Christcucks BTFO
Christcucks BTFO
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What? The difference is everyone is against rape.
>Irish cancer..
tfw islam allows rape and atheists who believe in subjective morality have absolutely no reason to be against rape -- and this 14 year old potato nigger actually thinks this shit is edgy..
You dumb americuck. Saudia Arabia and Iran still have the death penalty for rape. Meanwhile in Amerikkka, rapists are given a slap on the wrist.
Fun fact:
Every time I see an edgy atheist thread, satire or otherwise, I make the pic related thread.
You're welcome op
wtf I hate god now
>new commandment - thou SHALT steal
That's okay, every time I see someone roleplaying a Christian on Sup Forums I post this
(But seriously though you can drop the act)
The the whole world did it, people would just come up with the next next level of education and eventually you would not be able to get a job without having a degree of that level.
but man on tv says crusading is bad and we should be more tolerant
>Tax churches
Most churches are barely able to pay their bills and offer charitable aid. Taxing churches would bankrupt most of them. What's with the delusion amongst atheists that all churches are filled to the max and make millions of dollars? Personally, I wish that were the case, we'd see a lot more people being observant of their faith and countries being more conservative in their practices.
I have seen Jurassic Park as a kid, and I'm too against dinosaurs.
But what if she doesn't want a bigger bear? What if she is content with the small bear?
because in USA everything is rape. Its the same(not literally the same) kind of difference that spikes Sweden's rape statistics
>implying my local vicar doesn't drive a Bently and have a Scrooge McDuck pool in his back garden
>god is a cis-white male
This is probably the only board that claims to be anti-degeneracy yet proceeds to worship a dead kike on a stick.
That account has got to be the worst thing on twitter. So obnoxious...
There is no delusion.its not about the money, its about the principle of it. Tax property and let the free market decide how interested people are in god.
i bet you think Sup Forums is satire as well, don't you?
Are Muhammad parody accounts allowed?
Come to think of it, I don't see a "black people against rape" "black people against murder" "jews against usury" "muslims against rape" "muslims against murder"
When are these people going to be against those awful things? Really induces a state of contemplation
Shut up and give me your small bear that you love and cherish and have memories with so I can give you this big bear that means nothing to you.
I'm an atheist and that really rustled my jimmies. Why the fuck should churches pay for your college debt? Like, what's even the linkage between the two besides "you have money and I want money"?
liberal rhetoric is just so fucking shit-tier, like there's no logic or facts, it's just twisted gotchas.
it's no wonder they're on the way out.
He can be whatever he wants
Really shows how Christianity is built on greed. People only subscribe to the faith because of the promise of a "heaven".
Then leave Jesus alone, Christ.
He's a busy guy. Billions of people out there want a bigger Teddy bear.
yep, they should take notes from humanism and add branches for blacks,gays and feminism
Is the Book of Job the most obvious case of "yep I killed your family for the lolz but here is a new wife and kids. they are interchangeable , right?we cool"?
bernfags detected.
wtf i hate rape now
this account is such fucking cancer.
>goes into synagogue
>throws all the shekels on the floor
He was mad that he wasn't getting any.
There are literally millions of Christian organizations that provide assistance for women who are victims of rape and spousal abuse.
it's a meme page, what do you expect?
>durr teach people not to rape!
teach nignogs not to murder and we'll get somewhere
...but rape is already illegal?
what the fuck is the point of this?
literally unconstitutional
>next day all money is made digital
*tibbs bedora xDDDd*
God is the poor man's Bill Maher.
hush, next you will say they feed the poor and give free physiological care
he's not dead and he's not on a stick
>taxing the old religion to pay for the new
So you're worshiping a living kike? That's even worse.
the jews literally tried to kill him
don't be retarded
People kill each other. Your point?
It's like Islam has completely escaped these people's vocabulary.
No mention of it. Ever.
I can kind of see where they think this is not a horrible idea.
"Go, take everything you have, sell it, and give the money to the poor."
Who's the poorest person in the US?
Not who has the least.
But who owes the most.
Ancient Israelites weren't modern Khazar Talmudic kikes. Open a fucking history book.
A kike's a kike.
if we do that then you will call us islamophobe
Religious institutions should have to at least pay property taxes like everyone else.
It's not like they really do anything, they are just a club.
>believing this nonsense
Isn't it time to be informed user?
the point of charity isn't giving the money to others, it's about self sacrifice
you do it out of virtue, not because the government tells you to
Notice how none of those quotes deny that Jesus is a kike.
Luke 12:13-14
“Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”
>Lets kill someone that someone else accused them of!
And you're an idiot for bringing up a muslim country since they usually stone the victim.
I pray for you user
Christianity is literally jewish fanfiction. Without Judaism you wouldn't have had christianity.
As well as a non-kike is a non-kike
>But who owes the most.
muh student loans. If you can't afford it then just learn a trade, maybe it will bring back the value of a degree.hell take a break for university, earn money for it and get reinstated, I took a 4 year break and now I have a degree with no debts
Right. I'm not a kike, while Jesus is a kike.
I think everyone who isn't a nut is implicitly against rape all the time
Now someone make a parody Muhammad account and see how quickly it gets banned
being antirape is islamaphbobic
feminists BTFO
>peddles the story that Judaism is the same thing since 2000 years ago and that jews haven't always tried to destroy/subvert Christianity.
>not a kike
Nice try, JIDF.
>literally the next ultimate rule after "You shall not kill"
damn, fedoras are getting desperate
Interesting. Now, which denomination of Christianity do you think is most accurate to what Jesus actually taught?
>red herring
Stop defending the Synagogue of Satan and repent.
When are muslims going to be against rape and beheading and suicide bombing and terrorism and child marriage and
Typical kike argument; absolutely no substance.
Your refusal to answer my question is not an argument.
It was a loaded question which was obviously meant as a distraction from you getting BTFO, so I don't have the obligation to answer anything. Why don't you actually cite historical evidence for your claims jews are exactly the same race and religious code of the ancient Israelites. Distract, distract, distract, Mr. Goldsteinberg.
You just know you made a flawed argument and don't want to take it.
That image is funny because hitler adored muslims
You were the one making the argument against Christianity and I laughed in your face because made up total bullshit without evidence. I have no burden of argument against your baseless assertions. Now, you need to go back.
I thought anti-rape is islamphobic, check your priviledge
>not mentioning Muslims
Yeah, okay
>actually believes there aren't really Christians in the world
>rapists in America get a slap on the wrist