hollywood than recorded by history books.

>unfounded attacks by the republicans
The nerve on this chimp. Also it's both hilarious and disgusting how obvious CNN is in their bias and support of Hillary.

>The KKK the massmurderers that are always brought up by blacks.. 3600 kills in 86 years.. Woah.. it's fucking nothing considering the size of the US population..

Not to forget that the KKK was not aimed at blacks but Republicans who allowed blacks into their party.
Out of 4800 people that were lynched 3500 were black and 1300 were white.

Democrat debate strategy: deny deny deny.

Either that or she actually has no clue that Hillary has been friends with and endorsed by white supremicists in the past.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Classic libtard.

He's totally right robert e byrd is a former KKK member and he endorsed hillary and she even said that she considered him a mentor.. and a friend


He's also right about black people believing in satire (the we wuz stuff) because many unfortunately don't research it but just take it at face value, they also believe in hollywood depictions more than history books and so the dems rile them up to believe whites mean to genocide them..

Oh sweethearts hahaha.. if white americans wanted to genocide you it would've happened long ago, they got so mushy about using you as slaves (which very few even did) that they didn't even repatriate you back to africa but released you and tried to make you part of the fabric of the US.

If the KKK can't even bring themselves to kill more than 3600 blacks over a period of 86 years i don't think it's exactly genocide you should be fucking worried about.. Blacks kill more blacks than that in a few months. You should be terrifed of a black gangbanger.

The majority of blacks will never vote for ANY Republican EVER. The Dems own their hearts and minds and that will not change any time soon.
Trump is wasting his breath when he tries pandering to blacks and LGBTQXYZ, it only weakens his grip on the people who will vote for him.

What are black websites? I know worldstar, are there any other big ones?

The hatred of Hillary is so strong his base is solid. He needs to expand, or convince blacks to be lazy, and not vote.

"Wait wait who in the KKK endorsed Hillary Clintoin??"

"Senator Robert Byrd"








>that shit eating baboon grin
Holy fuck that was painfull to watch

Fucking Pussyfaggot

Brooke Baldwin is such a useless liberal cunt