How redpilled are you guys?
Do you try and redpill others?
How redpilled are you guys?
>How redpilled are you guys?
Pretty bad but feels so good.
>Do you try and redpill others?
My sisters. It worked
>How redpilled are you guys?
Women will kill their own children for a better lay. The ancient Greeks knew this.
>Do you try and redpill others?
Upon eye contact with me, the process within them begins.
Don't know but PEWDIPOO is not redpilled, dont even try to think that
incest is the real redpill
Pewdiepie has to be a bit redpilled.
@ 1:44
I don't think so F-A-M
You're eyes have the truth in them
He doesn't have to like trump to be redpilled. His drama alert parody there is a frame that says JEWS MUST DIE for a second
Sometimes I lay in bed at night and tell my wife about how it would be physically impossible to achieve the supposed death toll at Sobibor and Treblinka.
Red pilling my best friend currently. He knows shit about global politics so it's easier considering I'm helping him form opinions rather than reverse them. Redpilled him on race and women, working on refugees/EU currently. Started broaching WW2 but will probably save that full conversation for a while.
I am pilled
stalinism the video
none of you are Red pilled you are just dumb as shit
being racist and hating others is redpilled for whites.
>t. Ahmed
The ultimate red pill is realizing there is no red pill.
kek will show that I'm right.
Please Ahmed
So close